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"So, Lisafer. Care to explain where you brought me?"

Jennie chuckling on me.

Lisafer and Princess Jennie Ruby Jane on a date. It's like a weird collaboration between DC Comics and Disney.

I mean, on a role-playing date.

"Well, I kind of left my pot of gold in hell to bring you in a elegant restaurant and my right-hand Wendy, is busy snogging faces but this will do," We stroll on the street and found a Ca Vien Bo Vien carts.

"You're from hell? Didn't shock me at all." Jennie crossing her arms smiling while I look for a spot we can sit on the sidewalk.

"Can Princess Jennie Ruby Jane eat deep fried fish balls, beef balls, breaded quail eggs, or sliced up hot dogs and okras?"

I asked and guide her in our seat with the locals enjoying eating street foods.

"That's a lot of balls. And hotdogs. And slimy okra. Well yeah, I guess I can. For now. I prefer peanuts though."

And she goddammit winked again.


I cleared my throat and stood up. Is she like this with her dates? I'm seeing Chaeng in her. "I'll get our food."

Minutes later, I returned with all kinds of balls.


Jennie POV

I closed my eyes when Lisa left and try to absorb and analyze what's happening.

I know that this is not a real date but why she would do this? I mean, she can just ditch Wendy and go home.

But hell, this is so cute.

And I'm also trying to understand why I just said I can eat balls and hotdogs. And slimy okra. But prefer a peanut? I am so flirting with her and!

God. I sound like Chaeng!

Does Lisa...


"Hello again, Princess," Lisa put the food on the table and sat next to me. We're facing the lively night street.

"Hi again."

I remember how we launch into our own confident flirtatious dialogue earlier.

"Jennie is my Mom's second name. My dad calls her that sometimes." Lisa smiling popping deep fried balls on her mouth.

"Is that bad?"

"What do you mean?" Lisa furrowing her brows at me.

"Well, I don't know, but I would've thought that was quite bad - because no-one wants to sleep, I mean! DATE with their mother - so if someone's got your mother's name, that's got to be an initial turn off, initially." Gosh!

Lisa laughed out loud that makes everyone looked in our direction.

"Tôi xin lỗi." Lisa bowing her head to everyone apologizing.

"That's funny and never occurred to me." Turned to me all red laughing.

"No. Well, good. It'd be worse if I looked like your mother. Unless your mother's very beautiful." I shrugged smirking.

"She got a machine gun mouth."

Now my turn to laugh loud. We are gonna be mob by locals if we don't stop.

"How do you think the conversation is going?" Lisa apologizing to people again on my behalf.

"Really badly. Can we start again?" I lean on her arms.

What/Ever AfterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ