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Jennie POV

"Chaeng, am I doing this right?"

I am not in any way a spontaneous person. This, me, agreeing with Chaeng to book a flight and join Lisa is all just a spur of moment.

"Yes. Are you worried because you'll be with Lisa or because you've never done backpacking or coz she's dating internationally?"

"Just the first two." I answered under my breath as I stuff my things in my luggage. Surely, I can survive backpacking, hopefully, but I don't know how I will move around Lisa. I feel so nervous around her and she seems so distant. Just like the old days.

And hell, she's fed up with Korean girls? Wow, just wow.

"Jen, just don't be a brat, they might toss you somewhere remote and never to be found again. Traveling is a way to get to know someone better." Chaeng picking my clothes and stuffing it in my bag.

"I'll try not to, but I can't promise."

She's giggling after she zips my bag. Like she did something naughty.

"Promise me two things, Jen." Chaeng hold my hand, "One. Please come back with confirmed feelings towards Lisa."

I sighed. Maybe that's why I agreed to this in the first place. I really need to confirm with myself what's all of this and how far it will go.

I nod.

"And..." Chaeng smiling naughty at me.

"Come back devirginized."

I choked on my life.


I'm stunned and took couple of seconds for me to shout her name.

"And oh, by Lisa not Wendy!"


I can't believe I'm hearing this from her!

"Jennie, she looks extra hot on her new look. Don't just stare at her. Try tasting her." Chaeng sounds dreamy.

I know, her new shoulder length hair makes her hotter. I tried making myself not to be obvious ogling on her earlier in her house. Speaking of Lisa's house, Dad even refuse to disclose where she lives, and I just snitch her address in his office.

"You are crazy!"

"Don't worry, even if I'm not there to coach you... I got you covered."

I'm not sure what Chaeng's saying now, all I know is I recommended some erotic movie to her, but I didn't expect this is how she will turn out to be.

Chu must be enjoying.


"Why did you bring your whole house!"

Wendy shouting at me.

"What? It's just a luggage and a bag... and a bag." I shrugged at her. Lisa looking at my things and shaking her head.

"You got three bags, right here! Three! Jennie, we are not going to a fashion show nor staying there for good!" Wendy still shouting at me.

They got one big bag pack each and a bag for cameras. I wonder how they fit their things inside.

"What? Wendy that's it. All good for two weeks! I even left some of my clothes." I explained.

"You even left... Some... Jesus Christ... Wow." Wendy grab one of my bags and weigh it in her hand. Lisa sat down and put her hand under her chin lazily watching us.

"Jennie, we still have two hours. Can you please, please! Get rid of at least one bag???" Wendy looking frustrated at me.

"I told you I even left some of my clothes! All I need is in there, Wendy!" I glared at her.

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