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Wendy asked me after she give up on waking up Lisa the nth time. We woke up past 10 in the morning tired since we have to dragged Lisa back up here last night. She so wasted.

Lisa passed out inches before we kissed.

It's so frustrating.

Maybe she is really not into me. She even chose to drink like a fish instead of kissing me. Am I that not attractive to her? I swallowed my pride and went sexy last night just in my underwear.

I should tell Chaeng that seductive is not my adjective.

"C'mon, she won't be up until later."


"It's weird, seeing a silent Jennie Kim. Gives me chills. I always see you in our Uni before shouting, frightening and scaring people with your machine gun mouth."

I rolled my eyes on her, "I realized how brat I am. Thanks to your friend."

"Ow yeah, the lessons." Wendy smirked.

We walked in silence, until I asked her what's bugging me.

"Wendy, do you know why Lisa's belief in love and marriage are so grim?"

"Grim? Nice choice of word. Straight from fairytale." Wendy chuckling, "Inborn?"

"Wendy, I'm serious."

"Alright, Miss Grumpy Pants. Now I wonder what happen to both of you last night. Anyway, well, nothing in particular. Honestly, I really can't think of any. Since were kids she hates the thought of it and I didn't notice someone actually influenced her with that. Hmmm see, I'm wondering, too. You know Lisa's dad, right?"

I nod. Dad's tall funny, good-looking and always smiling best friend.

"They are total opposite. That guy is a love avid and all down to Lisa's mom. Her mom is well, I can't remember coz she left first. Their daughter? Sucks at it. Big time. Makes her the rotten love fruit."

Wendy paused.

"You should go ask Lisa what hopeless romantic means to her. You'll have fun hearing them."

I smirked, I remember our debate.

"Or! Maybe it's like yours in your family, a curse? Coz Seulgi and Bam have the same insights as Lisa except for that those two are like walking studs." Wendy laughing loud.

"So, she never had a relationship?" I curiously asked.

"Lisa? C'mon. Not a relationship, per se. More like but you know that's... I wouldn't say impossible nowadays. But yeah she haven't. She dates, that's it. Once the girl says the L word, Lisa would flip."

Impossible. I took a deep breath and eat in silence.

"Why are you asking?" A playful smile on her lips.


"I remember she told me. Hopeless romantic is person is in love with love. They believe in fairy tales. They are idealists, the sentimental dreamers, the imaginative and the fanciful when you get to know them. They often live with rose colored glasses on. You forgo logic for romance in the hope of the pay off being huge."

Wendy continues,

"It's really not that grim, Jennie. Makes me realise that she is not a helpless case coz I think that depends how you interpret her. Maybe she just doesn't want love to be like a fairy tale, and be magical and fluffy and unrealistic forever and ever."

Wendy noticed my uneasiness.

"Jennie, Lisa may have the unhealthiest, warped, abnormal, twisted and corrupt definition of love and marriage in your point of view but still she can never stop herself from falling for someone. So, it's still possible. If... And only if... That someone would try harder."

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