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Lisa POV

"Lisa, I'm so sleepy."

It's past 4 in the morning. We're waiting for the tickets to go on sale. We've gone early to see the sunrise in one of the temples.

Jennie sleepily rubbing her eyes leaning on me as we queue.

"Duh, I told you to sleep early. What did you do? You two are about to ki---" I smacked Wendy to stop from talking.

And for ruining the last night's moment.

"It'll be quick. You'll get your morning exercise later." Wendy and I chuckled.

"Exercise? I thought we're just watching sunrise?"

"For you to see that, you need to climb a temple." Wendy added.

"This early???"

We both nod grinning.


I loath crowds, I asked our driver to take us to the less busy temple in the morning. Angkor Wat complex has hundreds of them.

"Lisa that is so steep!!!!" Jennie turning white as sheet as she stares at what will come to her.

Wendy is already on top and I'm waiting for Jennie to climbed. The stairs are just made out of wood and scaffoldings makes it look dangerous to step on. But that's the fun of it.

"I'll be behind you. Alright? Go on, we're here for sunrise not sunset. Move your ass, Jennie Kim!" I told her and Wendy pointing at her laughing loud.

"No butt touching, Manoban!" Wendy shouted from the top.

Jennie faced me and I raised my both hand gesturing squeezing.

"Pervert!" She smacked me.

She scaredy started to ascend.

Jennie shouted my name every step she take and I'm going deaf before we reach the top.

"Stop screaming! If you fall, I will definitely be the first one who will lands down there, okay?"

Finally, after gazillion seconds Jennie reached the top.

"I did it!"

Goodluck going down.

She's like a kid looking around and her face is full of awe.


Angkor Wat is one of the what little me always dreamed of to be in aside from Bagan Temple, Pyramids of Egypt and Machu Pichu.

If Jennie is fond of fairytale castles, I'm into long lost kingdom civilization of the world.


"Manoban! Come over here!"

Wendy called me from the other side of the temple. I curiously walked over to her even though I know it would be a trap. Jennie followed me.

"Look dude, your long lost family! Reunion!"

I knew it.

Wendy pointing at bunch of macaques hanging out at the rubble of the temple. Jennie laughed out loud in my face.

"They're so cute, they look like you." Jennie riding Wendy's bandwagon of monkey jokes.

You're lucky, you're pretty.

"Just because they're cute, doesn't mean they're nice. Keep your distance from them, rice cooker." I scrunched my face at her.

Wendy's making fun of them when one medium sized macaque got curious at Jennie and the monkey get in close to her.

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