Chapter 1

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It wasn't your typical day in Adventure Bay, as Chase did his patrol he noticed something off about the citizens. "Is it just me or does everyone seem angrier today" Chase thought as he drove past city hall he thought he heard Mayor Goodway say "This town is so hard to handle, I hate it here." Chase shook it off because he wasn't sure if she actually said it as he headed back to the lookout to report to Ryder. Chase parked his truck and was greeted by Skye, "Hi Chase, how was patrol?" she asked him, "weird, something is off with the town" Chase said, "oh what do you mean?" Skye asked, "come with me I have to tell Ryder anyways" Chase said as Skye followed him. "Hi Chase everything okay with your patrol?" Ryder asked, "No Ryder sir, there is something wrong with the town. Everyone was so angry today like the happiness has been sucked out of everyone. I can't explain it but it felt weird, and I am not sure but I thought I heard Mayor Goodway complaining about being mayor and hating our town" Chase said. "Hmm that does seem weird, I will call Katie and see what is going on" Ryder said as he excused himself to call his girlfriend.

"What?" Katie answered a little rudely, "woah sorry, I was just calling to see how you were" Ryder said confused. "I am fine just busy, did you need something?" Katie asked sounding a bit grumpy. "No its fine we can talk later" Ryder said as Katie hung up at this point he knew Chase was right as Katie never spoke to him like that. Ryder wasn't sure if he wanted to call someone else or just let it be as it was almost time for dinner anyways. He decided to just let it go for now as he prepared dinner for himself and his pups. Meanwhile an evil spirit invisible to the naked eye in his spirit form flew across adventure Bay affecting the citizens everywhere trying to find a human to control. He felt that everyone in Adventure Bay was to happy and he needed someone easily manipulative and he came across Mayor Humdinger who was coming to get food for his kitties. The spirit flew towards Mayor Humdinger and entered his body causing him to drive his kitty carrier off the road slightly. "What was that?" he wondered as he continued driving towards Mr. Porters. "I need tuna for my kitties" Mayor Humdinger said to Mr. Porter, "here you go Mayor Humdinger" Mr. Porter said handing him a few cans of tuna. Mayor Humdinger drove back to Foggy Bottom as the evil spirit infiltrated his mind filling it with what he needed to do. The spirit wanted his own body as he was tired of sharing with others, he needed the energy of 7 specific heroes and he knew Mayor Humdinger was the right one to do the job. He sensed the Mayor already had a dislike for these specific heroes so he knew he would follow through with his plan perfectly.

"Ryder sir did Katie say why everyone was angry?" Chase asked, "No I never had a chance to ask her, she was busy" Ryder said leaving out the part of her also being angry. "Why is everyone angry?" Rubble asked, "I don't know it might just be a coincidence but it is not something we need to worry about just yet" Ryder said as he really didn't know what to do. The pups all decided to play pup pup boogie as Ryder cleaned up. His pup pad rang and Ryder answered, "Ryder here" "Ryder there is something very strange going on with my cousin, he is angry and he drove his boat out in the storm I am very worried he might get hurt" Francois said. "Don't worry Francois we will help him, no storm is to angry no pup is to small, Paw patrol to the lookout!" Ryder said. "Ryder needs us" the pups said as Marshall was in the middle of a tailspin and he spun right into the elevator knocking everyone down. "I guess I spun out of control" Marshall said as they all rose to the top, "Paw patrol ready for action Ryder sir" Chase said. "Thanks for coming pups, Francois just told me that Captain Turbot drove off angerly into the storm, he is worried he might get hurt. So for this mission I need Skye, I need you to search from above to find him" Ryder said, "Let's take to the sky" Skye said, "I also need Zuma to help me search the ocean" Ryder said, "Ready set get wet" Zuma said, "Paw patrol is on a roll" Ryder said as the 3 of them took off to find Captain Turbot. 

"I see him just up ahead Ryder he appears to be stuck between some rocks" Skye said, "great job Skye" Ryder said as he and Zuma drove to her location. "Captain Turbot are you alright?" Ryder asked, "I am not sure I don't even know why I left in this storm, now my boat is stuck and the rain looks like its coming" Captain Turbot said. "We will get you to safety, Skye lift Captain Turbot and take him back to seal island, Zuma and I will get his boat back" Ryder said, "Roger that Ryder, you ready Captain?" Skye asked, "Take me away Skye" Captain Turbot said as he harnessed himself up and Skye flew him home, Ryder attached Zuma's buoy to the ship and they both pulled together. "It is really stuck Ryder" Zuma said, "we just need a little more pull, Rocky I need you and your tug boat" Ryder said, "Green means go" Rocky said as he arrived shortly after and helped pull. The 3 of them were able to get the boat away from the rocks and Rocky was able to repair the small hole as Zuma towed it back to seal island, "Thank you paw patrol for saving my cousin" Francois said, "No problem Francois whenever someone leaves in anger just yelp for help" Ryder said as they drove back to the lookout just as the rain started.

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