Chapter 8

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Ryder felt his spirit leave his body and watched it fade, "wait what does this mean?" he asked confused. "It means you are now a spirit Ryder, you will have 3 days to figure out how to get back to the real world. If not then you will remain here" Korra said, "you didn't tell me this would happen! I don't want to die! If I had known all this I never would have agreed to all this shit!" Ryder said. "It was part of your destiny Ryder it would have happened whether you wanted it to or not. I am sorry but you are not yet dead, you have 3 days before you die completely and still have a chance to leave the spirit world" Korra said, "how? please tell me how?" Ryder begged, "I don't know, I am sorry" Korra said as she left him. 

Ryder cried he didn't want this and he felt betrayed like he was set up for failure, "I won't die here! I can't" Ryder said as he moved around the spirit world he was determined to figure it out he needed to.

The pups all searched for Ryder they didn't want to believe he was gone, then Marshall gasped as Ryder's body appeared in front of him, "Ryder!" he said getting the attention of all the pups. "MARSHALL he is not breathing!" Chase said in a panic. Marshall did what he could and had Ryder in the medical room with Katie's help he was able to get him breathing again. "He is alive for now but its not good, I don't think he is actually there" Marshall said, "what the hell does that mean?" Rubble said. "It means he has no brain activity pups, so our Ryder as of right now is gone" Katie said as she cried and ran into their room. "No this is bull shit! he is not dead" Chase said, "he is brain dead? like what how?" Zuma said, the pups all lay there looking at their owner. None of them could process this information.

Meanwhile Ryder figured out a way to visit the real world, even though he couldn't be heard or seen. He hated seeing his family so broken and he needed to try and figure out how to get back. He examined his body and tried to get back in but nothing he seemed to do would work, then he heard a voice. "That ain't the way to do it boy" a man said, Ryder looked around and saw an old man beside him he was back in the spirit world. "Who are you? How do I do it?" Ryder asked him desperate for some answers. "I am the spirit they call Old Trusty and it ain't you who needs to do it" Old Trusty said. "What?" Ryder said looking at him confused, "your life is linked to someone on the other side. In order for you to come back your life link needs to bring you back, only he or she will be able to do it" Old Trusty said. "Who is my life link?" Ryder said, "I am sure it is someone in your life, I can't tell you more than that laddie, but if this person cares enough for you then you will live" Old Trusty said fading away. 

Ryder was frustrated the people in this place never really ever gave a straight answer, he sat down and tried to figure it out. "If all these spirits are still here then did they not find their life link? What is this place even? How do I figure this out!" Ryder said throwing a rock, as he felt someone sit beside him. "Ryder you are thinking to much about the what rather then the who. Everyone here other than you is dead, we all died and live here in the spirit world to guide others. Ryder you are not dead as of yet but it is essential for you to find your life link and get them to help you" Korra said. "How do I  do that they can't hear me or see me!" Ryder said, "I know but they can feel you, I know you can figure this out it is not in the cards for you to join us yet Ryder" Korra said as she faded away again. 

Katie came out of the room, "pups we can't just sit here and watch him. We need to figure out whether we are going to let everyone know so they can say goodbye" Katie said wiping more tears. "What do you mean goodbye? I am not saying goodbye to him he is not dying!" Chase said, "We might have to Chase, his body is dying and he won't be able to live on a ventilator forever" Marshall said. "No we are not giving up not ever!" Chase said as he closed himself off into his pup house. "I feel the same way I can't say goodbye either" Skye said running off as well, Ryder was watching his family fall apart. 

"Think Ryder who is your life link, which one of them is it!" he said to himself as he continued watching his family. Meanwhile Ryder's pup pad went off and Katie answered it, "hello Paw patrol" she said, "Oh Katie, I need the paw patrol's help, I managed to lock myself in town hall. I was hiding from this evil thing and now I am stuck" Mayor Goodway said. "Okay Mayor we will be there and just so you know the evil thing is gone" Katie said. She sighed she didn't know if the pups would want to help but she wasn't going to let everything Ryder built die because he wasn't there. "PAW patrol to the lookout" Katie said hoping they would come, the pups all lined up but Chase just lay there he didn't even say his line. "Paw patrol ready for action Katie!" Skye said for him, "thanks Skye we are still the paw patrol and Ryder wouldn't want us to give up! Mayor Goodway is stuck in town hall so I need Rubble to move anything heavy blocking the door" Katie said, "Rubble on the double" Rubble said super sad he would help but he didn't feel like he should. "I will also need Rocky just in case the door is locked" Katie said, "green means go" Rocky said just as sad as Rubble. "I know this sucks without him pups but lets not let his dreams die maybe we can bring him back" Katie said. "Lets just get this rescue over with" Rubble said as they all went to help Mayor Goodway.

They were able to get her out, "Katie why are you all so sad?" Mayor Goodway asked, "Ryder is dying Mayor his body shut down after he fought the evil spirit. We don't know if he will live or not and we are all trying to figure it out" Katie said. "Oh my word, this world is not ready to lose such a precious human being" Mayor Goodway said. Katie left she needed to get through to the pups and to convince herself not to give up on Ryder's dream and to keep everything he built alive.

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