Chapter 20

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Ryder was in pain he was trying to hold back the anger trying to rip him apart, Katie noticed his distress and she needed to get to him. "Pups Go!" Katie said as they charged at Lillith and Ruby causing them to fight back. Everest froze Ruby but she was able to get free using the little magic she had. Katie ran to Ryder who was still fighting the demon inside him that was trying to escape.

"Babe look at me, you are better than this, fight it. Don't let the demon win" Katie said, "AHHH!" Ryder screamed he wanted to listen but it was getting harder. "She gave you her blood right? here drink mine, please babe I can't let her win" Katie said. Ryder looked at her as if she was crazy but she was his life link right, I mean maybe she would be the thing that brought his angelic side out. Ryder bit Katie and she was expecting it to hurt but he was gentle about it, Ryder needed to be careful she was not a demon and if he drank to much it could kill her. He stopped drinking and he felt it his entire body felt warm it was like he was on fire. Katie stepped back she didn't know if this was good or bad, Ryder started to glow, and his eyes changed from a golden color to an ice blue.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched as the glow coming from Ryder was very distracting. "Let it shine through Ryder!" Katie said using her power hoping this was his angelic side. All of a sudden Ryder was floating in the air and wings popped out of his back, they were mesmerizing to look at he had 1 black and 1 white one. They represented both of his sides, "now you need to choose my son, both sides are activated. Remember whichever side you choose will be the dominant one and you can't go back and choose the other" Michael said into his son's mind. "Ruby we need to go!" Lillith said knowing if Ryder chose his angelic side they would both be dead. "We were so close!" Ruby said as she pulled up the portal, "Get them pups!" Chase said as they ran after them Chase using his super speed. Ryder stepped in front of Chase cutting him off, standing close to the portal, Ruby pulled him back through and slammed it shut once again.

"Not Again!" Chase said, "but he has his angelic said right?" Katie said, "I am assuming so yes" Rocky said. "He grew wings! They were beautiful" Skye said, "if he chooses his angelic side what happens?" Marshall asked, "then he becomes essentially more powerful than any demon and he can smite them all killing them and destroying the underworld all together" Rocky said. "Okay and if he chooses his demon side?" Rubble asked, "well I am not exactly sure , seeing as his mom was weaker in a sense he would be powerful but in an evil way to say the least it would not be good for us" Rocky said. "Damn it him being with Ruby scares me the way he was drinking her blood, I mean if she keeps doing that will the demon side win?" Katie asked, "I don't know, I am not sure how all this works. It is up to him now I guess we just have to hope Ryder makes the right choice" Rocky said.

Ryder didn't expect to be pulled back into the underworld, he was just essentially stopping Chase from getting sucked in. He was caught off guard and Ruby was able to get him back inside her cage as the portal opened right into her bedroom. Ryder as defenseless again and he knew she wasn't going to let him out of the cage now especially since he activated his angelic side. "Lillith what do we do now?" Ruby asked. "I don't know, we convince him to let the demon side take over" Lillith said, "right cuz that would be easy, I mean did you see the glow coming off him. If we even let him out of that cage once we are screwed" Ruby said. "Will the cage even be able to stop him at this point?" Lillith asked. "Its working so far, Lillith we need to make sure he stays on our side" Ruby said as they both left the room.

Ryder was remembering everything he read about his powers, he now had both sides activated, he knew which side he wanted. "Dad help me please" Ryder said hoping his dad would help him figure out how to get out of this cage. "I can't help you son, I am not really there. You are stronger than you think my dear boy. If you concentrate hard enough on what you want it will come" Michael said. With that Ryder thought about brining forth one side, he knew if he drank more of Ruby's blood his demon side would win, and he didn't want that. Hearing Katie call to him and bring forth his angelic side, Ryder knew he wanted to be with her. In order to do that he needed to choose the angelic side, he tried to bring his wings out but the cage was to strong and it made him weak. "I need to get out of this cage, it has a lock, that means there is a key" Ryder said to himself. He knew he had the power of telekinesis but he needed to work on it a bit and hopefully summon something to him.

This cage might be strong but Ryder wanted to think he was stronger, he was going to get out he had too. All of sudden he felt a pain and his vision faded and he was unconscious, he had no idea what was going on. "Hello Ryder" Michael said, "dad? what is happening?" Ryder said, "I had Korra help me bring you here, this is technically against all the rules but I need to know what you decided" Michael said. "You are that old man that told me how to find my life link" Ryder said, "yes but I am also your father, Ryder you don't have much time. Ruby is working on a weapon to steal your grace that can't happen" Michael said. "I want to go back dad, back to earth. I choose good!" Ryder said. "Okay I will send you back with a little knowledge but Ryder you need to act quickly or you will die" Michael said and Ryder was back in the cage. He opened his eyes and he knew what he needed to do as he concentrated on Katie. She was his link to the good side, he needed her and he needed her to help him.

Ryders angelic eyes

Ryders wings (disregard the woman just the wings)

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Ryders wings (disregard the woman just the wings)

Ryders wings (disregard the woman just the wings)

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