Chapter 23

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Marshall looked up, "um that can't be good" he said, "I hope we don't get wet" Rocky said. "I am not sure this a typical storm, I think Ryder is doing it guys look" Chase said as they watched their owner change into his demonic form. Sweetie also knew this was bad and she ran out of the lair and flew back to Barkingburg. "Hurry up Harold!" Mayor Humdinger said needing to take his grace before things were to get out of hand. Ryder screamed again loudly breaking the chains this time and whipping them around trapping the Cheetah and Mayor Humdinger. "Do we intervene?" Zuma asked, "no" Chase said knowing Ryder could handle himself.

 Ryder now free of the machine and it was in pieces as Ryder smashed it with his fists, Harold ran out of the lair but Chase used his net and trapped him. "Hey let me go" Harold said, "no can do Harold I think Ryder would want a piece of you" Chase said. Ryder knelt down to Mayor Humdinger, "what is it you were trying to do?" he asked in a deep angry tone, "nothing I swear please don't hurt me" Mayor Humdinger whined, his kitties all hiding they were terrified. "I don't appreciate being kidnapped and to have things taken from me" Ryder said. "It won't happen again I swear" Mayor Humdinger said, "I am not sure if I believe you, and I am hungry" Ryder said as he bit Mayor Humdinger and drank from him, he didn't taste that good but the demon inside Ryder didn't care. "Please stop, please I am sorry" Mayor Humdinger said, Ryder stopped and looked at him, "stay the hell out of Adventure Bay next time you won't be so lucky" Ryder said as he left the lair. 

Ryder noticed Harold trapped under Chase's net, "I won't do anything I swear" Harold said as he cried. Ryder laughed and knelt down to him, "same rule applies to you stay out of Adventure Bay unless you are there to do something good" Ryder said punching him and knocking him out. "Pups lets go" Ryder said as he flew home and the pups followed in their vehicles. Rubble, Skye and Zuma were a bit afraid of this Ryder they didn't know what to think of him. Ryder tried to shift back into his normal self but the demon inside him was fighting back. Ryder screamed in frustration being in this form was not pleasant and he could feel his body fighting him. "Ryder sir are you okay?" Chase asked, Ryder didn't answer as his mind was trying to make this permanent and the demonic form was fighting his angelic side. "NO!" Ryder screamed he didn't want it to win, "Ryder how can we help?" Marshall said now growing concerned, "Katie I need Katie" Ryder said as Rocky ran to get her she was at the pet parlor.

Rocky ran inside, "Katie, Ryder needs you fast" Rocky said, "is he okay?" Katie said with concern as she followed Rocky. He didn't have time to explain as he felt like Ryder was losing himself and he just hoped Katie could help. Katie saw the pain he was in and she knelt beside him, Chase was concerned he didn't want Ryder to hurt her. "Baby I am here look at me, what do you need" Katie said forcing Ryder to look at her. "It hurts Katie" Ryder said, "I know baby, fight it your angelic side is the dominant one remember fight for me" Katie said. Ryder looked at her with the golden eyes and concentrated on her face. "Drink Ryder" Katie said offering him her blood not knowing at all if it would help him. "It will just make it stronger, its what it wants" Ryder said fighting the urge to bite her. "Trust me please just drink" Katie said using her meteor power on him and Ryder did as she told him. Ryder bit into her neck and drank while Katie rubbed his back trying to soothe him. The pups were horrified did he drink blood now, they had no idea what this meant. 

Ryder's eyes turned ice blue again and his body reacted to Katie in a good way as his angelic form came out and was now pushing the demon back. "See there you go, Ryder you are not evil. I don't know what happened but this is the real Ryder" Katie said. He smiled at her, "thank you, this is the second time you saved me from the demon inside me" Ryder said. "I will always be here to keep him away Ryder, tell me what happened?" Katie said, "Mayor Humdinger kidnapped him that's what happened" Chase said. "Really why?" Katie said, "he wanted to take my grace, so he could control me and watch me die" Ryder said. "I honestly hate him" Katie said, "its okay I think Ryder scared the living daylights out of him, I know he scared me" Rubble said. Ryder looked at Rubble then the rest of his pups, "I am sorry, I would never hurt any of you, even if the demon in me makes its way out" Ryder said, "we know its just your demon side looks strong and if he fights that hard who knows" Rocky said. "I would kill myself rather than hurt any of you" Ryder said. "That won't be necessary, Ryder your not allowed to drink anymore blood understood" Katie said. "Yes, but can I still have yours?" Ryder asked, "maybe but if you are good I need to finish work" Katie said kissing him and leaving. 

Ryder was able to shift back into human form and he was tired, and his whole body hurt, "are you a vampire?" Zuma asked. "What? no I don't think so, its part of the demon form it craves blood, its hard to explain, my fangs are tiny like a snake" Ryder said. "Cool" Marshall said, "how is that cool?" Chase asked, "I don't know sorry, I wonder what else you can do" Marshall said, "I can do a lot actually, I can show you some" Ryder said. The pups were excited as Ryder decided to show them some of his abilities. 

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