Chapter 16

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Lillith did more research into Ryder and she was beginning to get more worried for her queen. She didn't even think Ryder knew fully what he was otherwise they would both be in trouble, she knocked on Ruby's door. " What?" Ruby said, "my queen I found out more about your pet" Lillith said. Ruby let her in as they both stared at Ryder in the corner he appeared to be asleep, "make it quick Lillith I'm going to kill him soon, angels are not good company" Ruby said. "That's the thing my queen he's not just an angel, he is also part demon and human" Lillith said, " you lost me he is all three of those things?" Ruby said. Ryder was listening to their every word he wanted to know what he was too because he felt different these days. " yes he is a Nephlam and is essentially immortal. The only way to kill him is to steal his angelic essence but he can gain it back. It's all very complicated I have more info in this book if you want to read it." Lillith said.

Ruby looked at her, "so he is essentially the strongest being in the world and can literally destroy us all" Ruby said knowing a little bit about Nephlams from her father. "Technically speaking yes but he is still a teen which means he's not at full power yet and hasn't harnessed it. If we can get him to embrace his demonic side rather than his angel side we could take over the spirit world and earth if we wanted." Lillith said, "interesting don't tell him any of this until I do more research please" Ruby said. " Might be to late my queen he's staring at us" Lillith said. Ryder was in fact staring at them and now he knew what he was but he had no idea what any of it meant. " How much did you hear pet?" Ruby asked him, "all of it, but I do t understand" Ryder said. " Good let's keep it that way, Lillith get him some food" Ruby said as she went to find out more about bringing him to her side.

Ryder wanted to know more as well but of course he knew that neither Ruby or Lillith would bring him this book. Lillith came back a few minutes later with food, and Ryder took advantage, "Lillith tell me please what I am" he said. "I am not sure I can do that" Lillith said, "please its not like I can do anything in this cage" Ryder said. "You are a Nephlam which is the most powerful being in existence, essentially your parents were an angel and demon. They created you and as long as you are alive no other Nephlam can exist. There are ways to kill you but it is almost near impossible as you are a lot stronger than most demons and angels. If you choose to become more into your demon side then angels will want to kill you, but if you become more angelic in a sense than not even Ruby would survive, the underworld will seize to exist" Lillith said. "LILLITH!!!!" Ruby yelled, Lillith ran out of the room, "yes my queen" she said, "what the hell are you telling him that shit for! I don't need him to destroy our home or me for that matter" Ruby said. "Sorry he asked me a question" Lillith said, "and you should have said I can't tell you, damn it now we need him to be on our side more than ever!" Ruby said wondering how essentially to do it. "This doesn't tell me how to get his demonic side out" Ruby said, "Maybe you can convince him but seducing him" Lillith said, "If I let him out of that cage we are all screwed, I wish father were here" Ruby said as she sighed.

Meanwhile back at the lookout, Rocky was doing some research as well and he came across the same information. "Guys listen to this, I think Ryder is the most powerful being in the world, if you look up info on his mother and father" Rocky said. "What do you mean?" Marshall asked, "I mean his dad was a demon and his mom was an angel. They created him and now he is the most powerful creature to ever live. He is a demon, an angel and a human, he could technically destroy the world. If he becomes more demonic then basically hell takes over the world and we will all die, if he become more angelic then hell seizes to exist and we will all be okay I think" Rocky said. "So him being in the underworld right now is not good?" Chase said, "no its not but he might not even know he is this Nephlam" Rocky said. "If he knew would he be able to escape?" Chase asked. "I am not sure, there is a lot of info here but I want to see if we can get a message to Ryder" Rocky said. "Do you think we can send him this info it would be good if he could read it" Marshall said. "I can try it might take me sometime, but I am hoping we can get him back and on our side" Rocky said as he began gathering the info.

Katie was also super confused she never knew his parents but was he really a demon, she understood the angelic part. She just wanted her boyfriend back and away from this demon girl who could essentially make him evil. "Oh Ryder please don't let her manipulate you into the dark side, you are good human and I need you" Katie said as she cried into her pillow. She was hugging one of Ryder's jackets as it smelled like him, "I need to start getting my shit together and bring my boyfriend back! I wonder if the meteor will give me powers too" Katie thought to herself as she went to the basement to find out.

Rocky was able to gather the information Ryder would need and he created the portal and thought of Ryder. The book disappeared and he hoped it worked because they really did need him back on their side. Having him become a demon fully would not be a good thing and Rocky just prayed it reached the right hands.


this website will tell you more about what Ryder is, I know it says daugther but I made it son, it wouldn't let me copy the link but if you type into google demon and angel hybrid it will be the first link. There is a lot to write about it so if you have questions just read the info...more to come soon.

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