Chapter 11

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Ryder gasped and he coughed and he heard gasps all around him as he opened his eyes. He was in the medical room of the lookout tower with wide eyes of everyone he loved staring at him. "You are alive!" Katie squealed and hugged him, "I am? you can see me?" Ryder asked, "yes babe we can see you, we all thought you were dead. I can't believe this is real" Katie said, "Pups" Ryder said as they all jumped up and he squeezed them all super tight, "thank you for believing in me Marshall, I think your convincing is what brought me back. I also think that you babe were the deciding factor and that kiss sealed the deal" Ryder said. "What are you talking about?" Katie said, "its a long story that I would love to explain but I am starving" Ryder said, "lets eat then" Katie said as everyone left the medical room. 

Ryder looked up and said "thank you Korra, and can I tell them everything?" "yes dear boy" Korra said and Ryder smiled. He was glad to still have the connection to her he was afraid he lost it. Ryder looked down at his necklace and the jewels still glowed so he was wondering if he still had the powers of the pups. Katie made spaghetti for dinner and gave each pup a few meatballs as Ryder ate everyone was ready to hear what happened. Once dinner was finished he sat everyone down in the living room, "I still can't believe you are alive in front of me, I was ready to give up" Katie said. "I am glad you didn't, you are the reason I am still here" Ryder said, "how?" Katie said. "Well after Rocky opened the portal, I was in the spirit world and I was able to kill Viego. Then I literally felt my soul leave my body as it came back to the the real world. It was terrifying and I was told I had 72 hours to find my life link in the real world or I would die forever. I had no idea who it was or how to even go about finding the person. I watched you all and it broke my heart seeing everyone so sad. Especially you and Chase, you two seemed to take it the hardest. Then you started talking about letting me go and I knew I couldn't let it happen, Marshall was the only one who believed. So thank you Marshall, and I realized you Katie were my life link and when Marshall convinced you to believe and you kissed me I think it is what brought me back" Ryder said. "I am glad Ryder sir, I still don't really understand though" Chase said. "What part Chase?" Ryder asked, "you were dead right? I mean technically speaking so how is all this possible?" Chase said. 

"I am not really sure Chase, I guess it was a miracle and way of the world saying thank you for me killing Viego. I honestly have no idea but I am just glad I am here" Ryder said as he yawned, "and you are tired too" Katie said, "yeah being dead is hard work you know" Ryder said, everyone laughed as they all hugged him one more time still not believing he was alive. "Let's go to bed?" Katie asked, "yes please, night pups see you in the morning" Ryder said, "night Ryder, when are we going to tell the town you are alive?" Rocky said, "in the morning I guess" Ryder said as he hugged each pup and went to his room with Katie. "How am I not dreaming right now, the last 2 days have been hell and I still can't believe you are here in front of me" Katie said. "It was all you babe, I wouldn't be here without you. You Katie are my hero, I might be everyone else's but you are mine and I love you" Ryder said kissing her making Katie blush. "I love you too so much" Katie said as they cuddled to sleep. Ryder was asleep quickly and in his dreams he was in the spirit world and this made him nervous.

"Ryder I know your reunion has been good but I was just informed of another threat coming to adventure bay. This one is however not a spirit but much worse, I don't know much detail but it will take all of you to stop it" Korra said. "Its not a spirit?" Ryder said, "no I don't know what it is but it makes Viego nothing compared to its strength. I am not sure if it is at all possible to kill it but it comes from the underworld and this place is somewhere no spirit wants to end up" Korra said. "When?" Ryder said, "I don't know soon, and Ryder I will not be able to help you with this one as I don't know how to defeat it" Korra said. "Well if I can escape death I can kill a demon from the underworld. Thank you Korra and I will not fail" Ryder said. "I hope not it has been a delight seeing you back with your family. I just really hope this doesn't hurt anyone in the process, please be careful" Korra said. "I will, can Rocky create portals to anywhere or just the spirit world?" Ryder asked. "I am not sure, I am assuming his powers can create anything so it would be something to try" Korra said. "Okay" Ryder said, "get some sleep Ryder you are going to need it" Korra said as she faded away and let Ryder dream peacefully.

The next morning Ryder woke up remembering the conversation he had with Korra and he sighed, "Ryder you okay?" Katie asked, "yes babe, but I am not sure that this whole evil thing is over" Ryder said. "What do you mean?" Katie asked, "I mean we are going to be threatened but something much worse and soon. Evil is all around us and coming at us from the underworld now and even the spirits are scared" Ryder said. "You can talk to the spirits?" Katie asked, "yes and they are worried which means this threat it worse then Viego and the pups and I need to prepare" Ryder said. "No way you are not fighting this thing whatever it is. I mean the last time you almost died!" Katie said. "I have to Katie, the pups and I are the only ones with superpowers" Ryder said. "The pups don't have powers anymore" Katie said, "they will and I am sorry Katie but I will not let a threat hurt you or anyone else in Adventure Bay and it my job to stop them" Ryder said. "Okay but you literally just came back to life I am not prepared to lose you again" Katie said. "I am hoping you won't have too" Ryder said giving her a kiss and going to tell the pups about what he knew. 

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