Chapter 25

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"Princess what brings you here?" Ryder asked as the pups followed him outside, "I am not happy with you" the princess said. "No well I am not sure what I did to upset you" Ryder said, "You did something to my Sweetie she is terrified to even leave my side. She cries all the time what did you do?" the princess demanded. "I think you should ask her what it is she did first then we can talk" Ryder said a bit angry. "She told me she was here, and that you turned into something?" the princess said. "I did after she kidnapped me and tried to kill me" Ryder said, "rubbish she would never do that" the princess said. "I am not going to argue you with you about this. I can tell you will take her side over mine anyways, but what is it I can do for you?" Ryder said. "Tell me what you did?" the princess said, Ryder sighed he knew this was going to hurt him more than anyone else. He closed his eyes and shifted into his demonic for, and the princess gasped. "What are you?" the princess said frightened as well, Ryder was able to shift back and he was grateful, his demonic form was content for now. "I am a nephalem basically the son of a demon and an angel. I would not harm anyone unless they were to harm me, I am still the same person I was before I am just stronger and basically can't die" Ryder said. "So you are immortal and basically a demon?" the princess said, "Yes and no, I have an angelic form as well and it is stronger" Ryder said shifting for her. "Woah this one is nicer, but why scare my Sweetie?" the princess asked. "I was angry and they were going to kill me, I never meant to scare her but she did piss me off" Ryder said. "I see well, I think you would be good at my castle to scare away all the people I don't like" the princess said. 

"I am good princess, I am not interested as my demonic form hurts and I am not willing to fight him back" Ryder said. "I see, If you change your mind I would greatly appreciate it" the princess said as she left. She was going to be researching this nephalem thing she was curious, she secretly loved Ryder and hated Katie for taking him from her. "Your demonic form didn't fight you" Katie said, "not this time, your taste is still in my mouth and you bring the good out of me so he won't win" Ryder said kissing her. "I love that" Katie said as everyone decided to go to bed.

"Did you see my princess?" Sweetie said, "yes I did and its not so bad Sweetie he did say you tried to kill him" the princess said. "I was not told of the stupid plan, as soon as I saw what they were doing I left. I am sorry princess, do you think he will move to the castle?" Sweetie asked. "Not unless we get Katie out of the picture" the princess said. "I feel like that is a terrible idea, as that thing he turned into scares me still my princess" Sweetie said. "Me too but I want him" the princess said. "What are you going to do?" Sweetie asked, "I am going to figure out what the heck a nephalem is first and then I will see" the princess said as they took a train back to Barkingburg to come up with a plan. The princess was hoping to get Ryder to move to her castle and hopefully she could convince him to be hers.

The next morning Ryder phone Mayor Goodway he wanted the town to know what he was and that he wasn't evil. She agreed to gather everyone for a town hall meeting and to allow him to speak. Ryder felt like the princess was not going to go away and that she would always want him back at the castle. He wished he could erase her from existence and he thought about doing that but he didn't want that on his conscience. 

Ryder flew down to town hall and landed before the citizens and they all gasped, "COOL!" Alex said standing beside his grandpa. "I want to inform all of you that I am a nephalem a son of an angel and a demon. I am very powerful but I will not harm anyone and I am still just Ryder, I do not want anyone to fear me. I have 2 forms and can shapeshift into them, but my good side is the dominant one. The paw patrol will still be here for you all and you can call us anytime" Ryder said. "Your parents were an angel and a demon?" Mr. Porter said, "yes my father was Michael the angel who sent Lucifer to hell which created the underworld. I destroyed it though, the only demon I know of that I didn't kill is Lucifer himself as he is missing" Ryder said. "Missing?" Alex said, "yes he ran when he found out about me and no one has seen him since" Ryder said, "can you die?" Captain Turbot asked, "not by anything man made, but there are ways to kill me yes" Ryder said. "Well we are grateful you are choosing to protect our town Ryder, and we do hope you find Lucifer. I would hate for him to find us" Mayor Goodway said, "I would too that would be terrible" Ryder said as he said his goodbyes after talking to everyone and went back to the lookout.

"How did they take it?" Marshall asked, "better than I expected actually, I feel like it went well" Ryder said. "Good, none of them are afraid?" Skye said, "I don't think so but I need to find Lucifer, I feel like if I don't and he finds me I could possibly die" Ryder said. "You think he would kill you?" Rocky asked, "I think he wants to yes, I can feel him and in order for me to get rid of all demons he needs to die too" Ryder said. "Good luck Ryder sir" Chase said as he worried for him but he knew Ryder could handle himself. 

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