Chapter 4

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The pups noticed Ryder was in his office a lot over the next few days and he was very distant, this worried Chase the most. "What is he hiding?" Chase asked the others, "does it matter he said he would figure it out and then involve us. Why do you always over analyze things Chase" Skye asked. "I just do ok, he is not sleeping I can tell and he is very defensive which worries me" Chase said. "I say just let it be, when he is creating something or coming up with a plan he is hard to get through too" Rocky said trying to get Chase to understand. "I want to believe you all that he is okay, but something is telling me otherwise. I don't know if you all feel different after that experience but I do. I know what we experienced was nothing compared to what Ryder did, his scream still haunts me" Chase said. "It haunts me too, but we have to trust him and I do so I trust that when he figures it out he will tell us" Marshall said. "I hope you are all right about this because every part of me is scared" Chase said. "Me too we have no idea who Viego even is what if he is Ryder?" Rubble said. "Exactly my point ever since all this maybe Viego is using Ryder's body to be human and we just don't see it" Chase said. All the pups thought about this and they became very worried.

Ryder heard his pups and he needed to tell them so he came out of his office and sat down with his pups, "I am here to assure you that I am in fact your owner. I am not Viego, I need you to trust me pups, after the meteor shower I will have more answers. I wish I could tell you more but for now please trust that I am me and I am doing everything in my power to keep us all safe" Ryder said as he yawned. "I trust you Ryder sir but I know you are not sleeping" Chase said. "Chase a lot is going on please just let it go" Ryder said as he walked away knowing the meteor shower was tonight Ryder needed to prepare. Korra noticed Ryder was alone and she pulled him into the spirit realm, "Ryder the meteor shower is happening soon and Viego is getting stronger. He is drawing his power from it as well, he is planning on striking very soon. Make sure you are on the beach at 9 pm exactly" Korra said as she faded away and Ryder was back in the lookout. He had so many questions and zero answers. 

It was just after dinner and Katie came back up to the lookout, "we going to Jake's soon?" she asked. "You go, we will meet you there" Ryder said, "Okay are you sure?" Katie asked, "yes the pups and I have something to do first" Ryder said. "Okay be careful, I love you" Katie said kissing him. "Love you too" Ryder said as Katie jumped onto the ATV Ryder built her and drove up to Jake's mountain. Rubble and Rocky took the built observatory up there yesterday and it was all ready to go. The pups were getting ready to go to Jake's and Ryder pushed the call all button, "Paw patrol to the lookout" Ryder said. "Ryder needs us!" the pups said as they were excited it has been a long time since they had a call. "Paw patrol ready for action Ryder sir" Chase said, "I know you all want to go see the meteor shower but we are not going up to Jake's. We are going to the beach, and I am not sure what is going to happen but I need you all to trust me" Ryder said. "We trust you Ryder sir!" Chase said speaking for everyone as they all nodded, "okay then follow me to the beach" Ryder said as he and the pups drove there. 

They noticed the meteor shower started and all though they were hard to see from so far down they were beautiful. It was 8:55 and the town was deserted as everyone was at the observatory, Rocky looked up and he gasped. "Ryder that meteor is getting really close, if I am not mistaken it is headed right for us" Rocky said. Everyone freaked out and Ryder said, "pups its fine just trust me" Ryder said as he hugged them all tight as the meteor crashed in the sand just in front of them. "Wow that was close, did you know it was going to hit the beach Ryder?" Zuma asked, "No" Ryder said as the stared at it and it was glowing orange, then all of a sudden they were all thrown back. "What the hell was that?" Chase asked as he noticed his paws were glowing blue and he has super speed. "Woah, I am fast" Chase said excited, Skye noticed she could fly without her wings, Zuma was able to control water. Marshall was able to make heat with his paws, Rubble was strong and Rocky could build anything using energy tools. The pups were so preoccupied with their abilities that they all didn't notice Ryder was not moving.

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