Chapter 2

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The evil spirit was almost done with his machine as it would take the essence out of each pup and transfer it all into Ryder. Then the evil spirit will transfer all the pups essence and Ryder's into himself therefore giving him his human form back. Now he didn't know how this would affect Ryder or the pups but he escaped the spirit world for a reason and he was not going back. He knew he had a limited amount of time and now that everything was in order he needed to get the Marvelous Seven. The evil spirit gave Mayor Humdinger and his kitties their instructions and they were set out on their task to bring Ryder and his pups back to his lair. The evil spirit knew he would not be interrupted as he had control over all the minds of everyone in Adventure bay at least until he became human. Once he was human then all he could do was be his evil self and spread chaos and evil among the town. Everyone would go back to their normal selves as well and all he needed to do now was wait. The evil spirit would be know to the world soon and he was excited to have his human from Viego back who had the power of shapeshifting so he could become anyone he wanted. 

Ryder was falling asleep at his computer and he couldn't find anything on spirits that made sense he was getting frustrated. Ryder decided to go to bed and he closed all the lights and climbed in next to Katie and kissed her forehead. She woke up briefly and lay across his chest as Ryder hugged her and fell asleep listening to her breath. Viego had Mayor Humdinger following through with his plan and his first goal was to take the pups as he felt it would weaken Ryder and that is what he wanted. Viego as Mayor Humdinger put a sleeping drug into all the pups as he put them into a sack and carried them back to his lair. He knew in order to get Ryder he would need him to be alone as it would make it easier. Viego returned with all the pups and hooked them into their place in the machine, Chase being first as the first pup, then Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Zuma and Rubble. They were all laying on their tummy with their feet spread out and chained to a table as a device was attached to their heads. This was to extract their essence as it was all attached to two cylinders one for Ryder and one for Viego in his spirit form. Everything was working out as he kept the pups weak he didn't need them to wake up anytime soon.

The next morning Ryder woke up as he kissed Katie and went to the bathroom he decided to shower. Katie walked into the bathroom, "Ryder I am going to work, I love you" she said, "Love you too babe" Ryder said and then he realized he asked her not to go to work. He quickly climbed out of the shower and realized he was to late and he cursed himself. He called her, "Miss me already?" she asked. "No I just realized I didn't want you to go to work remember" Ryder said, "I know but I will be fine I can't just not go, plus I miss Cali" Katie said and Ryder so badly just wished she would listen for once. "Bye Ryder" Katie said as she hung up and greeted her grey persian as she walked into the pet parlor. Ryder thought it was weird that the pups weren't up yet usually Chase woke them up early. Ryder walked outside and noticed their houses were empty and he was confused as he called Chase and he received static, Ryder called everyone else and none of them responded. "Where are you pups?" Ryder said out loud he was genuinely confused he ran inside to the camera's and he noticed they were obstructed at exactly 12 am and then they came back on at 2 am and he had 2 hours of just a black screen. "AHHHHHH!" Ryder screamed as he had no clue who would take the pups and he was pissed as he broke down. He felt like his heart was ripped out and Viego watched from above his plan was working perfectly now all he needed was to get Ryder to Humdinger's lair where is pups were waiting. 

Viego waited for Ryder as he had the sleeping curse in Ryder's vents. He just needed it to take affect, Ryder needed to figure this out as he went to his main screen to look at the map, he felt the air kick on and he thought it was weird. It didn't take long before Ryder fell to the floor and Viego knew he was successful he just wished he had hands. "Soon Viego have patience" Viego told himself as he channeled Mayor Humdinger who was ready to take Ryder back to his lair. The pups who were still asleep not having any idea what was going on and Viego knew this was working perfectly. Mayor Humdinger being his puppet put Ryder into his cylinder and hooked him up to the machine. He needed to get into the other cylinder as his spirit form but he needed Mayor Humdinger to do one more thing. Mayor Humdinger needed to turn on the machine and wake everyone up from their sleep as they needed to be awake in order for their essence to be taken. Viego made his final preparations and he was ready and he quickly become more and more excited.

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