Chapter 10

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Ryder found Katie sitting in the medical room with his body and she was crying, "I can't do this Ryder. I don't want you to be dead, I am trying to be strong but I am just falling apart, I know you are gone and I need to let go but I am not strong enough" Katie said. "Don't let me go baby I am still here. I love you Katie please don't give up on me bring me back, I am not gone" Ryder said trying everything he could to show her that he was there. Ryder as going on 32 hours left and he was starting to get desperate. The entire town had come to say their goodbyes to him and they were even planning a funeral for when Katie and the pups decided to let him go. 

Ryder didn't want to die and he needed Marshall to help him he found him in the living room just sitting there. "Marshall, help Katie convince her I am not dead!" Ryder yelled at him hoping it would work. Marshall looked around the room and Ryder thought he looked confused then he noticed Marshall walk into the medical room. "Katie, I don't think we should give up" Marshall said, "there is nothing more we can do Marshall he is gone" Katie said, "we don't know that, I mean I don't feel him gone" Marshall said. "He is brain dead Marshall, he is gone" Katie said, "so the machine is wrong, I mean Ryder is like the smartest person I know and his brain would not just shut down" Marshall said. "I want to believe that too Marshall but we can't just will his brain back on" Katie said. "No but maybe we can try something else" Marshall said, "like what?" Katie asked curiously. "I don't know but we can't give up, its just breaking everyone and he wouldn't just willing go into a portal not knowing if he could come out. There has to be some sort of catch to all of this, I mean maybe he is trying to fight his way back" Marshall said. 

Katie sighed she wanted so badly to believe him, "okay say you are right, how do we help him?" Katie asked wondering if he had a plan. "I am not sure but we need all the pups in here" Marshall said,  Katie looked at him but pushed the call all button on Ryder's pup pad and said, "Pups come to the medical room" After a few minutes they were all sitting in the room. Ryder was curious where Marshall was going with this but he wanted to trust him, "I don't believe Ryder is gone, I feel like he is stuck somewhere trying to fight his way back. I need all of us to believe that he is coming back" Marshall said. "I never believed he was gone, so I am trying to hold out on everything I have that I will wake up from this nightmare" Chase said. "I believe too" Skye said, "me too I feel him" Rubble said, "weirdly I do too" Zuma said. "Rocky? Katie?" Marshall said, "I mean science says he is gone but hell this is Ryder we are talking about so I believe Marshall" Rocky said. Katie looked at them all, "I want to believe it but I just no its medically impossible" Katie said. "Come on Katie, when did you ever think Ryder would do something where he didn't physically think he could?" Marshall said. "Ryder believed he could do anything, and he accomplished so much for his age. I feel him Katie and I know he is out there somewhere" Rocky said to her. "Pups this is all just to much, if we unplug him he will die. I just don't know if I could have him here forever knowing he won't ever be able to touch me again" Katie said. 

"What if he was to wake up though?" Marshall said, "how?" Katie asked, "I don't know I haven't gotten that far yet but I want him to wake up" Marshall said. "So do I Marshall more than anything, but its just not going to happen" Katie said crying again. Ryder knelt beside her he knew she couldn't feel him but he touched her cheek and wiped her tear, "please babe you are my life link I know it now. I need you to believe for me please! Do not unplug me thinking I will die!" Ryder said. Katie really didn't think this was going to work and she knew they needed to let him go. "Okay Marshall I will believe but if this doesn't work we all need to move on okay and keep the Paw patrol alive" Katie said. "Okay and it will work it has too" Chase said knowing if it didn't he would be running the paw patrol being the second in command. All the pups had their goodbye moment with Ryder knowing that if this didn't work they would actually be saying goodbye to him forever.

Katie kissed his cheek, "I love you so much and I will never forget you. Ryder you are my whole world and made me feel alive. I will always be with you and I will never let go" Katie said hugging him. Ryder felt like her doing that should have brought him back and he was frustrated, "my god what more do you need her to do!" he screamed. He watched as Marshall and Katie were ready to unplug him and he didn't want them to do it now. "No I have 24 hours left please don't I don't want to die" Ryder said now he was crying. Marshall unplugged the machine and Katie pulled out the breathing tube. " Okay pups its up to him now, if he comes back it will take his body about 30 minutes to shut down completely" Marshall said. The pups all cried beside him they were exhausted emotionally, could this really be goodbye. Ryder watched as it was all he could do and he was not ready for this. Katie leaned in and kissed him, "I love you baby come back to me" she said hoping in this moment that he would. 

Ryder closed his eyes and thought, "please bring me back please bring me back!" and he was frustrated nothing was happening. Then he faded out of the medical room, "NO!!!!" he shouted, "Ryder, it is time" Korra said, "no I am not ready for this please I had 24 more hours!" Ryder said, "I am sorry Ryder fate has been decided please come with me" Korra said. "I can't be dead no please I don't want this!" Ryder said. "It has already been decided Ryder we can't change it now" Korra said. Ryder cried as he followed her, he knew this was going to be his home now forever and he just felt broken and lost. Ryder closed his eyes as everything went black and this is what he imagined dying would be like as the world faded around him. 

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