Chapter 26

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Of course Ryder had no idea where to even start looking and he knew that he needed to be the one to find Lucifer first. "Need any help Ryder sir?" Chase asked, "no, I don't want or need you getting hurt. I have a feeling that if he found me he would hurt you all first and not hesitate" Ryder said. "We are all worried for you sir" Chase said, "I know but Chase remember I can't die" Ryder said. "You can if they steal your grace thing" Chase said, "he won't don't worry he won't ever have a chance to get that close to me" Ryder said. "Okay Ryder sir I am trusting you" Chase said as he walked away.

Ryder received a call from Barkingburg and he rolled his eyes, "Ryder here" he answered. "Oh Ryder thank goodness, we are trapped in the castle by an evil man. He said he would kill us if you didn't come" the princess said. "Who?" Ryder asked, "I am not sure he has red eyes and he frightens me" the princess said. "Is this for real princess or are you just trying to get me to come there" Ryder asked. "Its for real Ryder and I am very excited to meet you and make sure you are dealt with properly, I owe it to your father" Lucifer said, "come say that to my face" Ryder said. "I will in time dear boy but you will come to the castle alone and if you don't I will kill everyone you love then I will kill you" Lucifer said. "You can try but you won't win" Ryder said, "we will see" Lucifer said before hanging up.

"Pups I am going to Barkingburg I will fly there and if I need you I will have you all come in the air patroller" Ryder said. "Why can't we come now?" Marshall asked, "because I said so, plus I will be just fine. Stay here and Chase you are in charge of missions" Ryder said. "Yes sir" Chase said not wanting to let him down. Ryder spread his wings and flew off towards Barkingburg he was a bit nervous and didn't know what to expect. Once he landed at the castle he took a deep breathe and before he could knock the castle doors opened. "Welcome" Lucifer said, he had the princess, the earl and Sweetie all trapped. "Let them go and we can talk" Ryder said, "they are my leverage" Lucifer said. "This has nothing to do with them and they are human let them go" Ryder said again getting angry. "I feel like I struck a nerve, fine the princess stays though she has something she wants from you" Lucifer said letting the earl and Sweetie go. "Princess please just go" Ryder said. The princess stayed put she really didn't want to go, she wanted to watch Ryder fight this Lucifer and save her. 

Lucifer walked towards Ryder and he reacted by changing form, he knew his angel side was stronger and he channeled his father's power. "This is a nice touch, and you actually remind me a lot of your father" Lucifer said. "I am worse though and you will not be alive much longer" Ryder said. "We will see" Lucifer said as he also channeled some of his power and they fought for a bit. Lucifer overpowered him for a moment, grabbing his chest and pulling at his grace, Ryder felt it and it was making him weak. Ryder was not going to give up and he pushed back biting him and drinking as much as he could to regain some strength. Lucifer let go of his grace as Ryder continued drinking and he grabbed Lucifer by the throat and said, "Now we can all live in peace" as he smited him and he turned to ash. 

"Ryder that was incredible" the princess said, "I need to go" Ryder said as his inner demon was fighting through again. Drinking blood from the actual devil was making him stronger and he didn't know how long he could hold it back. "Wait please Ryder I love you" the princess said, "I don't care, I love Katie and I need her" Ryder said as he held back a scream, "you can have me instead" the princess said. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Ryder screamed as he collapsed, he knew he needed to get back to Katie and fast. "Come on Ryder fight" Michael said, he knew if the demonic side won he would not be able to change back. The princess kissed him before he could protest, and Ryder pushed her off maybe a little to forcefully and flew out of the castle. Every flap of his wing was making him hurt and he just needed to get to Katie, he landed outside of the pet parlor and collapsed. 

Alex noticed, "Ryder are you okay?" he asked, "Katie I need Katie" Ryder said, Alex ran inside and came out a second later with Katie. "Ryder what happened" Katie asked him, "Ahhh it hurts" Ryder said as he curled into a ball, Katie knelt beside him and put her wrist near his mouth, Ryder bit and drank, he knew in order to fight it he would need enough. "Alex go get Marshall fast" Katie said understanding the gravity of the situation. Alex ran towards the lookout and said, "Marshall, Katie needs you fast, Ryder is biting her!" Alex said not really understanding. Marshall looked to Chase and they both drove down, Marshall knew why he was called and he was prepared with his ambulance. 

Ryder stopped and closed his eyes and Katie collapsed as Marshall gave her more blood to help her regain it back. "What happened?" Alex asked, "nothing Alex just go" Chase said, "did Ryder kill her?" he asked, "No she will be fine" Marshall said, "Is Ryder dead?" Alex said, "no he is fine" Chase said he could hear his heart beating. After a few minutes Katie opened her eyes, "what happened? Why was he hurting?" Katie asked. "We don't know he went to Barkingburg and next thing we knew we were here" Chase said. "Ryder baby open your eyes for me" Katie said kissing him, Ryder opened his eyes and looked at her. "Are you okay?" she asked, "I am I killed Lucifer, and I drank his blood. It made my demon happy and I am sorry" Ryder said. "Its okay are you better now?" Katie asked, "yes thank you" Ryder said. "Your welcome why did you go to Barkingburg?" Katie asked. "The princess was trapped by Lucifer and I had to go get him, he is dead now and the princess tried to kiss me. It was awful and I left so fast, I am not sure I will go back" Ryder said. "I will kill her myself" Katie said angry she even tried taking her man, "its okay babe I won't be going back" Ryder said. 

"There are no more threats?" Katie asked, "No more demon threats but I am sure there will always be threats" Ryder said. "Well you can handle the little threats" Katie said, "yes I can" Ryder said as he stood up and let Katie get back to work, he instructed Marshall to stay and keep an eye on her. The paw patrol was able to finally get back to normal and Ryder was able to put his demon side to rest as he had no more temptations. The only blood he drank was Katie's and it kept his angel form strong and if Barkingburg ever needed help Ryder would send his pups alone and Chase would lead. He lost all trust in the princess and just couldn't face her, he was finally happy and he didn't want that to change. 

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