Chapter 5

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Ryder didn't realize the sun was coming up as he went to his room and quickly climbed into bed next to Katie. As his alarm rang he turned it off and kissed Katie who rolled into him, "morning, how did you sleep?" Katie asked, "good and you?" Ryder said as he pretended to stretch, "great" Katie said as she went to the bathroom, Ryder yawned as he went to get the pups breakfast. Chase woke them all up and the entered the kitchen, Chase again could tell Ryder looked tired but he knew not to say anything. Every time Chase brought it up Ryder would snap at him slightly and today he needed to help the pups find their gems. "Pups today your mission is to find those gems they look like this but in your color" Ryder said holding up the blue one Chase found. "Okay and where do we look?" Rubble asked, "where you find your happy place wherever you are most comfortable" Ryder said. "In my case my gem was found in Ryder's pocket as he is my safe place and where I am most comfortable" Chase said. Ryder went back into his office as the pups all searched around. Zuma decided to check the water as it was his happy place. He saw something orange glowing in the ocean and he said "ruff scuba" and he dove into the water coming up with an orange gem. Zuma ran back to the lookout, "Ryder!" he said, "yes Zuma?" Ryder said getting his call. "I found my gem" Zuma said and Ryder came out of his office and grabbed it from Zuma and his hands glowed orange and he knew he harnessed Zuma's power. Ryder went outside and focused on water and he was able to control it just like Zuma could, "now that is cool" Zuma said. Ryder placed the gem in the necklace he made next to Chase's as the other pups kept looking. 

Rubble was thinking hard and he was digging in the dirt around the lookout as he liked digging and he saw something yellow. "Ar ar arooo" Rubble said as he ran to the lookout and Ryder was making lunch. " Ryder I found my gem" Rubble said, "good job pup" Ryder said as he he took it from Rubble and his hands glowed yellow he all of a sudden felt stronger too. "Thanks go help the others" Ryder said he felt like he was going to enjoy this as each gem made him feel stronger and ready for a battle. Ryder faded into the spirit world and was sitting with Korra, "I see you have the power of 3 that is good, only 3 more and Ryder they need to find them as soon as they can, I can feel Viego getting closer. You need all 6 gems it is very important" Korra said, "Is there anywhere I can help the pups look? I feel like the other 3 are struggling" Ryder said, "I am unsure of their happy places Ryder but if they really think about it the gems will come to them, it is not meant to be difficult" Korra said as she faded away and Ryder was back in the kitchen, "Woah were you there the whole time?" Katie asked. "Yes why?" Ryder asked, "no reason I just didn't see you at first that is so weird" Katie said. Ryder kissed her and ate his sandwich as he needed to help the pups find their gems, the cameras would have to wait. 

Viego knew Ryder had cameras watching him but he was also watching Ryder he was disguised as a owl right now and he was watching the lookout. "His dogs are looking for something, and when they find it they give it to Ryder. I feel like he is getting stronger I need to strike soon or I am going to end up losing this fight" Viego said as he flew away to make a plan he needed to come up with a distraction. Ryder found his pups, Skye, Marshall and Rocky where the ones he needed to help. "Skye where do you find the most at peace" Ryder asked, "I am to scared to say it out loud" Skye said, "would you rather just go look?" Ryder asked her, "yes but I can't have anyone see where I am going" Skye said, "okay no one will watch" Ryder said as everyone turned away and Skye made sure they weren't watching and she ran to Chase's pup house. She found her pink gem, "my happy place is you Chase" Skye said to herself as she ran up to Ryder. "Awesome Skye!" Ryder said grabbing the gem from her and he glowed pink and realized he could fly. "This is cool" Skye said, Ryder realized with both Skye's and Zuma's power together he could manipulate the weather. "I think with all the powers I am essentially going to be strong" Ryder said. "Isn't that the point Ryder sir?" Chase said, "yes but we need to act quick here Rocky, Marshall I need your gems" Ryder said. "I might have an idea where mine is Ryder" Rocky said, "go then" Ryder said and Rocky ran to his pup house and it transformed as he drove to junk island. He had no idea if this was his happy place but he needed to check as he felt sorting junk was his happy place. Rocky arrived on the island and was disappointed he didn't see the gem, he felt maybe it wouldn't be that easy though. Rocky decided to look around just to be safe and he saw it a green gem he jumped for joy as he grabbed it and went back to the lookout. 

"Ryder I found it!" Rocky said, "excellent now we only need Marshall's" Ryder said as he felt he noticed with this one he didn't feel any different. "Weird I don't feel different with yours Rocky" Ryder said as his pup pad went off. "Ryder here" he answered, "Ryder town hall is on fire!" Mayor Goodway said. "We are on our way Mayor, PAW patrol to the lookout" Ryder said, "Ryder needs us" the pups said as they rushed to the lookout. "Paw patrol ready for action Ryder sir fire pup style" Chase said, "We need to move fast pups, town hall is on fire, Marshall you will lead us and put this fire out" Ryder said. "I am ultimately fired up!" Marshall said as he went down the slide and his fire truck transformed into the ultimate fire truck and all the pups slide in. They rushed to town hall and Marshall had everybody working fast, "Thank goodness you are here Ryder I can't find Chickaletta" Mayor Goodway said, "Chase I need you to find Chickaletta" Ryder said. "Chase is on the case" Chase said as he sniffed around for the chicken, Marshall had Skye and Zuma putting out the fires, and Rocky and Rubble were keeping debris from falling and hoping to keep town hall in one piece. Marshall was looking around and he saw a red shiny thing on the ground he picked it up realizing it his gem he had no idea fires was his happy place. Or maybe it was being a firefighter as it was what brought him the most joy. The pups were able to put the fire out and Chase found Chickaletta she wasn't that far, they were able to save town hall and there wasn't too much damage. "Thank you paw patrol" Mayor Goodway said , "no problem mayor if you ever need us just yelp for help" Ryder said as they drove back to the lookout. 

Once they arrived, Marshall said, "Ryder I found my gem" as he handed it to Ryder. "Really at a fire? hmm that is weird" Ryder said grabbing it and his whole body heated up he felt like he was on fire. "I think it is more the fact being a firefighter is my happy place I never thought I could do it" Marshall said. Ryder just looked at Marshall now that he has harnessed all his pups powers he was feeling it and he collapsed. "Ryder!" Marshall said as his owner was not breathing, Ryder was in the spirit world. "Congrats Ryder, now I won't keep you long but now you will be able to see Viego's true form he will strike soon be aware" Korra said, "Wait Korra why didn't I feel anything with Rocky's power?" Ryder asked, "you did, you now have access to our world and can essentially speak to me in front of others, I do not have to bring you here myself. That is the gift or power I guess Rocky has granted you" Korra said as she faded away. Ryder opened his eyes, "Ryder sir are you alright?" Chase asked as Marshall called all the pups. "I am good Chase it sort of just hit me all at once, I have all the powers now and Viego is coming I can feel it we need to be ready" Ryder said. "Are you sure you are okay?" Marshall asked, "yes I am sure" Ryder said as he went to his office he needed to find Viego now that he could see his true form. 

Chase was concerned, "pups he is still hiding something from us and he is always in his office" Chase said. "I know and I am not sure the last time he slept either he looks tired" Marshall said, "I am not sure he has slept since we were taken, I always notice the light on his office" Chase said, "that was 7 days ago, has he really not slept in 7 days" Marshall said now concerned. "Like I said I don't know" Chase said, they all sat outside Ryder's office they were worried. Katie came home and noticed them, "everything okay pups?" Katie asked, "we aren't sure, Katie is Ryder sleeping?" Marshall asked. "I think so he comes to bed with me and is there in the morning why?" Katie asked, "we don't think he has slept since this whole Viego fiasco and I am concerned about his health" Marshall said. "I will talk to him you pups go play" Katie said as she knocked on the office door. Ryder opened it and Katie kissed him, "hey are you okay?" Katie asked, "fine why?" Ryder said. "The pups don't think you have slept in over a week, and come to think of it you do look tired" Katie said. "I am fine okay, I need to do stuff so if you don't mind" Ryder said pushing her out of the office. Katie was now worried too and she went to talk to the pups.

They were playing in the yard, "hey what did you find out?" Rocky asked noticing her first, "I think you guys are right and he isn't sleeping, he is tried and stressed about something. He keeps looking at the computer in his office like he is looking for something" Katie said. "What can we do? Can we force him to sleep?" Zuma said, "I am not sure that is a good idea since Viego could strike at any moment" Chase said. "We need to do something he won't win a battle if he is tired" Marshall said. "We can't force him but maybe we can convince him?" Skye said, "that is easier said than done Ryder is very stubborn" Katie said, "you are his girlfriend can't you force him to cuddle you?" Chase said, "he does cuddle me but then I fall asleep, I am not aware that he leaves when I am asleep. He is always there when I wake up" Katie said. "This is very frustrating we need to get him to sleep he is going to kill himself, he just absorbed all our powers and his heart literally stopped" Marshall said. "Right but you said it was for a second" Skye said, "a second too long he is going to end up much worse if he doesn't take care of himself" Marshall said and the pups needed to come up with a plan to help Ryder and fast or he wouldn't be able to defeat Viego. 

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