Chapter 18

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Ryder was showing real promise to Ruby but he of course was playing along he wanted her to think he was on her side. He knew he wanted to bring his angel side into play as well, he knew his father was stronger. In order for him to bring it forward he wanted to be back on earth, and out of the underworld. Ryder knew at this point he didn't need his pups powers his were stronger and he felt much more alive with them. "Ruby I have a question" Ryder said, "sure baby what is your question" Ruby said, "how did I not know about these powers before?" Ryder asked. "Well, I am not sure Lillith is the expert on all this stuff, I'd ask her" Ruby said looking to her bestie. "In a way you have always had these powers Ryder, but they don't start coming to form until a certain point. You have always been immortal and powerful, I think the whole spirit world thing brought those powers to light. They say one of your parents would have needed to meet with you in the afterlife. I believe when Viego came back to life that day he stole your essence he took your power with him. Did you feel anything after he took it?" Lillith asked, "I was angry and I felt like I was falling part like I was not sleeping or eating much" Ryder said. "Yes well he stole your essence or your grace and as you know being a nephalem if your grace is taken then I believe your body starts to shut down. They say you have about 2 weeks to a month before it kills you" Lillith said. "I am assuming I have my grace back?" Ryder said, "yes when you killed Viego the keeper of your grace you earned it back" Lillith said.

Ryder wanted to know more about his mother he figured she was the demon as he knew his father for a short time. "Can you tell me about my mother?" Ryder asked, "I would have never met her, so I don't have the answers" Lillith said. "Ruby?" Ryder asked, "I don't know either I only became queen after my father was killed, he never mentioned to me about a demon sleeping with an angel" Ruby said. "What is the plan now?" Ryder asked, "well honey for now you are going back in your cage. I don't trust you yet" Ruby said. Ryder didn't like that answer and he was stronger than Ruby so he fought back. It took everything both Ruby and Lillith had to force him back in. Of course when Ryder was inside he became weak again and he hated this cage, "Why does it make me so weak?" Ryder said angerly. "This cage is made of special material, it was said to hold Lucifer himself and it nullifies all supernatural powers" Ruby said. "I am hungry" Ryder said, "Okay honey but not to much this time please" Ruby said as she let Ryder drink her blood again. Ryder didn't know why it made him feel good, he wasn't addicted to it but it helped keep him calm. "Good boy now get some sleep we will be going back to your town soon" Ruby said leaving him. Ryder studied the book Rocky sent him more he wanted to find out as much as he could about his powers.

Back at the lookout, Katie was trying out her new powers she wanted to see if it would work on Rocky. "Alright pups its bath time" Katie said, all the pups were bathed except Rocky, "Rocky, you will walk over here and get in the tub please" Katie said. Rocky moved as if he wasn't in control, "what am I doing? Please don't I am clean I swear" Rocky said. "Rocky you will calm down and relax it will only be 10 minutes tops" Katie said, as she spoke Rocky calmed down and Katie was able to bathe him. "Thank you Rocky" Katie said as she dried him off, "what was that?" Rocky asked, "My meteor power I am sorry, I just didn't know any other way to get you into the tub" Katie said. "What did you do?" Rocky asked her, "I manipulated your mind, kinda like a puppet and I made you do what I wanted" Katie said. "Interesting, please never do that again" Rocky said. "Only on bath days okay" Katie said giving him a pet. 

Chase was trying to figure out Ryder's origin he wanted to know more about his parents, "So his father was Michael?" Chase said. Rocky came out, "yes Chase his father was an angel, and a very powerful one at that. Michael was said to be the one who sent his brother Lucifer to hell, and essentially why the underworld was created" Rocky said. "Okay so then his father who was an angel made love to a what did you call her?" Chase asked, "A demon yes, but demons can be very tricky and he might not have known at first. Just like I would never have guessed Ruby was a demon. They can be very persuasive and flirty in order to get what they want, Ryder was created out of love but after he was born he destroyed his mother in a sense as his power was to much for her" Rocky said. "He killed his mother?" Skye said, "not on purpose, she died giving birth to him. Then I believe his father died shortly after, but Ryder from what I can tell was never told about his past. He didn't awaken his powers, then when Viego came and took his grace, which is his angel essence. It activated something inside him, I am assuming he was dying. It says he can't live without his grace but when he killed Viego who was the keeper of it he earned it back. Ryder will need to choose a side and it will bring forth a powerful being, either demonic or Angelic. Each form will have different abilities" Rocky said.

"This all sounds so scary, like what if he chooses his demonic side" Rubble said, "then we are all in trouble. I am hoping when he figures out how to get out of the underworld we can bring forth the angelic side" Rocky said. "Let's hope so because I would hate to see Ryder destroy us all" Marshall said. "Would he do that?" Zuma asked, "he might, depends on how strong his demonic form is and my guess whichever side he chooses will be insanely powerful" Rocky said.


I am starting to add a bit of a twist of my own into the lore, Its not going be exactly what was on the website. It was hard to understand, keep in mind though he hasn't activated his angelic side yet. And he still hasn't chosen a side!

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