Chapter 9

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Ryder watched as Katie walked back into the lookout, she was clearly sad, all of them were. Katie called all the pups into the living room and they all lay on a pillow in front of her. "Pups I know everything about this sucks, but the Paw patrol was his dream and I know he would want us to keep it alive" Katie said. "Who cares, I mean with him being gone it means nothing to me anymore" Chase said. "Don't say that it is an insult to his memory, I mean sure he is gone yes but we all still have each other. We have all our knowledge plus his and I agree with Katie he wouldn't want us to give up" Marshall said. "I am not sure I am ready to say goodbye but I don't want to give up on the paw patrol either. I love helping people" Skye said. "I agree, I will keep doing it for Ryder but as far as saying goodbye I can't and I refuse to watch him die. I will try find a way to keep him alive" Rocky said. "He technically can stay alive on the ventilator but that is not really fair to him, I mean I feel like he would want us to put him to rest" Marshall said. "This is all bullshit! Had I known this Viego was going to kill him I would have never let him fight this guy alone" Chase said.

"I don't think he even fully knew, I mean when he asked me to open the portal he didn't sound scared. I think he fully believed he was coming back, I am not sure where he went but I don't think he did either" Rocky said. "I should have gone with him" Chase said, "no he told me only him and Viego could enter, and he was very clear on that" Rocky said. "Well look what happened" Chase said. "Chase stop please, I get it okay we are all hurting. I miss him so much I can't breathe, but you yelling at all of us because you are angry is not helping. We all hate this and we all want him here with us but we can't change it. I know people are going to want to say their goodbyes and I am sure they will also want to give us time to grieve. So I am going to let them as everyone deserves some sort of goodbye. We of course will be the ones to say the final goodbyes and in the end we all know it needs to happen" Katie said. The pups cried and hugged each other they just couldn't believe this.

Ryder needed to do something he wouldn't allow his town or his family to say goodbye to him, "I need to find my life link and get the hell out of here" Ryder said to himself. First thing he needed to do was watch his body he knew people would be coming to say goodbye and he figured it would be someone he knew. Mayor Goodway, Mr. Porter and Alex came first and seeing how sad Alex was broke something inside Ryder. "He knew he was the same age Ryder was when he started the Paw patrol and how much his mini patrol meant to him. Ryder wondered if it was him but thought maybe have someone so young was a bad idea. Next came Jake and Everest and even Carlos and Tracker came. Ryder was finding this hard to figure out and he was running out of time.

He noticed both Jake and Carlos comforting Katie, he hated seeing her cry and he listened to what Jake and Carlos were saying. "Katie you can't give up, Ryder wouldn't want this" Carlos said, "I can't keep it going not if the pups don't want to. I wouldn't even know where to start, I have no knowledge of machines and I would probably wreck something" Katie said. "No don't think like that, he would want you to keep his dreams alive. Come on Katie you are the only one he would trust with his dream I know it and you know it. Carlos and I will be here to help where we can but you are the one he would want to continue" Jake said. Ryder whispered to her, "he's right you know, please don't give up on me" he didn't know if it would work but as of this moment he knew she was his life link.

His next task was to help guide her to bringing him back, of course he had no idea where to start. "How do I get her to believe or bring me back, there has to be something" Ryder said pacing around he was in deep thought. Korra appeared beside him, "I take it you found your life link?" she asked. "Yes I think its my girlfriend, and if I am wrong well I guess I die" Ryder said, "no I don't believe you will Ryder. I feel like you know what you are doing, and you will figure it out" Korra said. "Can you at least tell me if I am right? I mean so I know that I am not wasting my time?" Ryder asked. "I can't, but I think you know the answer. Trust your heart Ryder and once you do everything else will come naturally" Korra said. "Okay I have one more question, how do I link to her, I don't understand" Ryder said. "You aren't meant to do anything here dear one it is your life link who needs to bring you back. In the spirit world you are a sitting duck essentially, your life rests in their hands now" Korra said.

This frustrated Ryder more than anything was there really nothing he could do, he wasn't going to let her give up. "Korra, if I do live will the spirit world be gone forever? and my powers are they gone?" Ryder asked. "You will always have a connection to the spirit world, and as long as you possess the gems you will have your powers. I do believe that they will only work if there is a threat from the spirit world though" Korra said. "Are there more threats?" Ryder asked, "there are always threats in the spirit world, not everyone wants to be here. Ryder focus on your life link, worrying about the future won't help if you are stuck here" Korra said.

Ryder knew she was right and now he focused all his energy on Katie he went back to the lookout and searched for her. Ryder stopped as he noticed Chase and he knew he was taking this hard, he knelt down beside him. "Chase please don't give up on the pups you are my second in command I need you to lead them. Guide them, show them your strength and courage" Ryder said even though he knew Chase couldn't hear him. Chase looked up and directly at Ryder and this brought Ryder hope, as Chase spoke "I miss you Ryder sir, please don't leave me" as he cried into his paws. Ryder sighed he knew his best bet was Marshall he was the most optimistic out of them all and he went to find him. He needed Marshall to convince both Katie and Chase not to give up on him, he figured it was one of the two of them.

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