Chapter 13

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Ruby smiled at the pups and said, "aren't you all just the cutest, I am looking for your owner is he here?" Chase being the bravest spoke up, "depends who are you?" he said, "I am Ruby" Ruby said in her sing song voice. "What do you want with Ryder?" Marshall asked, "that is not your concern little pup" Ruby said as Ryder walked outside. "Oh good you are here" Ruby said walking towards him. Ryder just stood there as he thought, "wow she is beautiful, damn it Ryder snap out of it" "Hello Ryder, I am sure you have heard all about me" Ruby said. "Um not actually who are you?" Ryder said still staring at her. "Oh I am Ruby Queen of the underworld I was sure you heard of me at some point from you precious spirit world" Ruby said. "I might have" Ryder said not sure exactly what she wanted or why she was being so nice. "Good let me makes this easy for you, In order for me to take over the spirit world I need to kill the connection it has on earth" Ruby said. The pups became defensive and stood around Ryder, they didn't want her to kill him.

"I'm sorry what?" Ryder said not comprehending what she said, "I need to kill you honey, as you are the link keeping me from the spirits in the spirit world. I will make it nice and easy for you though I promise" Ruby said. "That is not going to happen" Ryder said, "I figured as much so I brought a little help with me" Ruby said summoning a few demons from the underworld to help her. Ryder ran into the lookout with the pups following him, "get into your mighty pup gear" Ryder said to them. "Yes sir but I am not liking this at all" Chase said, "me either but we can't let her hurt anyone" Ryder said as they heard her voice. "Ryder honey you can't hide from me, and if you don't come out I will kill everyone in this town. Starting with that darling young boy who told me where to find you" Ruby said. Ryder and the pups activated their powers and walked back outside. "There is no need for all the dramatics I just need to take your soul" Ruby said, "Your going to have to catch me first" Ryder said as he used Chase's speed and ran off, "you want to play games I see okay" Ruby said as she concentrated on him and appeared right in front of him.

"Woah" Ryder said, "I am more powerful then you think and trust me I will get what I need here today" Ruby said. "I am powerful too, and I am not going to just willingly give you my soul" Ryder said. "That is fine we can play games first if you like I enjoy watching people beg me for death" Ruby said. Ryder channeled Skye and Zuma as he made lighting and shot it at her, Ruby just laughed. "You are going to have to try harder than that" Ruby said, Ryder was not sure what to do and he really didn't want to die. Then he heard Korra's voice, "you will need to use all your powers Ryder", Ryder was nervous as he had never used them all before. He didn't know what to do at this point. He ran  as he tried to figure out how to activate all the pups powers. Ryder made it back to the lookout and it looked like the pups had struggled a bit but Chase had them trapped under an energy net. "Ryder sir I am not sure we are winning here" Chase said, "I don't think I am either. We need to destroy Ruby and I need all of my powers plus yours to do it pups are you ready to fight with me?" Ryder said. "You bet Ryder!" the pups said, "alright pups then lets charge up" Ryder said as they all high fived and each pup had a different strength. 

Ryder was able to channel everything he had and weakened Ruby to a certain point, "Rocky create a portal to the underworld" Ryder said. Rocky was able to do it and Ryder sent her and the demons back. "I will be back Ryder for you, you might have sent me back but I will defeat you!" she said as he pushed her into the portal and shut the door. "Is that it is it over?" Skye said, "I have a feeling it has barely started, and the people in Adventure Bay are not safe" Ryder said. "What can we do?" Rubble asked, "first we need to get the citizens somewhere safe for now, I was thinking Barkingburg it is the biggest" Ryder said. "I am not sure they are going to like that" Skye said, "If they want to live they don't have a choice, I will call Mayor Goodway" Ryder said as he ran inside to get his phone.

"Hello Ryder" Mayor Goodway said, "Mayor Goodway, I want to evacuate the town everyone is in danger from a new threat. I will have the air patroller ready in an hour to take you all to Barkingburg" Ryder said. "Oh my are you sure we need to leave?" Mayor Goodway said, "yes I am it is the only way" Ryder said. "Alright I will have everyone ready" Mayor Goodway said, "Thank you" Ryder said as he hung up. Ryder called the princess next, "Ryder! I am so excited you are calling" the princess said, "I need a favor princess" Ryder said, "anything for you Ryder" the princess said. "I need somewhere for the citizens of Adventure Bay to stay as our town is being threatened" Ryder said. "Of course they can stay here Ryder, we would be delighted to have them" the princess said. "Thank you princess" Ryder said, "your welcome and are you coming too?" The princess asked. "No I need to stay and fight this threat" Ryder said, "of course well please be careful, I would hate for you to get hurt" the princess said. "Thanks" Ryder said as he hung up and prepared the air patroller. 

As promised Mayor Goodway had the citizens with her and they were all off to Barkingburg, Everest deciding to stay behind and help. Even though Ryder tried to get her on the plane he failed as Katie remained behind as well. Adventure Bay was quiet and Ryder tried to come up with a plan in order to defeat the queen of all the demons. Everest was able to get superpowers too and had ice powers, Ryder wondered how useful this would be as he waited for some sort of hint or clue. 

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