Chapter 14

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It was late and everyone had gone to bed except Ryder something was keeping him awake, or was it someone. In his head he could hear her sing song voice as if she was calling him to her, "what is happening to me" he thought. "Ryder are you coming to bed?" Katie asked, "yeah in a minute" Ryder said as he tried to shake the voices out of his head. "You can't escape me Ryder, I will be back soon" Ruby said in his head. "Korra?" Ryder said, he never did get a response and this worried him he had no idea what was going on.

Ryder lay down beside Katie even though he knew he would not be able to sleep as he cuddled her. Once Katie was asleep Ryder climbed out of bed and went to the lookout balcony, he looked up at the night sky. "What is happening? Korra are you still there?" he asked quietly. "I am here Ryder" Korra said, "what is going on?" Ryder said, "well you sent her away and she is quite upset. Now she has control of you in certain way, I am not sure exactly how the demon mind works but she is very powerful" Korra said. "How do I get her out of my head?" Ryder said, "I am not sure you can, once she touched you for the first time she learned everything there is to know about you. She will us her powers to weaken you over time, it is essential for you to kill her soon Ryder. She can't take over the spirit world" Korra said as she faded away. "How the hell am I supposed to do that" Ryder said as he noticed a glowing light in front of the big tree. He decided to go check it out as he flew down using Skye's power and he immediately regretted it.

"Hello sweetheart, I was hoping you would see my signal" Ruby said, Ryder didn't have a chance to reply as a few of Ruby's demon pals grabbed him. "Now I was going to kill you but I find you actually very cute. I decided to make you my pet instead doesn't that sound like fun?" Ruby said, "no" Ryder said. "Well pet you don't have a choice, take him to the underworld while I deal with his precious family" Ruby said. Ryder yelled loudly causing the pups to wake up, as they watched Ryder disappear. "Ryder!" they said as the realized Ruby was back, "Ryder will be living with me now in the underworld, I will leave your precious town alone for now. If there are any problems or complaints I will kill all of you and then I will kill Ryder" Ruby said. "Let him go!" Marshall spoke up, "sorry pup I can't do that" Ruby said as they all disappeared into a portal. "Where did he go? Rocky can you get him back?" Chase asked. "I am not sure maybe" Rocky said as he used his tools to try and build a portal again.

"Its not working its like I am being blocked" Rocky said, "Blocked? like by magic?" Skye asked, "I have no idea but I can't build the portal to the underworld" Rocky said, "how about the place you sent Ryder with Viego? Maybe we can get answers there" Chase said. "Ryder said that once you enter the spirit world you won't be able to come out" Rocky said. "Ryder did though maybe there is a loophole or something, I need answers" Chase said, "I know we all do but Chase, I am not willing to send you to your death" Rocky said. "Fine but we need to come up with something" Chase said. "He does have all our powers still right? I mean maybe he will be okay" Rubble said. "Let's hope so, I mean I for one am not ready to lose him" Chase said, "none of us are" Zuma agreed.

In the underworld Ruby had Ryder locked in a cage, he was angry and trying to get himself out of this situation. "Try all you want pet, but this cage was designed by me and not even your little super powers can get you out" Ruby said. "What do you want from me?" Ryder asked, "I already told you, I am going to use you as my pet" Ruby said. "What does that even mean?" Ryder said, "I am not sure yet, but when I do know trust me so will you. I decided killing you will not work for me. I find you delectable" Ruby said. "That's nice I am not interested in being your pet, I would rather your just kill me or fight me" Ryder said. "Sorry sweetheart I am the one who calls the shots here" Ruby said. Ryder just glared at her he needed a way out or for her to at least open this cage as it right now was preventing him from using his powers. He also didn't know if it was the underworld itself but he couldn't contact Korra either and he was beginning to panic.

Meanwhile Marshall had woken up Katie and explained the situation and she was quite upset. "He was taken by a demon? The really pretty one?" Katie said, "yes she said something along the lines of making him her pet" Marshall said. "I hope not, oh we need to get him back" Katie said, "we are trying but she has blocked us from getting into the underworld" Marshall said. "We need to do something, I will not allow that woman near my man" Katie said. "Might be to late" Marshall said. "Marshall!" Katie scolded him, she needed to figure something out the thought of Ryder being trapped by a beautiful demon worried her. Katie pictured her long silvery hair in her mind and shuddered she didn't need Ryder falling in love with her.

"Lillith! Why doesn't he love me?" Ruby asked her friend and first demon. "I am not sure my queen" Lillith said, "figure it out or make him love me I will not have a pet who is trying to kill me. Whatever you do just keep the cage closed it nullifies his powers" Ruby said, "Yes my queen" Lillith said as she went to go figure out why Ryder was not smitten by the queen like everyone else. Ruby looked at herself in the mirror and wondered how such a cute boy did not find her attractive or if he did he was hiding it pretty good. "Damn him, I wanted the spirit world but instead I find myself attracted to a measly human, father would be ashamed of me" Ruby said as she broke the mirror and turned away from it with a tear rolling down her cheek.

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