Chapter 21

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Katie was also thinking of Ryder, she missed him she was trying to see if she could use her power long distance. "Ryder baby come back to me" she thought hard trying to send him the message, Ryder was trying to channel Katie but he heard someone walking into the room and he was forced to stop. "Hey sweetheart how you feeling?" Ruby asked him, "I want to be let out" Ryder said, "I know baby but I don't trust you, and if I let you out and your angelic side shines through I am dead" Ruby said. "If you keep me in here and don't let me choose a side my body will fight back and kill me" Ryder said. "See for me that works out better, I would rather you die then me so in  way I have no problem with it" Ruby said. "Ruby let me have a drink please" Ryder said even though he knew doing this would make his demonic side stronger. "Okay baby" Ruby said giving her his arm, "can I have it from your neck?" Ryder asked, "why?" Ruby asked, "It just tastes better from there" Ryder said, "then I would have to come into the cage" Ruby said, "and?" Ryder said, "and I don't trust you" Ruby said, "in this cage I have no power, you are stronger" Ryder said to her. "Fine" Ruby said opening the door and leaning in so Ryder could drink from her neck. 

Ryder took a little he wanted her to open the cage as this was his plan, he used his demonic side to push her out climbing out himself. Ryder held her down as he stood over her, his ice blue eyes piercing into her. "Ryder" Ruby said, "no shh its my turn" Ryder said as he channeled the power he decided on, even though his demonic side protested. Ryder's wings sprung out and the entire room filled with a bright glow as Ryder activated his angelic powers. Ruby had to close her eyes it hurt and she screamed. Lillith heard her scream and came into the room at the wrong time as Ryder was now in his true Nephalem form. He looked beautiful with his angelic glow, ice blue eyes and black and white wings, and he spoke to Ruby. "Thank you Ruby for everything, I would not have been able to do this without you. I do hope that wherever you are going after this is well unpleasant" Ryder said as he placed his hand on her chest. Ruby screamed as Ryder smited her and she turned to ash. Lillith ran but Ryder was faster and he pushed her against a wall, "pretty sure you are just as bad as she is" he said as he did the same to her. Ryder spent some time in the underworld as he destroyed it completely killing all the demons. 

When he was finished he heard his father's voice, "well done my son, once you are back on earth your powers will be in full swing. Try to keep them under control, and protect your grace" Michael said. A few minutes later the underworld faded away and Ryder was standing in front of the lookout. "Ryder!" the pups said as they ran to him a little hesitant, Ryder knew he was still in his nephalem form and he shifted back into human Ryder and knelt down. The pups all hugged him and licked him, "you okay?" Rocky asked, "yes the underworld has been destroyed" Ryder said, "I knew you would choose the right side Ryder sir" Chase said, "liar you had the most doubt out of all us" Marshall said, Ryder laughed as he said "I am going to just be regular Ryder for now. My powers really only need to be active when we are in danger, which I hope we aren't anymore" Ryder said. "Well you never know, I mean Mayor Humdinger has been oddly quiet, these days" Chase said. 

"I have actually been thinking about him, and I might pay him a visit" Ryder said, "what why?" Rocky asked, "well I think with my new form maybe I can scare him into leaving Adventure Bay alone" Ryder said. "Oh man I need to see this Ryder sir can I come?" Chase asked, "sure you can all come" Ryder said as they followed him to Foggy bottom. Ryder knocked on his lair door and he opened it. "Oh I thought you died" Mayor Humdinger said, "sorry to disappoint you, I was hoping I could ask you to leave Adventure Bay alone" Ryder said. "Why would I do that?" Mayor Humdinger asked, "well you cause enough problems and we don't threaten Foggy Bottom" Ryder said. "I am not sure that will happen" Mayor Humdinger said, Ryder shifted into his nephalem form letting his demonic side shine a bit more even though his angelic side was stronger. "Woah, um okay you win, What are you?" Mayor Humdinger asked, "I can be your worst nightmare if you piss me off otherwise I am just regular Ryder" Ryder said, "Fine just don't hurt me" Mayor Humdinger said. Ryder laughed as he shifted back to himself and they all left the lair, Mayor Humdinger wanted to know more about what he just saw.

He decided to do some research, and once he found out he called in some help, he was going to destroy Ryder once and for all. Sweetie, Cheetah, and Harold all decided to help him. They all hated Ryder just as much, and they knew with him being down the paw patrol would be no more. "We need to steal his grace, everyone research on how to do that and we will meet back in a few days time" Mayor Humdinger said. "I am still not sure why I am doing this" Sweetie said, "because you want the paw patrol destroyed right?" Mayor Humdinger said. "Right" Sweetie said, "well killing Ryder is our only shot, and since he is a powerful being now the only way to do that is to steal his grace. I have this machine still from when Viego was here I just need time to get it working" Mayor Humdinger said. Harold tried to help as well he was smarter then his uncle and he figured he would be more useful. "You really think that will extract his grace?" Cheetah asked reading up a bit on what he was. "It did once before with Viego, I am sure we could do it again. Maybe we can control him then" Mayor  Humdinger said, "says without his grace he will die" Sweetie said, "oh well then he dies either way we get to take over Adventure Bay!" Mayor Humdinger said as he laughed evilly loving his plan.

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