Chapter 7

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Viego had his plan set in motion and he was planning on striking in the morning as he gathered his army. "I want you all to do what you need to get the pups and his girlfriend under control. Leave Ryder to me" Viego said. "Yes Master" his army said he used Mayor Humdinger and a bunch of the Foggy bottom citizens, it was easier then the Adventure Bay ones as they always seemed to be to happy. Once Ryder was defeated and he won he would turn the entire town of Adventure bay into a depressive hollow, where he would be king. Viego laughed at his thought and he couldn't wait he just needed the sun to come up.

"Ryder wake up" Korra said, Ryder moved a little in his sleep, "Ryder wake up!" Korra said louder. "I am awake" Ryder said sitting up, looking at Katie who was still fast asleep, "she can't hear me remember, he will strike soon get ready" Korra said as she faded away. Ryder sat there rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he processed what she said. He grabbed his pup pad and pressed the button, "Mighty pups to the lookout" Ryder said, "Ryder needs us" the pups all said stretching and yawning out of their pup houses. They soon realized they were harnessing the meteor power and would be fighting with their powers. They quickly became excited, "Mighty pups ready for mighty action Ryder sir" Chase said, "Good I am going to need everyone, Skye fly above and spot anyone in distress, Chase use your speed to knock people down and trap them with your energy nets" Ryder said. "This mighty puppy is going for a spin" Skye said, " mighty Chase is ready to race" Chase said, "Rubble use your strength and the earth to your advantage, Marshall melt the streets and trap them in tar, and Zuma use your water to knock them down" Ryder said, "Time to wreck and roll" Rubble said, "I'm ready for a red hot rescue" Marshall said, "Time to do the wave" Zuma said, "Rocky you know what you need to do" Ryder said, "Green means glow!" Rocky said, "Mighty pups lets go go go!" Ryder said as everyone took their positions.

"Ryder I see a bunch of people coming up to the lookout" Skye said, "Get ready pups this is it" Ryder said. The pups prepared themselves and set on the missions Ryder gave them, Ryder noticed Viego and he looked like a normal person. "Well Ryder we meet again, only this time I am actually me. Let me introduce myself I am Viego" Viego said, "yeah I don't care" Ryder said, "rude well I suggest just giving up now you will not win" Viego said. "We will see about that" Ryder said channeling Zuma first and he used his wave to knock him off his feet, "hmm is that all you got?" Viego asked, Ryder realized with Skye's power and Zuma's together he could channel the weather as well and he used lightning this caught Viego off guard. "Now you are just making me angry" Viego said as he charged at Ryder. He was able to catch him off guard and tackle him, Ryder used Rubble's strength and earth powers to toss him off and threw him to the ground hard. "What the hell do you have powers too?" Viego said, "yes and you might as well just give up now" Ryder said, "Using my lines against me, never!" Viego said getting back on his feet and going at it again. Ryder used Marshall's power next and trapped him in the goo, "UGH!" Viego said as he quickly got himself out.

The pups were doing super well against the army he brought and most of them were either trapped in the ground because of Rubble. In the street because of Marshall or energy nets thrown by Chase. "Ryder sir we are winning" Chase said, "that's good, just a little busy Chase" Ryder said as he was taken down again by an angry Viego. The pups watched in horror as their leader appeared to be struggling, then out of nowhere he used all the pups powers at once weakening Viego the point he was down. "Now Rocky!" Ryder said he harnessed everything he had to keep him down. Rocky pulled out a tool he never knew he had and built the portal, Ryder noticed it as it glowed green, "Its ready Ryder" Rocky said, and Ryder picked up Viego and flew into the portal and Rocky slammed it shut behind him. The portal disappearing forever, the pups noticed their powers were also gone, "wait we don't have our powers anymore" Skye said, "nope and Ryder is gone" Marshall said, "gone?" Chase said looking for him. "Rocky where did he go?" Rubble asked, "um I am not sure, I was told to build a portal and well I guess he went to another world" Rocky said. "You can get him back right?" Chase said, "Not without my powers" Rocky said.

Chase began to panic, and all of the citizens they trapped were coming back to their own minds, "what happened? where are we?" a lot of them panicked. The pups helped them get free of the messes they were in and they all went home. Katie watched everything from the lookout balcony and she too was wondering where Ryder went, he couldn't be gone, she refused to believe it.

In the spirit world, Ryder stabbed Viego and he faded away turning into a pile of ash. "Well done Ryder" Korra said, "is that it he is gone?" Ryder asked, "yes but now the hard part, I can send your body back Ryder but your spirit will remain here" Korra said. "Wait what?" Ryder said, "the price you made in coming to the spirit world is the hardest, only your body can return. It is up to you to figure out how you will return to your body" Korra said. "So I am dead?" Ryder asked, "in a way yes but not completely. If your are stuck in the spirit world for more that 3 days you will not be able to return. I can't help you figure it out either as I do not know how to return I was never able to figure it out" Korra said. "If I don't want to do this?" Ryder asked, "I am afraid it is done dear boy, you are in the spirit world and therefore it can't be reversed" Korra said as she sent Ryder's body back.

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