Chapter 22

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The night was still young and the pups were asleep, Katie was enjoying her time with Ryder. "Babe do you still have your demon side or are you pure angel?" Katie asked him staring into his now blue eyes. "The angel side is the dominant one but if I need to bring my demon side out I can" Ryder said. " Is that what you used to scare mayor humdinger?" Katie asked, " yes but for you Katie is only the angel side of me because you are my life link. The only reason for me to exist" Ryder said. "That's sweet, I admit I enjoy these eyes they are sexy but I do miss the brown ones" Katie said. "Do you?" Ryder asked shifting his eye colour back to the original brown, "woah what else can you do?" Katie asked, "lots baby but it's late and I'm hungry" Ryder said, "do you want me to make you something to eat?" Katie asked, "I'm not hungry for food love, my demon side is hungry" Ryder said.

Katie gulped a bit before she spoke, "you want to feed from me?" She said with a slight frightful expression on her face. "Only if you want me too, otherwise I can find someone or something else" Ryder said. Katie sighed she definitely didn't want him to go, "you can always have me Ryder" Katie said and Ryder smiled. His brown eyes turned gold as he sank his small fangs into Katie's neck, she loved how he didn't make it hurt. After a few minutes he stopped, "you are amazing Katie" Ryder said, "I am curious what I taste like" Katie said, "it's hard to explain its a flavour I can't describe but there is a sweet subtle hint of vanilla" Ryder said. "Interesting, so it's the demon side that craves blood? Is it because of Ruby?" Katie asked. " Yes it's the demon side of my form but no it has nothing to do with Ruby her blood was nothing like yours. I find feeding from you euphoric and I want to give you everything" Ryder said. "I won't complain if you do" Katie said and with that Ryder fed a little more while giving Katie a night to remember.

The next morning Katie smiled as she woke looking at the amazing man beside her, he definitely fulfilled her wildest dreams last night. Katie kissed him "I love you Ryder and your new powers, you are amazing" she said as climbed out of bed and let him sleep. Katie fed the pups and told them to let Ryder sleep while she went to work. Katie ended up having to use her power on him last night because he didn't want to sleep, she told him to get at least 10 hours and he was going on about 8 right now. Katie knew the last few weeks have been rough in him as he told her about that awful cage and the underworld. She wanted him to rest and get the much needed sleep he needed.

Meanwhile Mayor Humdinger was putting his plan into action, and he told Sweetie and the cheetah to be the bait. "Why are we the bait?" Sweetie asked, "because Harold and I are working the machine to extract his grace" Mayor Humdinger said. "Fine but what is the plan exactly?" Cheetah asked, "that's for you to figure out just make sure to bring Ryder here alone and I will take it from there" Mayor Humdinger said. "Does he not realize Ryder is like the most powerful being in the world now, like how are we supposed to do anything at this point?" Sweetie said thinking this plan sucked. "I don't know but let's get the pups on a mission and get Ryder here" cheetah said. "What is your plan oh wise one?" Sweetie said as she thought this was getting dumber by the second.

Harold came up to them, "do I need to do everything? Sweetie you go distract the pups with a problem and you cousin cheetah take this and give it to Ryder then bring him back here" Harold said. "What is this exactly?" Cheetah asked, "a little magic I got from a demon named Ruby it will weaken him enough for a few minutes but you will need to act fast" Harold said. Sweetie and cheetah nodded as they went to the lookout and Sweetie was able to distract the pups. "Sweetie what are you doing here?" Chase asked getting all the pups attention, "just thought I'd pay a visit you know I heard about Ryder and was curious" Sweetie said as the cheetah ran into the lookout and found Ryder still asleep this made it easier for her.

She poured the liquid into his mouth and he coughed and opened his eyes, "what the hell?" He said as his eyes closed once more as the sleeping drug Harold also used took affect, cheetah was able to get him out and struggled getting him to the lair but was successful. " excellent work cousin" Mayor Humdinger said a he hooked Ryder up to the machine. Sweetie ended up,leaving and Chase felt something was off and he followed Sweetie along with the other pups . Chase knew he was up to something after Skye told them all Ryder was missing, he didn't like it and they all ended up at Mayor Humdingers.

Chase sent in his drone and they watched they wanted to see if Ryder could handle himself otherwise they would jump in. Ryder woke up and panicked as he was strapped down to a machine. It felt familiar to him and he thought of Viego and this made him angry. "Now Harold" Mayor humdinger said as Ryder felt the immense pain all of a sudden. Then his  eyes turned gold and he screamed bringing forth his demonic from he was not happy. Humdinger had no idea the pain he was about to experience as Ryder channeled his demonic side and lightning filled the sky.

Ryders demon side

His angel side (this is the best I can find it was hard to find a good image of a male, please ignore the tattoos)

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His angel side (this is the best I can find it was hard to find a good image of a male, please ignore the tattoos)

His angel side (this is the best I can find it was hard to find a good image of a male, please ignore the tattoos)

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