Chapter 3

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It took a few days and Ryder finally woke up He looked at everyone concerned, as he remembered everything that happened. " Is everyone OK?" Ryder asked his pups " we are fine Ryder sir are you OK?" Chase asked. " I think, so does anybody know what that was?" Ryder asked, " no, but we are hoping you could tell us" Rocky said. " I know just as much as you, but we are the paw patrol so we have to figure this out." Ryder said even though he knew more than he was saying. Ryder remembered what Korra told him and he knew he was the only one that will be able to stop this Viego. Ryder was still super confused about what was going on and he needed more info from Korra. "I will be back pups" Ryder said as he went into his room and locked the door. "Korra?" Ryder thought as his room faded away and he was sitting with Korra again, "Hello Ryder" Korra said, "I am still so confused" Ryder said, "I understand but like I said the meteor shower is key, and once you have experienced it I can explain more. For now we just need to wait" Korra said, "can I tell my pups what I know?" Ryder said. "Yes but please do not mention me or the spirit realm, as our fate rests in your hands Ryder. With Viego now human the fate of the spirit realm is depended on you as you are the only one who can stop Viego. If you fail we all die and the world will no longer exist. I don't want to put pressure on you Ryder but the meteor shower is the key. So tell your pups what you must for now but until the meteor shower they can't know about the spirit realm or me" Korra said. "Okay thank you Korra" Ryder said as he was now back in his room. Ryder exited and everyone was looking at him, "sorry, I am not sure what happened pups all I know is that there is a new villain for us to fight" Ryder said. 

"He is working with Mayor Humdinger" Chase said, "no I think he was using Mayor Humdinger, I do know his name is Viego and that we are going to stop him" Ryder said. "How?" Rocky asked, "I am not sure yet, but there is a meteor shower coming up and we need to build the observatory for Adventure Bay to see it so let's concentrate on that. I will try come up with a plan in the meantime" Ryder said. All the pups agreed and they set to work helping Ryder and Rocky build this observatory. Chase knew Ryder was hiding something and he wondered why he wasn't telling him. Ryder kept glancing at the lookout doors and Chase didn't understand why he felt like he was afraid of something. "Ryder are you okay?" Katie asked as she finished with dinner, "I am good Katie, I just feel off from everything. I promise I will be okay though" Ryder said. Katie kissed him and Ryder gave the pups food while he and Katie ate theirs. Ryder also wondered if everyone was who they said they were or if Viego was secretly in his house. He felt paranoid and he didn't want anyone else to notice. After dinner Ryder cleaned up while the pups played pup pup boogie and Katie watched on the couch. Ryder tried to not be noticed as he went outside he needed to get some air. Ryder walked outside and looked up at the sky and wondered what this meteor shower had to do with all of this and why it was the key. "Ryder sir?" Chase said as Ryder jumped, "Chase you scared me" Ryder said, "sorry Ryder sir, I was just making sure you are alright" Chase said. "I am just getting some air Chase" Ryder said as he followed Chase inside he felt like the pups and Katie were okay for now but the town was another story. 

It was late and everyone ended up going to bed except Ryder and Katie, "love, can I convince you to stay home tomorrow?" Ryder said, "I have clients Ryder" Katie said, "I know but, I am worried with the town acting so different. I just don't want you getting hurt" Ryder said. "I love you and I promise to watch my back. Everything will be okay Ryder" Katie said as she kissed him and fell asleep. Ryder was not so sure but he would have to leave it for now and trust that Katie would be safe and that Viego would not strike when he least expected it.

Viego was so happy to be human again, right now he was observing everyone in the town so he could shift into them when he needed. Viego knew that Ryder and the pups were off limits as for some reason he could not shift into them. He wondered if that was because he stole their essence and it prevented him from using their form. He never thought that the spirit world was behind it and that they were secretly protecting them. Viego figured turning into his girlfriend would be the best as it would be the easiest way to get to Ryder but Katie was also being protected. She would play a role in this as well it is just no one knew that not even her. 

Ryder couldn't sleep his mind kept going back to the spirit realm he wanted answers and he needed to know who this Viego was. Ryder was so worried that he could be anyone and it was playing with his mind, he climbed out of bed slowly as to not wake Katie. Ryder went up to his office and tried to make sense of everything. "Viego used us to become human, therefore a part of each of us is inside him. I am not sure what the meteor shower has to do with anything but Korra says its key. The pups all say they are fine but are they? I feel like a piece of me is missing and it makes me angry" Ryder thought to himself. Every second he spent wondering who Viego was made it easier for him to change into someone else. "I need to do a town sweep tomorrow make sure everyone is who they say. I also need to put camera's all over town so I can keep an eye on them" Ryder said as he set to work making tiny cameras that he could use to spy on the town. He was not taking any chances especially with the things Korra had to say about him Viego was going to be the toughest villain they fought yet.

Ryder noticed the sun coming up as he finished his last camera, he figured he would go have a shower. Katie noticed Ryder was not in bed but she heard the shower, she dressed and went to make breakfast. Ryder came down and kissed her, "morning" he said, "morning did you not sleep?" Katie asked, "no I did just woke up a bit earlier that's all" Ryder said as he made some coffee and poured the pups breakfast. Ryder drank the coffee quickly as he said goodbye to Katie, "wait where are you going?" Katie asked, "I need to just go to town for a bit" Ryder said as he left the lookout. The pups entered, "where is he going?" Zuma asked, "I don't know he never said" Katie said as she said goodbye to the pups she needed to get to work too. Ryder talked to everyone in town that he saw, everyone seemed normal and the anger seemed to be gone. "Hello Ryder" Mayor Goodway said, "Morning Mayor everything okay?" Ryder asked, "yes yes a beautiful morning, what brings you by?" Mayor Goodway asked, "nothing just going for a drive, wondering why we haven't gotten any calls lately?" Ryder asked. "I am not sure, hmm seems all is well in Adventure Bay" Mayor Goodway said. The more Ryder talked to her the more confused he was and the absence of chickaletta worried him as she was always by her side. "Well I need to get back to the lookout" Ryder said as he jumped onto his ATV and drove a way slightly so he was out of view. Ryder noticed the Mayor walk towards Mr. Porter's and he turned around and put the camera close to city hall. He also noticed the real Mayor Goodway was still inside City Hall talking to chickaletta. Ryder was now certain that Viego was posing as Mayor Goodway, he was going to approach him when he faded into the spirit world.

"Ryder stop this please, wait for the meteor shower. Viego is to strong for you to take on right now and we can't afford for you to get hurt" Korra said. "He is posing as my friends" Ryder said, "it doesn't matter he is not hurting anyone as of right now, please wait a few days you need to be stronger and right now you are not" Korra said. "I can't let him hurt my friends" Ryder said, "we are keeping an eye on the situation just trust us please" Korra said. "Fine" Ryder said as he was back on his ATV he was still angry though. Ryder drove back up to the lookout and went to his office as he checked all the cameras. He had a perfect view of the entire town, he noticed his pups were trying to get into the office. "I will be right out" Ryder said knowing he couldn't keep hiding from them. "Something is up with him" Marshall said, "can you blame him, the way he screamed, I mean we don't exactly know what happened" Skye said. "I feel like he does though and he is keeping it from us" Chase said. "Why would he do that?" Rubble asked, "I don't now but why would this Viego guy need us? Who is he?" Chase asked. Ryder came out hearing their conversation, "Chase, Viego could be anyone we don't know as none of us saw his face. I know he used us for something but I don't know what. I know we can stop him but not yet we need to wait for the right moment" Ryder said. "When is that?" Rocky asked, "after the meteor shower, for now lets concentrate on getting the observatory done and up to Jake's" Ryder said. 

The pups didn't agree that doing nothing was the right answer, but they listened and helped Ryder with the observatory. They were also confused as to why the meteor shower would make a difference in figuring out who Viego was. "Does anyone else feel like Ryder is keeping something from us?" Rocky asked the others, "I do but maybe he is not telling us for a reason" Skye said. "There is a dangerous person out there who could literally be anyone and Ryder now all of  a sudden is keeping secrets" Chase said agreeing with Rocky. "Where did he go this morning?" Marshall asked, "I don't know but something is fishy and I intend to figure it out" Chase said as he went inside to find Ryder. "He is going to get us all in trouble" Zuma said, "yeah well I am just as curious is him" Rocky said continuing with the observatory. Ryder was in his office watching the camera's he only saw one Mayor Goodway as of right now so he figured Viego shifted into someone else. The meteor shower was 3 days away and he was getting anxious as he just wanted to find him and make sure he didn't hurt anyone. 

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