《ÇH@þŤ3R F0UŘ》

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D@Ý F0UŘ [Gonna stop putting POVS until necessary]

I unfortunately woke up earlier than expected in the morning, which meant I had to wait in this stupid cell until that annoying nurse comes in and hands me my clean uniform. At least I could be a little more prepared for her awfully squeaky voice now. I remained in bed just staring at the ceiling as my mind wandered. I thought about the events of yesterday, what was possibly planned for today, and...

I wonder if Kirsten misses me?

The question popped into my head, despite me wanting to keep it shoved down and ignored. I tried to kill her, anyone with a brain would know she probably doesn't miss me in the slightest. I wouldn't be surprised if she found someone else already, the memory of my existence being a crazy ex to her. Bet she won't even bother to visit.

No. I can't think like that.

My eyes growing teary was a pretty obvious sign that I had to try and at least make an attempt to remain positive. She's a good person, I'm just..

"You think you're a bad person?" Jake eyes me carefully from his chair as I mindlessly play with my fingers. We were sitting in the comfort room again. The nurse who greets me in the morning caught me having a meltdown in my cell and called for him. I guess he handles most of the "therapy" part of this asylum's treatment. I let out a deep breath. "Yeah, I do."
"And why do you think that, Albert?" I laid down on the couch, messing with the fibers of the soft blanket under me. "I almost killed my ex and I because she was trying to get me to seek mental help. Pretty sure that makes me a terrible person alone." I hear Jake shuffle slightly. "Well, I don't think you're a bad person." He responds, a bit quieter than how he usually talks. I turn my head to face him, scoffing. "Your job is to make us feel better, of course you don't think I'm a bad person. I could've blown up a school full of children and I bet your response would be the same." That soft smile of his reappeared on him and the urge to punch his dumb (pretty) face clouded my thoughts. "While yes, you are correct, that doesn't prevent me from having my own opinions about others. I can say someone isn't a bad person and mean it, darling. And by my definition I don't think you're a bad person. You are dealing with something you cannot control. I can't bring myself to blame you." Despite my doubts, the genuinity laced with his voice really was helping me with feeling better. It.. honestly kinda scared me how sweet this guy was, even if it is his job to be that way. I gripped my comfort plushie, pondering how to respond. Something buzzed within the room and Jake turned his attention to the noise, pulling out some sort of clock device. "My, my! Time passes so quickly, it's almost time for lunch. Let me escort you down to the Dining Hall, dear." He stood up and extended his hand to help me up. I gave him a quiet "thank you" before following him out the door, him locking it behind us. We both walked down to the Dining Hall and I scanned the room. Unfortunately, no empty tables were available this time around. Jake noticed I was slightly hesitant to go sit down, him placing his hand gently on my shoulder. "It'll be okay, most of the patients here are nicer than you think, Albert." He gently reassured me. He retracted his hand and walked off, probably to go help with serving. I decided to choose a table with only one other person at it. I sat down and gestured a "hello" to the other person at the table, quickly observing them. He was a male with brown eyes and dark brown hair to match. He has a scraggly mustache and his facial expression showed weariness. Overall, didn't look like a scary guy. He responded with a nod. "Nice to have some company, what's your name?" I crossed my arms as I looked at him.

"Albert, yours?"
"The name's Denis."
Denis, what a nice name. He eyed me carefully, I wonder what he was thinking about me. "How long have you been here?"
"Here, in the asylum." He questioned, thanking the nurse that set down his plate of food. She set down a plate for me as well as I also thanked her. "This is my fourth day. I haven't been here long." Denis smiled, taking a bite of his food. "Hmmmmm, so you're a newbie. Interesting." I cocked my head in confusion. "How is that interesting?" Denis took another bite before chewing and swallowing, twirling his fork in his hand. "Haven't seen any new faces for a while now. What're you in for?" I took a bite of my own food, mostly because I was a little hesitant to answer. I just met this guy. "Schizoaffective disorder... Almost killed my ex and I after she tried to get me help." Denis seemed a little caught off guard by my response. "Damn, I don't think I've seen someone with schizophrenia in forever. How do the nurses treat ya? Are you getting that special treatment from Brother Jacob?" The mentioning of Jake's name drew me to give Denis my full attention. "Special treatment?" Denis nodded, ignoring my surprised reaction to his statement. "Yeah, Jacob usually tends to patients with more drastic mental issues. He's pretty passionate about what he does, so people enjoy being treated by him." That does make sense why he's being so nice to me. "Huh, then yeah I am." I guess neither of us had anything to say to the conversation, so we both continued to eat until Denis cleared his throat again. "Since your disorder is a little more drastic, I do advise you to behave as best as you can, but from the looks of it you seem to handle yourself quite well." I raised an eyebrow. "Why? How do they handle people who misbehave?" He shrugged. "Well, I don't know. Some patients don't come back, some don't speak about it. Convinced me enough to not wreak havoc for the time being. Although..." Denis beckoned me to come closer. I leaned forward, ready to hear what he was going to say next.
"I kind of want to find out." I gave him a baffled look. How exactly would he even expect to go about that? "Oh really? And how do you suppose you'd find out?" Denis grinned. "I've been here long enough to know what time they handle the punishments. And I know a trick that an ex-patient taught me for getting out of our cells at night." I frowned. "What exactly are you in here for again?..."
"Suicide attempts. Too many for them to just let me go. This is my fourth time being re-admitted." "But isn't their whole purpose to fix us?" Denis shrugged. "Some people can't be fixed, I might be one of those people, who knows. Persistency has always been one of my strong points. Anyways," He stopped briefly to take a sip of water. "meet me before dinner so we can discuss more, can't now because I have a session with my group mates after lunch. See you later, Albert." He got up and went to go discard his plate, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

What the fuck did I even just get myself into?

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