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I woke up to the sound of the nurse opening my door. She gently creaked it open, noticing I was awake and grinning. "Good morning, Albert! Sleep well? I have your uniform right here, make sure to get changed!" I nodded, blinking the sleep away from my eyes. She set the uniform down for me and left. I changed out of my nightgown into the uniform, fixing my bedsheets before exiting the cell and heading to the Dining Hall with my other hall mates.

Dani, Denis and I all sat together again as Kaden passed out breakfast. "Ahhh, visiting hours. Weeelll I'm free the entire day. What about you two?" Dani stretched and looked at us both. "I have no one visiting me, mom stopped coming around a long time ago. Can't say I blame the old woman. What about your ex girlfriend, Albert? I remember you mentioning her." I shrugged my shoulders, crossing my arms and setting them on the table. "I mean I hope she visits. I miss her, but I can't help but doubt it." I glanced down, frowning a bit. Dani and Denis looked at each other before giving me an empathetic look. "Well, don't let your hopes down. I don't doubt you really loved her, Albert. And I bet she really loved ya too." Dani nodded along with Denis's statement. I gave him a small smile, grateful for his reassurance. Kaden had reached out table and set down our food. "Good morning Dani, Denis, Albert. Enjoy today's meal!"
We all collectively thanked him before beginning to eat. Dani chuckled. "Hey, look who's doing announcements." She pointed to the stage in the middle of the Dining Hall. Yeah, why am I not even surprised. It's Jake. "Duh, he's like one of the main nurses here at this point. No surprise he's doing announcements about visiting hours." Dani and Denis began to talk with one another quietly. I mentally blocked them out for now so I could listen to what Jake was going to say.
"Good morning dears!" He started cheerfully. "I hope you all had a good rest. As most of you know, visiting hours are open today from 10am to 5pm. These visits are pre-scheduled by the visitors themselves, so you will be notified if you have anyone coming today. Any patients who do not have scheduled visitations are free to roam open areas such as the playground, the library, and the main hall as long as a nurse or two is present. If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of the nurses! Have a wonderful day darlings!" I watched him step off the stage and go into the kitchen area, another nurse stepping up and taking his place on the stage. Dani and Denis stood up. "We're going to go head to the Main Hall, once you're done visiting her you're more than welcome to join us. Tell her we said hi by the way!" Dani smiled as she picked up her plate. Denis copied her action and nodded. "Yeah, we hope to see ya there dude."
"Alright, I'll be there afterwards. Catch you guys later." They both left, so I continued to eat my food. Once it seemed like a majority of the people in the Dining Hall was done eating, the nurse standing on the stage cleared his throat. "If you'd like to find out whether you have a visitation scheduled or not, please proceed to the Chapel!" I wasn't sure where the chapel was, so I stood up and put my plate into the cleaning pile, following a couple of people. We went down a hallway through some large, fancy wooden doors into a huge room. I mean HUGE. The room had many stained glass windows around it, with rows of comfy chairs facing the front. The carpet was a red velvet color, the walkway down the middle of the rows lined with some sort of golden material. It was nice, pretty.
Sister Diana passed by me and clapped her hands together. "Double file line please! Everyone who has a visitation scheduled will be coming with me to the Visitor's Ward, so please sit down in any of these rows once you find out!" She gestured to three different rows closest to her. I got in line and waited patiently.
It would be a while before it reached me. I was beginning to grow antsy, doubt occupying my thoughts. She scheduled, I know she did. I reassured myself in my mind, even though it didn't help the uneasy, doubtful feeling go away. And what if she didn't? What would I do? How would I react?

"Now you're being realistic."

I sighed. Never a dull moment, huh.

"Face it, she doesn't want to see you. The woman hates you."

That's not true. She doesn't hate me, I know she doesn't. She cares, and she's going to visit me.
"You said her name was Kirsten?" I nodded nervously, watching Savonnia sort through a couple of lists. "I'm sorry, Albert. It doesn't seem like she scheduled a visiting time to meet with you." My heart sunk, no, no. I didn't want to believe that. "Ca-can you please check again? Please?"
"I've already checked twice, dear. I'm sorry." She gave me a sympathetic look.
I lowered my head, defeated. "Okay, thank you for your time." I mumbled. I stepped out of the line and left the Chapel, walking down the hallways. I couldn't bring myself to be wary of my surroundings. Why didn't she schedule? Why didn't..

No, I began running. It felt like I was no longer in control of my actions. I'm not sure where I was going.

I guess I should've known. How could I have been so stupid to think-

"She doesn't care, I was right, once again. Don't you see? You have no one."

Why do you mock me so?

Although my vision was filling with tears and becoming blurry, I could see a couple of patients in front of me heading back inside from the playground with a nurse. The nurse noticed me, calling out and waving her hand. "Hello dear, I apologize but I have to step out so the playground is-" I ignored her and pushed past her and the other patients, going outside.

I remember, I remember yesterday. How do I remember???

Despite there being bars around the playground to prevent anyone from falling off the dangerous cliff edge, there's a gap. Big enough for one person. The nurses stand in front of it.
"I recalled it, because you're too stupid to notice."
I climbed up onto the stage, the nurse seemed to have caught on to what I was doing, was it really me doing this?

I feel lightheaded.

She began yelling out my name. I could hear her approaching me.

"Yeah, we both know this is best for us. Don't let her stop me now."

I pushed past the bars, that nurse reached the stage now, but He'd get the deed done before she could reach me. I could hear her shouting into one of those fancy walkie talkies. I didn't want someone screaming at me to be the last thing I hear, but soon I won't hear anything anyways. Why would it matter?

Why do I want this?

I reached the cliff edge, taking a short glance downwards.

"It's a long way down, hurry."

I took a deep breath, my face sticky with tears. I had no thoughts of turning away, just what exactly are you doing to my mind?

I'm so sorry.

I lurched forward, ready to embrace the feeling of air whooshing on me,

But it didn't come.

Instead I got yanked back.

When the hell did she get so close?

"Oh, you fool."

The nurse locked both of her arms around me, holding onto me tightly and dragging me back. I struggled against her, screaming, crying, kicking.

"This is a new low for you."

She managed to get me pinned onto the ground. My face was being pushed into the soft grass and dirt. Painful. She was shouting to another nurse who I couldn't see. I kept struggling to get loose, how could I have failed something so miserably? This can't be happening. Am I even me anymore?
I felt a sharp pain in my neck, are they injecting me???

My whole body went limp immediately, my eyes feeling heavy. The last thing I heard was the nurses and their panicked voices before my vision went dark.

Oh, how depressing. I'm being put to sleep.

"You're just like an animal gone feral."

Should I even bother explaining?

All I Need Is YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang