《ÇH@þŤ3R EL3V3N》

271 9 12

After Showers

Denis and I have 30 minutes freetime before we have to head to our cells. We were chilling in the Relaxation Space in our nightgowns while the nurses took time to clean the cells before bedtime. I've noticed the nurses were always catering and tending to us. Even if it's their job it sure is a respectful gesture, much unlike the stories I've heard about other nurses at different asylums from my ex friends. "Hey Denis," Denis turned his attention away from the comfort plush he was stroking, a cat, to glance at me. "How far along are you with your plan?" I asked. "Oh- I forgot to tell you didn't I?" He scooted closer to where I was sitting, laying down and resting his head on one of the pillows. "I got the lock pick, it's here in Sir Meows-A-Lot." "Sir what now?" I cocked my head in confusion. He lifted up the plush cat's uniform to reveal a lockpick sitting underneath it, strapped in place with a rubber band. "All I need is distractors and we are good to go, my bro. I've formulated a plan, wonderin' if I should have Dani in on it too." He stroked his chin thoughtfully before continuing. "Not sure how interested she is in things like that though, and I have yet to see someone act out badly enough to enforce punishment." "Couldn't you have someone intentionally act out and just tell you?" I looked at Denis and he met my gaze. "I have done that. Long while ago. Dude was too traumatized, couldn't utter out a single word." I shuddered. This asylum genuinely seems so wonderful and kind, why would someone be that traumatized from punishment?  "I'm not afraid of the nurses or anything, I don't think such kind people would do cruel things anyways. But I can't help but feed into my curiosity, y'know?" I get his determination, I've grown curious myself. I wonder what exactly is considered "punishable" here, as I've observed patients being disrespectful and rude yet are still fine the next day. "I do have to say, I'm surprised you've almost gotten everything so quickly. I thought it would take longer." I said to Denis. "Yeah me too, right people, right time I guess." Sister Xalia opened the door, stepping in. She glanced at everyone remaining in the Relaxation Space and smiled. "Okay everybody, all your cells are clean so it's time to head off to bed. Please go to your respective cells, sleep tight darlings!" I stood up alongside Denis, brushing my nightgown. We both had off in the direction of our cells. "Goodnight Albert, I'll see you and Dani tomorrow." He said, heading to the direction of his cell.  "Goodnight Denis!" I called back just before he waved and turned the corner to the next hall.

I was alone today, Dani and Denis both having separate cycles and doing other things that occupied their time. I chose to go to the Library in my freetime after Lunch, greeting the nurse that sat at the Library desk for the first time. "Good morning, dear! My name is Librarian Matthew, how may I assist you today?" He gave me the same gentle smile all the nurses wore. "Hello. I was curious if you have any good book recommendations?" I responded, watching him stand up and.... holy fucking shit this dude was tall what in the goddamn?! He turned to choose a few books from the shelf behind him, oblivious to my gawking. Theres no way he was simply 7 foot like the other nurses, maybe more like 8'5. I've never seen anyone this tall in my life. He was able to easily reach the top shelf of the bookshelf. "Here you go dahling, only our bes- oh? Surprised by my height?" He had noticed the stunned look I wore as I slowly nodded. He laughed, setting the books down in front of me so I could look at them. "Haha, you aren't the first one to be soy shocked by my height, dear! Anyways, I have a couple genres of books here for you. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Adventure,..." He stated off each genre and pointed to their respective books. "I think I'll go with uh... this one." I pointed to the Fantasy genre book, and he beamed. "The Name Of The Wind, ai? An excellent choice!!! One of my personal favorites, if I must say soy! Have a seat wherever you'd like, just be sure to return the book whenever you finish. Enjoy!" Matthew picked up the other books as I grabbed my book, going to sit down on the couch they had here. I spent about an hour of my time reading. The book was not all too special, just an story about an orphan who makes a brazen bid to join a dangerous magic school to become a wizard. [PSA, never read the book, I don't read fantasy much. But it sounded interesting so I looked up the summary]. I heard a soft chiming go off, signifying our break was over. I closed the book, sitting up and giving it back to Matthew. "Soy, what did you think dear?" He took the book and set it back on the shelf, waiting for my response. "It was a good book, interesting. Thank you for letting me read it." He smiled and nodded his head, beginning to clean up as I exited the Library.

"-and Trish wasn't really paying attention so she accidentally spilled the crayons everywhere! Tripped over them so ridiculously I almost died trying to hold in my laughter. She ended up having to go to the Medical Bed because she banged her knee pretty hard. Poor girl is so frail." Dani was gabbing on about her day as Denis and I sat there listening, eating our meal. Denis finished chewing and swallowing before clearing his throat, garnering Dani and I's attention. "So, I told Dani about our idea." Dani nodded, picking up the brownie on her plate and taking a bite. "I'm in by the way, kinda curious too, hehe." "That's not all though, one of the best creators in the Black Market is willing to make us the remaining items we need." I had finally finished eating, setting my fork down. "Oh? Who?" I asked.
"His alias name is Laughability, or Laugh for short."
"Oh, Miles. I figured." Dani huffed. "He wants us to meet him tomorrow during freetime to discuss what he wants from us in return." "All three of us?" Dani questioned, finishing off the rest of her brownie. Denis nodded in response.
"Makes me a little worried about what he's requesting if he needs to tell all three of us. These things never come cheap." I shrugged my shoulders, crossing my arms and laying my head down on them. "Unless it's something like a unicorn's horn I'm sure we can get it." I reassured.

I hope I'm not going through these days too quickly, I've been sprinkling you all with some Jalbert content here and there but nothing full on y e t. Good things come to those who wait lol

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