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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Day 110

"Your hands are really warm, do you know that?"

"Yeah well yours feel really cold so come closer, dear."

I giggled softly, shuffling a little closer to Jake's body. He reached out to hold both of my hands, gently rubbing his thumb along my knuckles as I leaned up against him. "You're like a cozy blanket, or a big teddy bear." I joked, sighing happily from the warmth he provided. Jake laughed and pressed a kiss to my head.

"I guess that seems accurate enough. How's your lower half doing?" My gaze averted downwards, focusing briefly on our hands before I met his eyes again. "I'd say I'm still pretty sore, getting rest didn't help much. It's not intolerable, I've dealt with way worse." I cringed at my words, recalling what Savonnia had put us through. I couldn't be happier that she's long gone.

Jake huffed, letting go of one of my hands and running his fingers through my hair. "I can ask Nurse Fawn if she has heating pads available once everyone's awake. They'll be good for easing your soreness. Or I'd be more than happy to run you a therapeutic bath and make you some herbal tea so you can relax." My heart fluttered at how empathetic and sweet Jake was, showing how much he cared about my wellbeing.

"A bath would be nice, if it's not too much trouble." I answered. He nodded and retracted himself from me, beginning to get up from the bed. I whined as the comfortable heat between us was lost. "Wah- hey wait!" I exclaimed. It was far too early for him to start getting up now, the bath can wait. I was quick enough to stop him, gripping his arm and pulling him back.

"Oh- dear I'm going to go run a bath for you?" Jake gave me a soft yet confused smile as I shook my head.
"Well it, uh... Mm I just want a few more minutes with you. The bath can wait, we have time.. Please stay?" I begged, dragging him a little closer before wrapping my arms around him securely. He chuckled at my pleading, getting back into the bed and under the covers. "Alright darling, we can cuddle for a while longer. My apologies for misunderstanding, here.." I felt his warm hands wrap around my hips as he lifted me up on top of him, my body now splayed on his. I laid my head down on his collarbone, sighing happily.

"Better?" He giggled, nuzzling his face into my hair as he trailed both his hands up my back. "Yeah, much better. You really are a big teddy bear." In all honesty, I was probably going to doze off again. The fire from the candle on his nightstand flickered, his soft features illuminated ever so slightly by the light it provided. My heart swelled when I saw the way he gazed down at me. He didn't fail to make it obvious that he cared and loved me so deeply, never needing to say too much because his eyes conveyed everything for him. I absolutely did not deserve such a perfect man. A man willing to present me the world in the palm of his hands if I asked him to. If I could, I'd do the same for him in a heartbeat.

"I love you." I whispered, leaning forward slightly to kiss his cheek before snuggling into the crook of his neck. Jake smiled, pulling the bedding up enough to cover our bodies fully before his arms fell back down to my back. "I love you too darling." I never wanted to leave such a wonderful moment, if I could stay here forever it'd be a dream come true.

Loving him came easy, Jake always knows how to make me feel like I am truly at home, right where I belong. I do deserve his kindness, his affection and every little bit of him I can get.

A shorter chapter since I've had pretty nasty writer's block. I've been enjoying life lately, not a lot has been going on unfortunately. I'm sad to say we are nearing the end of this story :( but no worries. It's not over yet. Thank you for being patient with me, I'll correct errors later tomorrow.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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