《ÇH@þŤ3R F1FŤ33N》

294 12 17


I was alone this cycle around, waiting for the nurse to bring me breakfast. I kept casting glances over where Jake stood, watching as he silently observed the room. His eyes eventually met mine, a smile appearing on his face. My face reddened as I sheepishly waved at him.

God, that dude is going to be the death of me.

Kaden set down a plate of food for me, noticing I was alone at the table. "Are your friends not in the same cycle today?" He asked. I nodded, picking up my fork and getting ready to eat. He left to go serve the other patients, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

"So, any plans today, Albert?"

"Nope, don't even bother talking to me because I'm just going to ignore you." I mumbled under my breath.

"You know what I can do. Don't test me."

I clenched my fork as a wave of pain shot through me. God, this is just getting worse. I can't catch a break. I took a bite of my food, ignoring the throbbing in the back of my head. It'll go away soon. I reassured myself.

But when exactly is "soon"?
"Dude, why are you suddenly acting all weird?" Denis glanced over at us, shamelessly listening in on Dani and I's conversation. Dani had noticed me staring at Jake more than listening to her. I honestly felt bad for not listening, I wasn't intentionally trying to ignore her. "If you weren't obsessed before you definitely are now. I mean it's cute and all but dang! The hell he do to you when I had him take you away yesterday?"
"You'll live if you take your eyes off him for two seconds, I promise." Denis said snarkily. Dani gave him the side eye glare before averting her eyes back to me. "Ignore him, he's just jealous." She snickered.

"No I am not! I just seem to be the only person here with brains who knows this isn't something you can just, let slide! If you keep encouraging him he might turn into a mini Laugh!" He sighed, rubbing his temples before continuing on. "Albert you know as well as I do you're just going to end up with your heart broken. Stop chasing after Jacob. He's only here to assist you, not to entertain your romantic interests." I glanced down, embarrassed this was even a conversation we were having.

Denis was right though, despite how stubborn my mind remained. I just wish I was able to actually control these emotions now. But I refused to forget the feel of his lips against mine. The butterflies that swarmed my stomach every time he looked my direction, heart racing whenever he gave me that sweet smile.. In the back of my thoughts I felt guilty, knowing that I used to feel this way about Kirsten too. It's been only a week anyways, I should feel ashamed. "See there he goes again getting lost in his thoughts. Are you sure you're okay Albert?" Dani snapped me out of my thoughts, both her and Denis giving me a concerned look. "I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind, think I need to lie down." I stood up from the chair and walked away from our table, feeling their eyes burn into my back. When I reached the library couch, luckily no one was there, I laid down and stared up at the ceiling.

"There you go again, avoiding conflict because you can't manage to speak for yourself."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not a matter I'm willing to fight on so leave me alone."

"I'll be here when you're ready to admit you're weak."
I sighed, closing my eyes and attempting to rest for a while.
D@Ý 3L3V3N

Not much happened the other day, save for the conversation I had with my.. acquaintances. I'm still unsure if it's okay to consider them friends, even if they feel like they are. It was now Thursday, tomorrow should be the weekly group session if I recall correctly and then visiting hours the following Saturday. Except this time I'm not expecting to see a certain someone.

It's not like I cared anymore anyways, her loss. I have better things to focus on.

Denis and I were in the Enrichment Garden right now, Dani was in the Medical Bed because she had banged her head pretty hard earlier in the playground. She's okay, nothing broken, but the nurses still insisted she'd get checked by Nurse Fawn. "So, I don't think Dani told you but we got everything." I looked up at him. "The stuff for the plan?" "Yep, Dani already knows what she is going to do so I'm going to tell you what I need you to do." He glanced around briefly to make sure no one was listening before turning back to me. "Laugh was so grateful he gave us an extra item alongside with the distractor. He calls it a Signal communicator." I watched him pull out two small devices, each barely the size of a card.

"You're going to have this, whenever you press the button here it'll cause the Infared LED light here to light up. Mine does the same thing for yours when I press my button." He showed me by demonstrating as I silently observed. "Dani and I decided it'd be best for you to keep an eye on nurses who are close to where we are going to be. From what I know, thanks to Laugh's friend Janzen, they all meet in the conference room at night to discuss which patients deserve punishment. He gave us a map we can look over when we're in a more open place where the nurses can't see us well. Whenever you see them ready to make a move to the "Naughty Room", you're going to press the button so Dani and I know when to go." I looked down at the ground, mindlessly messing with my hands. "And when are we putting this all into action?" I asked. "Friday night, after everyone's cells are closed. That's where the lock picks will come in use. I'll unlock both you and Dani's cell around 9:45pm."

This was a lot to take in so suddenly, doubts cluttering my mind. "And we're sure this will all work out without the nurse catching us??" I questioned. Denis nodded, smoothing down his uniform. "Fairly confident. I spent much of my time preparing after all." I heard a voice come from behind us, both Denis and I stopping our conversation to listen. "Alright dears, it's nearing lunchtime so let us all gather at the Dining Hall! Single file line please!" Sister Savonnia stood near the entryway, waiting for everyone to line up. "Well, let's go. Don't doubt Dani is waiting for us at the usual table." Denis stood up as I followed suit, thinking to myself and soaking in what I was just told. I feel bad that I don't completely trust Denis's plan, but..

I just can't shake the feeling that this would somehow go horribly wrong.

Sorry I took like a WEEK BREAK I swear I'm ok I just died for a bit lmfaooooo anyways enjoy this hopefully there's no spelling mistakes as it is almost 2am here

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