《ÇH@þŤ3R S3V3NŤ33N》

302 11 52



-J@k3s POV-

I breathed a sigh of relief once the last paper left on my desk had been read through and signed. The torturously long list of new terms and agreements had grown tiring, wearing my mind down. Now they came to an end, completed and neatly stacked.

Finally, everything had been finished for tonight. 

I set down my pencil and stretched, the ache running throughout my body causing me to groan.

Jeez, how long have I been sitting there anyways?..

The clock above my desk read 12:22am. I guess I should've remained more aware of how late it was. I stood up from my chair, pushing it in and falling into my familiar nightly routine.

Even though I was ready to pass out I couldn't overlook the importance of keeping routine, changing my clothes, brushing my teeth and hair, lotioning my face and arms. Once I was all done I turned the bathroom light off, shutting the door and walking to my bed. I nearly jumped when I noticed the small lump under my sheets.

Albert. I forgot he was here.

He was sound asleep, all cozied up under the blanket. I silently got into bed, lifting the sheets and laying down beside Albert. Luckily he didn't stir one bit. I was close enough to hear his soft snoring, almost barely noticeable.

Hopefully this wasn't too weird.

I couldn't help but crack a small smile as I looked over at him. I adore all my patients and make sure they're treated well, but seeing them so... at peace was an odd occurrence. It's like sleep was an escape from their stressful curses. However, it did bring me joy he was seemingly comfortable, especially considering tonight might've been terrifying for him. I adjusted my position, exhaustion setting in as my body relaxed and my eyelids grew heavy. I allowed myself to be enveloped in the welcoming bliss of sleep.

My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the darkness of the room. I turned my head to look at my bedside clock on the right, 6am. I need to get up soon. It took me a moment to realize my left side was growing rather warm.

Did Albert move closer to me?

Looking over confirmed it, he was snuggled up against my body, still out. He had the same peaceful look as earlier, clearly content with whatever dream he was having. I slowly raised my right arm, running my fingers through his soft, brown hair. I swore I could see him smile at the motion, letting out a barely audible noise.

I felt selfish for wanting to hold him closer to me, wanting to bask in his comfort, considering he's had a recent and sudden... tense demeanor around me lately. Granted, I'm aware why. Well, at least now I am. And oddly enough I'm not too bothered by it.

I couldn't prevent myself from slowly pulling him closer to me, feeling his heartbeat against my skin as I cradled him. My heart melted when he unconsciously rested his head against my chest. Albert was simply adorable, I've grown fond of him. Being here, all alone with him gave me a fuzzy feeling in my chest. In all fairness, it's been a while since I've cuddled someone. I justified to myself in my mind.

I'm not sure how long I laid there holding him close to me, soaking in the tranquility and cherishing this moment. I dreaded knowing I'd have to wake him up soon.

If only we met under different circumstances, maybe if..

Agh, I cant think that. Pushing away the thought came easy, this is my patient after all. I refused to slip up twice, feeling guilty that I even had such an idea. I'm here to provide care, and this is... That's exactly what I'm doing.

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