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<<Continued from Chapter 24.>>

"You and Albert are lucky we arrived quickly, otherwise I'm not sure what Savonnia would've done with y'all."

I glanced over, watching Miles and Kaden talk with one another while restraining Dr. Gonzali and Savonnia. My eyes led back to Denis, who was also watching them intently. I furrowed my eyebrows, running my fingers through my hair as I tried to process the current situation. "This is so unexpected.. I thought that-"

"We all thought wrong." Dani interrupted. She made her way over to join us, crossing her arms and scowling. "Savonnia fucked with everyone, assumingly it was her plan all along. The whole reason Denis told you both to break up or whatever? It was a warning that someone knew. We just didn't take much care in analyzing it further." Denis nodded, his eyes following over to Albert. Diana was assisting Nurse Fawn with checking his vitals and making sure he was okay. Albert appeared visibly distressed, it hurt my heart to see him in such a state. "Well, I'm glad you all came to help. It was smart to tell the other nurses about what was potentially happening. Thank you, Dani." She nodded her head in response to my gratitude. "I still don't get one thing.. It's almost like she knew the whole time. Watching every little move we made." Denis sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "When she took me in for questioning, all her questions led to the same thing, about you and Albert. I did my best to avoid mentioning it but she kept pressing. She eventually let me go, but earlier this morning, she took me out of my cell and threw me in the Psych Ward. No explanation. I was lucky Kaden knew something was up when Dani and Miles arrived with Diana. I honestly wasn't even aware they knew each other."

Dani glanced at Denis, pursing her lips. "What about you asking Miles to spy on us? Did that also have something to do with her?" Denis nodded.

"He had the feeling she was going to try something when it was least expected. Sent me to spy and see if maybe he could spot her anywhere when you two were alone." Miles chimed in and gave a thumbs up to Kaden, who nodded back in response. "They're both restrained. How is Albert?" Kaden asked, making his way over to Fawn and Diana.

"He seems to be alright, but my skills can only do so much. We'll have an ambulance called along with the police, they'll check him out further." Fawn answered, pulling out her phone and dialing 911. I rubbed my arm, right where Savonnia had tased me. The area felt numb to the touch. "Denis, if I may ask, why didn't you tell us? Wouldn't it have been better to let us know in advance?" I inquired, turning back to face him. "Not if Savonnia was watching our every move. Telling Albert and you might've been a dead giveaway. And unfortunately there's only so much we could've done." I averted my gaze to the floor, pondering his answer. He's got a point, I wonder if the bedroom incident might've been what sparked all of this in the first place. Dani left Denis and I, heading to where Albert was being taken care of. God, this is a mess. I cast a glance at Savonnia and Dr. Gonzali, both of them still out.

At least everyone is going to be okay.


"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

It was hard watching the woman who originally gave me this position get dragged into a police car, her barely protesting. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, gently biting my lip. The police officer who had been questioning me about the situation seemed to be done, closing her writing pad and giving me a smile. "That's all the questions I have Mr. Green. I assume Void View will be safe in your hands until Mr. Vallen returns. Thank you for your time, and take care." I nodded, watching the police officer walk off and join the others near the police car. Savonnia sat in the back next to Gonzali, her gaze never leaving the floor. She looked ashamed.

Why would she go this far all because of us?

It seems I may never truly know.

I turned my back to the cop car and made my way over to the ambulance. A blonde haired man, Elijah, was busy taking Albert's blood pressure. He had a blanket wrapped around him, watching Elijah read the gauge. Poor Albert looked as if he was close to falling asleep. "Well Albert, everything seems to be okay. The effects of the drugs will wear off eventually, and it appears she didn't have you in there long enough to cause long-lasting damage." Elijah turned to face me, smiling softly. "I assume you must be his caretaker?" I nodded, my gaze meeting Albert's as he looked up at me. "Well Mr. Green, I can assure you Albert will be okay. Make sure he gets plenty of bed rest and drinks lots of water. Try to avoid giving him any over the counter medications until all his symptoms have cleared." He smiled, removing the Sphygmomanometer and going to place it back in the ambulance. I took a seat next to Albert, gently rubbing his back as he laid his head on me. "Is she gone?" He asked, a slight slur present in his voice. I nodded. "Yes, and I'm here now." I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head and cradling him closer to me. I still regret ever letting my eyes off of him. He didn't deserve this trauma.

It'll never happen again.

One by one the police officers left the scene, everyone involved eventually returning inside. "It's over.." Denis said, letting out a heavy sigh of what I assumed to be relief. Dani hummed in agreement, following him over to the Dining Hall. Kaden glanced up at me before looking back down at Albert. "Should I bring his food to your room when he feels ready to eat?" He asked, folding his hands together formally. I nodded, keeping my hand steady on Albert's back as I began to lead him in the direction of the nurse rooms.

"Alright, now you need some rest. I'll stay with you, I promise." He didn't say anything, keeping his eyes locked forward and allowing me to guide him.

Once we reached my room I immediately took to caring for Albert, dimming the lights and tucking him into the bed. I planned on resting with him, the bed dipping as I laid down beside Albert. He instinctively scooted closer to me, burying his face in my chest. "Will you be okay, dear?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him. Albert shut his eyes and nodded. "Jus' don't go anywhere.." He whispered, hand gently clutching at my side. I smiled, shifting slightly to get a little more comfortable before closing my eyes and kissing the top of his head.

"Don't worry, I won't."

I'm so tired Aaaaaugh. Finally Savonnia is gone everyone can party. I'll correct any mistakes later right now I'm far too exhausted to proofread this yeah. Goodnight.

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