《ÇH@þŤ3R Ť3N》

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I have been at Void View for an entire week now and already so much has happened.
I sat on my bed, playing with my comfort plushie as I waited for the nurse to unlock my cell. My mind wandered to what happened yesterday. If I'm being honest, I'm still baffled I had two meltdowns in a single day. Despite barely remembering them, I can still recall the painfulness and dread that had occupied my body and mind. I remember being so terrified, it felt as if I would've fainted.

I guess I should be grateful Jake was technically in the right place at the right time, huh.

'He' didn't bother me for the rest of the day, nor have I heard anything from him today. That Holy Tonic must be some powerful shit. It feels weird not having him lingering in the back of my mind, but..
My mind isn't completely thoughtless. I feel embarrassed admitting that a certain someone was sitting in my thoughts. My body refuses to forget the feel of his hands on mine, his strong arms when he embraced me, his fingers running gently through my hair... I shook my head at my own thoughts, feeling my face warm up. God Albert. Pull yourself together.
I feel guilty for getting over Kirsten so easily, no longer bothered by the fact that she didn't come visit. Is this just a stupid rebound crush? A classic case of desiring something I can't have just because I can't have it? I groaned to myself. Sometimes not having the ability to think or overthink sounds like a good idea.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the familiar clicking of a lock. The nurse who I've come to know as Nurse Carly opened my cell door with my clean uniform in hand. "Good morning dear, did you have a nice rest?" Her voice was cautious, scarily gentle this time compared to her usual cheery and high-pitched tone. I wonder if all the nurses knew about what happened yesterday by now. I nodded my head and she approached, setting my uniform down and exiting the room to let me change. I set down my Comfort plush and got dressed, following the familiar routine I've adjusted to. Dani was the only other one in the first breakfast cycle today. She sat down next to me, looking a little nervous. "Hey Albert." She smiled. "Hello Dani." She folded her hands, looking down at the table. "So, I heard about what almost happened yesterday. Are you.. okay?" I sighed. Word must've gotten around from those patients who witnessed me making an attempt. "Yes, I'm fine. I had a meltdown I couldn't control. Isn't that kind of normal for an asylum?" Dani nodded. "Well yeah, especially in the first week. But the last time we had a suicide case was at least 3 years ago, so this shocked everyone. I think Jacob took those news the hardest too, no one saw him for weeks. So I can't imagine how he'd feel if you died too." I felt a wave of embarrassment flow over me. No wonder everybody was gabbing on about it. "Yikes.. I-" "Don't fret over it, they will drop it eventually. You're safe, that's all that matters now!" I reluctantly nodded my head.
Dani, Denis and I were walking down to the Enrichment Garden together, cracking profane jokes and talking on the way. Sister Diana acted like she wasn't listening as she escorted us, but the look of distaste on her face said otherwise. She brings us through two large, opened doors that expanded into an indoor garden. The room was growing with all sorts of beautiful plants and flowers, even a couple of vegetables and fruits. Some benches were placed in cleared areas next to walkways, which seemed to all join the middle of the garden. A large tree sat in the middle. On it's branches it bore strange looking, sage colored melons, comparing to the size of an apple. A couple of patients and a male nurse I didn't recognize were under the tree sitting in a perfect circle. "Ah, they must be doing breathing exercises. Be sure to keep quiet as to not disturb them, dears." Sister Diana whispered to us. I could faintly hear the male nurse chanting to the group "inhale... exhale..." in a repeated cycle. "That sucks they're right there. We'll have to wait for them to finish so we can get some melons." Dani whispered as Denis nodded in reply. "What are those things anyways?" I asked. "Oh, they're called Pride Melons. They only grow near or, technically, in the asylum. They have the sweetness of candy and are juicy as hell." Denis's mouth seemed to water at the thought, which I giggled at. "Gee, I'd like to try one if they really are that tasty." "Don't worry, even if we have to leave the Enrichment Garden I'm sure Brother Daevon will let you have one. They grow quickly anyways." Dani smiled. "Do you think he'll be able to reach them?" Denis snickered. "Duh, all the nurses here are like, 7 feet tall dude. Do you think there's some sort of secret criteria because I have yet to see a short nurse." Dani retorted.
"Maybe they're giants."

"Impossible, stop the cap."

"It should be impossible for you to be that short then, hmmmm?"

"I'm only two inches shorter than you, asshat!"

Dani and Denis went back and forth with their bickering until Sister Diana hushed them, seeming a little annoyed. I avoided commenting on it before but they are right, the nurses here are abnormally tall. I mean hell, Jake looked to be at least 7'2. He was certainly much taller than me even though I'm 5'10 myself. It's kinda hot..
I shook my head, looking down at the floor. Im starting to get annoyed at the intrusive thoughts entering my mind randomly. If I allowed this to keep up, I'm a little scared my mind will wander to... not so appropriate scenarios.
I glanced back up, noticing the male nurse, Daevon, walking our way. "Hello dahlings, hello Sister Diana, Blessings be unto you. Welcome to ze Enrichment Garden, home of our wonderful Pride tree! Feel free to help yourself to a melon or two if your tummy so desires a taste, ze tree is meant for everyone to enjoy." Diana waved us off to go have a look around, staying with Daevon to watch us and the other patients. "Denis, help me look for a low branch with some melons. Sit down at that bench Albert." Dani pointed to the nearest bench facing the tree. I proceeded to head towards it and took a seat, watching the duo scan the tree and check a couple of branches. They soon returned, Denis holding all the melons as Dani grabbed one from him and gave it to me. "Go ahead and try it!" Denis encouraged, tossing one to Dani as they sat on either side of me. "Is it okay to just bite into?" I questioned. Denis had already taken a bite into the melon and nodded. "Yohp, ith gaght the tethture of a ahple!"
"Don't talk with your mouth full, you're not 3." Dani scolded. I examined the melon before cautiously taking a small bite, a soft crunch coming from me breaking the skin. Surprisingly, it was easy to bite into, and the taste was better than I had expected. The melon had a sweet, candy-like taste to it, while also having it's own unique twist. The melon was nothing short of juicy, as I could already feel some of the juices dripping down my chin. It was incomparable to any other fruit I've had before. "So, how is it? Do you like it?" Denis asked. I nodded my head, finishing up with my chewing and swallowing before giving a response. "It's way better than I was expecting, I'm impressed a fruit can taste this wonderful." "It almost feels holy, doesn't it? Like you just got kissed by the gods or something." Dani giggled at Denis's statement, standing up and choosing to sit on the ground in front of both of us instead as she ate her melon. "I kind of wish they sold these in stores, such a shame they only grow near here." She said. "Have you ever thought about taking a couple of seeds with you? Or a melon?" I suggested, taking another bite from my melon. "No, if they did let us I probably would have my own plant back at home by now." She examined her melon before continuing. "This is why I think they're sacred. Could be that they're a holy sign or relic to the nurses here."
"Or the reason why they're so tall-"
"Shut up, that's not true. We'd be tall by now as well!"

I ignored their bickering, instead taking another bite of my melon and looking up at the huge skydome that the room had. This Asylum sure is fancy despite being... an asylum, huh?

I don't think I've ever enjoyed a place this much in my life. I could get used to this.

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