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[Purposefully skipping days]

"Good morning dear!"

My eyes startled awake, the feminine voice that rang from behind the door catching me slightly off guard. Jake is usually the one to wake me up nowadays. But it is possible I heard wrong. I did just wake up after all. I yawned, stretching before glancing over at the door creaking open. I was a little surprised to see Sister Carly greeting me, well I guess I wasn't imagining shit. "I have your uniform here. Brother Jacob wanted me to wake you up, as he had an important morning meeting with Sister Savonnia. I hope you don't mind!" Ah, that makes sense.

I shook my head, grabbing my uniform and quietly thanking her as I blinked the sleep out of my eyes. She left me to get dressed, closing the door behind her. I stood up and pulled on my uniform's shirt, reflecting on what Carly had told me.

"Hm.. It seems unusual to have a meeting this early.." I would expect it to be too early to handle anything important, but I'm not 100% sure how the nurse's schedules work out anyways. I tried not to think about it as I pulled my loafers on, fixing my bed and neatly setting Flamingo on the pillows. Yes, that's the name I chose for my Comfort plush. Simple, cute, easy to remember. I stepped out of my cell, closing the door behind me before going into the similar routine I performed daily. I know it's still a long ways away, but I can't wait for the day I finally don't have to follow routine anymore. And when I can actually be with Jake without the fear of being caught. That life sounds awfully nice.

I couldn't help but crack a small smile at the thought.


Kaden set down Dani and I's plates and drinks, giving us both a smile. "No Denis today, it seems?" Dani shook her head, picking up her fork. "He's in the second cycle, unfortunately. Thanks Kaden." Kaden walked away, I glanced at Dani and cocked my head. "Uh.. He's usually in this cycle." Dani shrugged off my observation, sighing. "He went to talk to Miles again. This is like the fourth time this week. I don't know what for but it's none of my business apparently." She finished her sentence with an obvious annoyed tone.

Denis must've pissed her off, Dani hates it when she's not told things. I decided to not pry her any further, instead beginning to eat my meal silently. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jake walk in. Despite the fact that we're dating, my eyes always averted their gaze anxiously as my face heat up. Dani was a little less discreet about his arrival, smiling and waving to him wildly. He noticed us, giving a small smile in return and heading our direction.

"Good morning Dani, Albert. I need to borrow you both after breakfast if you don't mind." Dani nodded, no questions asked, meanwhile I was curious as to why. "What for? Did something happen?" I asked. "Yes and no. I can't explain much right now. East hallway, I'll be at the doorway. If the nurses ask questions let them know you're seeing me." He left us at the table, Dani and I sharing a confused look with one another. "Well, you heard the man. Let's finish here and head to the East hall."


Dani and I navigated quickly to the East Hallway, Jake waiting in front of an open room. "Hello, come on in you two. Glad you made it safe." Jake embraced me, kissing my cheek. "Yeah of course we made it here safely, why wouldn't we???" Dani scoffed. "Come in and I'll explain." Jake said, leading us both into the room and sitting down on a chair. The room was quite cozy, this one having a faux fireplace burning in the background. Pictures were strewn across the walls, a big bookshelf sitting under a few near the fireplace. Jake cleared his throat, garnering our attention. "Albert, this is mainly about our relationship. I think your friend might've said something to Savonnia." My eyes widened in surprise. Denis didn't... He may be acting weird but there's no way. "What makes you think that, if I may ask?" I questioned, meeting his gaze. Dani remained silent beside me, she was probably just as shocked as I was at the thought. "Savonnia interrogated me about my relationships with the patients. Talked about how I'm being too nice. She asked me questions where if I hadn't caught on, would've revealed something leading back to being involved in potential romantic relations. I fear that you might be in danger now if Denis said anything to her. I only assume this because otherwise, she has no reasoning to ask." I tried to keep my breathing steady, despite panicking on the inside. Dani must've noticed as she placed a hand on my back, gently rubbing. Jake sighed before continuing.

"And she's already caught you in my room, that's the worst part. We've already prospectively given away too much."

"Yeah, you guys really have."

A third, familiar voice chimed in from the doorway behind us. "Miles? Where the hell is Denis?" Dani turned around, looking at him suspiciously. It was a little strange to see Miles out and about, I was sure he didn't leave the storage room upstairs. "Why the hell are you asking me? I don't have a clue. Saw him a couple days ago though." Jake raised a brow. "Miles.. I haven't seen you since you got booted. What's with the uniform? I don't recognize it." He stated. "You know him?!" Dani and I exclaimed. Miles laughed. "It's a long story. Anyways, I've been here for a while. They can't let me go, I know too much for them to just drop me like I'm an old record. And my group prefers your older uniforms over the new baby blue ones. Red just pops so well. But that's besides the point. You're the one in the relationship with Albert?"

"And you know that how?" I asked. Miles stepped deeper into the room, going to stand over by the faux fireplace and inspecting us all with his eyes. "Well, Denis told me everything. Had me spy on you two as well. I get it's hard to contain your feelings in a public setting like this, but you guys make out in the weirdest locations. The playground wasn't the best option last time, anyone could've walked out had they needed fresh air." He smirked, my face turning red as I covered it with my hands. Jake shifted nervously out of the corner of my eye, his own face tinting red with embarrassment.

"Heh, I get it though, you're lucky you got what you want even if it's limited in respectability. I'm still pining after Kaden myself. Besides that, Denis wasn't with me today." Dani bit her lip, thinking for a moment. "Well shit, that's not good. What is he doing then?" Miles let out an audible huff. "Judging the current situation, I think we all know. If he admits anything to the other nurses, you two aren't going to have a very good time. Although, I assume you both already know that." He looked at Jake, folding his arms and resting his back on the wall. "If you want me to keep them safe until you're sure Denis didn't say anything, I can. My crew is willing, you did me a great favor anyways all those years ago, I owe ya."

Jake seemed to be in thought, pondering on what Miles had offered. I stood up, walking over to Jake and sitting beside him, hand resting on his shoulder as he looked at me. "I think we'll pass for now. If something changes we can let you know. Thank you Miles." I said. Miles smiled, saluting me with two fingers. "Hey, no problem. Just know you got a friend on the other side. Hope y'all can figure this out before anyone gets hurt." Dani grimaced, casting a glance at Jake and I before she sighed heavily. "Yeah, hopefully they can. Thanks dude."

Hopefully. I don't want to believe Denis betrayed us but..

What other explanation is there?

I'm really not sure how many more chapters this is gonna have I'm not even halfway done with this story. Anyways goodnight I'll proofread this tomorrow.

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