《ÇH@þŤ3R N1N3》

322 11 25

I don't like how silent it sounds.

There's nothing.

Where are you?
My eyes slowly opened themselves before tightly closing, not expecting such bright light to be above me.

Where am I?

I re-opened my eyes cautiously, allowing my vision to adjust to the brightness of the room before glancing around. The room was a soft white color with hospital beds neatly placed next to one another. A nurse in a lavender uniform and white headdress was at the counter closest to me, writing things down into a clipboard.
I guess I'm in a Medical office of some sort. I sat up, the sheets rustling underneath me alerting the nurse. "Oh, you're awake darling. How do you feel?" She didn't take her eyes off the clipboard, still jotting things down. "I could be better... Where am I? What happened?" I asked. She seemed to be done writing whatever she was writing, picking up the clipboard and going to set it on the wooden desk near what seemed to be the entrance. "You're in the Medical Bed. Sister Xalia told me you attempted to commit. She was so scared for you, told me you were screaming obscenities and acting completely out of character." She sat down on the chair at the desk, typing in some things on the computer. "I've asked Brother Jacob to come in and evaluate you once you're able to walk. What you were given was meant to temporarily restrain you, but it seems to have lasted longer than we expected." I felt my brain panic at the mention of his name. Great.

How embarassing.

I know my ability to handle emotions is weak, but I can't help but feel shameful that I had such a dramatic meltdown. "My name is Nurse Fawn by the way. I hope I will not have to see you too often, Albert." She had a playful tone laced in her voice. Yeah, me neither.

A small knock came from the entry door near her desk. "Come in! He's awake." Nurse Fawn responded. The nurse who restrained me earlier, who I guess was Sister Xalia stepped through the door, giving me a sympathetic smile and nodding to Fawn. "Hello Nurse Fawn, Albert. Blessings be unto you. Brother Jacob is ready to see him." Fawn handed her a slip and Xalia took it, walking over to me. "Do you need any help getting up, dear?" She asked. I shook my head, lifting myself up off the bed. I was a little wobbly, but other than that I was able to stand upright. "Good, he has balance. Go ahead and escort him, I'll see you later Sister Xalia. Take care, Albert." I followed Xalia outside the entrance, thanking Fawn on my way out. I figured we would be heading to the Comfort Room. I followed her down the long hallways past many rooms.

When we reached the Comfort Room, I saw Jake standing right outside of it. He greeted Xalia and I, placing a hand on my back. "Here, Nurse Fawn asked me to give you this. Blessings be unto you." She handed him the slip of paper that Fawn gave her earlier, Jake folding it and putting it in his front pocket. She looked down at me and smiled. "I hope you feel better, Albert." I nodded at her, waving goodbye as Jake allowed me access into the room. I sat down on the couch, watching as Jake closed and locked the door. This time, he didn't sit across from me. Instead, he took a seat right next to me. "Good afternoon, Albert. I heard about what happened." He eyed me carefully as I averted my eyes from his gaze, my hands gripping the hem of my uniform. "Yeah.... I'm so sorry. I must've caused such a panic.." I whispered, my words choking on themselves already. Have I always been this nervous? No, it's got to be my shame getting to me. Jake placed a hand on my back, rubbing soothing circles. "How about we get to the root of this? What caused you to go into a devastation like that?" I sniffled, wiping away the tears that were beginning to form. "Well, I guess it's kind of a stupid reason. I was expecting my ex, Kirsten, to come visit me, but she didn't schedule anything. I-I thought she cared. I guess I just.. miss her so much, but that's no excuse for my actions." Jake averted his gaze briefly, assumingly thinking of a response.
"First off, that's not a stupid reason. Your emotions are very valid and it is understandable why you'd take those news so horribly. A lot of patients here feel heartbroken their loved ones do not make time for them. I am very disappointed to say it is a... Familiar cycle. That's why we try our best to make sure you all feel loved and at home." I mindlessly played with my fingers, avoiding response. Mainly because I knew if I uttered out anything I'd begin crying. Jake seemed to take note of my silence. "Do you need to lie down, Albert?" He asked. I turned my attention to his eyes, nodding. "Alright, then go ahead darling." He retracted his hand from my back, waiting.

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