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Day 109

After Dinner

Jake and I were busy in the Enrichment Garden. He was wanting to set butterflies free in the indoor garden after dinner to give it more life and enrichment. Him knowing how much I love bugs, decided to let me help out.

"Butterflies are fascinating." I looked over at him as I let a couple go from their terrariums, watching as he observed a Monarch resting on his finger. "They have such unique, gorgeous designs. Yet these gifts of nature only last for so long. Beauty that's gone too soon." Jake moved his finger slightly to allow the Monarch to take flight, watching it flutter off to the Zinnias. I removed the lid off another terrarium, these species of butterflies being Painted Ladys. "I think their beauty is subjective. Butterflies are cool but, they're not as pretty as rainbow beetles or ladybugs." I said. He chuckled as he took a seat on the nearest bench, me joining him shortly after to watch the butterflies flutter around. "I suppose so. Everyone has a different definition of what beauty is. But that's besides my point. They don't live very long, and that is saddening. Some are even endangered species."

I smoothed down my uniform. "Well, I mean.. No one is guaranteed to live very long. That's why we shouldn't be taking life and its gifts for granted. You should want to make the most of it. Butterflies don't know that, obviously. I doubt they understand the concept of time or care for that matter. But we have the chance to appreciate what we have. I think that's a gift in itself."

I watched as his lips tugged upwards, a soft smile growing on his face. He wrapped his arms around me, gently kissing my head before whispering. "Hm. Then I guess I should take every moment to enjoy your beauty, darling. You're certainly more gorgeous than any butterfly or bug I've ever seen. I couldn't imagine not appreciating such a gift I was blessed with." I giggled, snuggling myself into him. He always knows the right things to say, choosing the right words that make my heart flutter.

I want to soak up every ounce of this man, become one with him. We've already been through so much together, so I just know it's meant to be. It would be far from the wrong choice.

So maybe I shouldn't put that off. I want to enjoy every bit of beauty he has to offer me as well. He too is a gift, why should I take that for granted?

I pushed myself away a bit, glancing up. "Hey, Jake?.." I started. He looked down at me. "Yes dear?"

"I think I'm ready."

He gave me a confused look, eyes averting briefly before refocusing on me. "Whatever do you mean?" I gulped, anxiety beginning to creep in. "I-I think I'm ready to become one with you." He raised an eyebrow before his face tinted a slight red. "Oh- ah I think I see what you mean." I looked away, my own cheeks warming before I felt Jake's hands gently clasp mine.

"Albert. Are you sure this is something you want to do? I don't want to force you into anything if you truly aren't ready." My heart melted with each soft word spoken, god he has no reason to be so... Sweet. So loving and understanding. I nodded my head and he took a deep breath, eyes closing briefly as he ran a hand through his hair. "Okay. Let's clean up here and then we can head to my room."

<<We all know what's gonna happen.>>

I could see Jake slightly trembling as he opened the door to his room, allowing me passage before shutting it behind him. "Assumingly, this is something neither of us has done before?" He asked, eyeing me up and down.

"Yeah, it's a bit of a foreign concept to me. I'm actually not even sure how we'll be able to do this properly." I stated, tugging at the hem of my gown nervously as I went to sit on his bed.

All I Need Is YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz