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Albert's POV

Day 106

I still had to serve my year in the Asylum, but things had obviously changed drastically since I've been here. And time flies by fast when you're around the ones you love.

Everyone was now wary of Jake and I's relationship, since Jake currently oversaw most of the asylum anyways it wasn't that much of a big deal or threat to our safety anymore. It turns out Savonnia never was the true leader of VoidView, as I originally thought. A man named Temprist Vallen was, but he left on emergency leave long before Jake was even hired to work here.

It's almost scary how much happened within two months, and it's even scarier to think about what could've happened if I was never deemed mentally ill. If I never arrived here. Never had to go here.

I choose to not worry about it.

"How much do you wanna bet Kaden let Miles hit?" Dani snickered, seeing the now-couple flirting with each other near the end of our table. It's still near unbelievable Miles used to be an active nurse here, and he planned on reclaiming his position once Jake got all the paperwork ready for him. "I'd rather not bet on their sex life, you know damn well Miles is one horny bastard. I wouldn't be surprised if they do it every night. Getting that premium nurse ass." Denis chucked, taking a bite of his food.

"Speaking of nurses, Jake has all the paperwork ready for you when you're released next week. It's good to know you aren't straying too far from us." I took a sip of my water, watching Denis clasp his hands together happily. "Weird transition point bud- but good! I'm excited to work for this place now that Savonnia is out of the way." He stopped talking to take a sip of water. "Y'know, if Jake plans on retiring, Temprist will need a right hand man. I would be more than happy to fill in that space."

"Bet he's not against that idea. You fit the criteria too, just tall enough!" Dani gave him a light punch, laughing. We both laughed along with her, resuming with light chatting and eating shortly afterwards.


"It feels like we have it too good."

Jake's head turned to face me, a confused look spreading on his face. We were outside, it was currently playground time. I had chosen to hang out with Jake while everyone else spent their time with the various activities.

"Whatever do you mean, dear?" He asked, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer. I couldn't help but crack a small smile at the gesture. "Everything feels... fake. Like this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Almost as if we missed something. Did you not think catching Savonnia was... easy?"

Now that I was saying it out loud, it sounded stupid. Savonnia was guilty, there was ample proof she was the one behind all of this shit, even I know that. Hell, I WAS the one to experience her wrath firsthand. "Your definition of easy might be a little controversial. Savonnia was clever and intricate about all of this. She clearly thought out almost everything. When Matthew wouldn't tell me where you went, I panicked because I knew who had you. And, well, I thought that was it. I had lost you." His arm tightened around me ever so slightly as he let out a heavy sigh. I placed a hand on it, leaning into him.

"It didn't take much for Marissa to break with Savonnia's technique, and I knew she would do the same thing to you. I think we're very lucky you didn't suffer any long term mental damage. And that the others arrived when they did. Savonnia could've made up any excuse regarding our disappearances and no one would've questioned it." I sighed as I listened to him talk, looking out to where everyone else was playing.

I guess I'm just overanalyzing everything, something I should avoid doing. No need to worry poor Jake.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm just looking into it too deep. I'm not unhappy things turned out the way they did. In fact, I wouldn't have it any other way." I looked up at him, our eyes meeting. Jake smiled softly, leaning down and joining our lips together. I sighed happily into the kiss, he always managed to make my stomach swarm with butterflies.

And I definitely wouldn't have it any other way.


This chapter was more on the shorter side, sorry about that. The story is obviously nearing it's conclusion, but don't worry. It's not over yet haha. Goodnight now, I'll proofread in the morning.

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