《ÇH@þŤ3R S3V3N》

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Denis, Dani and I were all sitting at a table together in the Dining Hall. I sat across from the both of them and listened as they chatted away. Turns out they both have known each other for quite a while, from outside of the Asylum. Crazy coincidence, huh. Sister Diana came around with our food earlier and complimented Dani for her enthusiastic attitude. She's quite nice. I picked at my food, not really feeling all too hungry. I was still embarrassed from earlier, the feeling remaining in the pit of my stomach.

"Do you think he noticed?"

I remained silent, knowing if I said something in response I'd signal Dani and Denis.

"Refusing to respond, hmm. Afraid they might think you're crazy if you do? It's not like we're in an asylum or anything."

I mentally rolled my eyes and decided to make an attempt to eat. I wanted to give myself a reason not to respond.
"So Albert, what's this I hear about you having a crush on Brother Jacob?" Denis eyed me carefully as I mindlessly played with my fingers, my face heating up. We were sitting in the library together at one of the tables, Denis had invited me to chat with him after Lunch. "Is that what Dani said?.." I quietly questioned. Denis nodded, folding his hands and leaning back in his chair. "Look, I get it. It's hard to not get attached to the nurses here, but you know it as well as I do. It's unprofessional for them. Relationships with patients can easily detriment their career." "I know that, I don't have a crush on him." I hated the way my words faltered, Denis seemed to notice and raised an eyebrow. not even I really believed myself, but it's true.

Right? He sighed. "I was just, caught off guard by her response to me watching the nurses earlier. I guess I wasn't expecting someone to assume that.." I reassured him. "I believe you, Albert. I just don't want you to get attached and then get crushed even if you know the reality. You're a nice guy, I'd hate to see that for ya." I nodded, smiling at his words. "You're a pretty nice guy too, Denis." He returned the smile before sitting upright and crossing his arms. "Now that that is out of the way, I got an update for ya. I got an item in the bag, and it's the main thing we need." I leaned in, interested. "Oh? What is it?" He glanced around cautiously, making sure no one was watching before pulling a very fancy looking pocketwatch out of his front pocket. The watch was gold plated and had a singular gem on it. The times seemed to be written in Roman numerals and the hands were silver with little diamonds at the tips. He handed it to me, allowing me to examine it. "I swiped this from the nurse serving us earlier when she wasn't looking. It's pretty, isn't it?" I nodded. "I'm surprised she didn't notice you took it." I stated as I handed it back to him. He chuckled, stuffing it back into his pocket. "I'm a master with the hands, my friend."
"Where do you plan on hiding it until we need it?" I asked, out of curiosity. "There's a crack in one of the walls of my cell, it's big and deep enough to keep it out of sight. Plan on putting the lock pick there too. Not sure where I'll hide the items we're going to use for distraction yet, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." "I see, I see. You're pretty smart." He leaned back, closing his eyes. "Well when you've been here as long as I have, you pick up on a couple of things."
After Denis and I's little meetup, the rest of the day proceeded to go by slowly. Dinner came and went, the nurses had everyone shower, and we were sent off to bed. As the nurse locked my cell, I glanced outside at the small window in my cell, the moonlight illuminating the floor near it.


Tomorrow, Visiting hours are open to the public.

I'm still wondering if Kirsten will come and see me. I miss her.

"She will come see me." I reassured myself, gently smiling.

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