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Jake's POV
[About seven minutes after Albert ran into Savonnia.]

I placed the last book on the shelf, sighing as I stood back and admired Albert and I's work. I always loved seeing a newly shelved bookshelf, hopefully Matthew had more for us to put away.

Now that I think about it, Albert's been taking a while..

I set my box on top of Albert's, turning around and heading to the front desk. I froze when I noticed Albert was not there.

Where the hell is he?

I made my way over to where Matthew was sitting, him looking up from his book. "Hello Jacob, what do you need?" I crossed my arms, eyeing him carefully. "Where is Albert? Did he leave?" I asked. Matthew nodded, closing his book. "Whatever for? Did someone come get him?" He averted his gaze briefly. "I cannot tell you that, I'm soy sorry. You'll have to go find him yourself." My eyes widened, his response being a dead giveaway. Matthew wouldn't be hesitant to tell me if one of my patients left.

Savonnia has him.

This can't be happening, fuck.

"Where did she take him?? Do you have any clue?!" I exclaimed, placing both hands on the desk to keep myself steady.

It hasn't been too long, they couldn't have gone anywhere too far.

"Keep your voice down, and I have no idea.. How did you kn-" "Nevermind that, bye." I quickly exited the Library, my head swimming. Where else could she have taken him? She's most likely questioning him so maybe the Questioning Hub, I can't assume that she knows about us but...

She told Matthew not to tell me.

That's not a good sign.

I made my way down the East Hallway, where Albert, Dani, Miles and I had been earlier, and reached the Questioning Hub. I went to jiggle the handle but it was locked. "Huh? What the..." I pulled it a little harder, no luck. I slammed my fist softly against the door, letting out an aggravated noise.

Okay. Not here. Where else can I look?

It feels like too much time is passing.

The cafeteria was empty, no one there.

The playground was filled with patients from a different session.

Comfort Room was locked, empty.

I was going all across the asylum.

I knocked on the door to the Activity Room, Diana opening the door and giving me a confused look. I was a little relieved to see she was occupying the Activity Room with patients, as she is Albert's Session Nurse. "Hello Brother Jacob. What brings you here?" I tried to look around her, seeing if I could spot Albert, or Dani. "Uhh... Do you want to come in?" "Oh- pardon me. Yes please." She stepped back, allowing me to enter as I looked around. I didn't see him anywhere. However Dani was sitting near the fish, feeding them. I swiftly made my way over to her, tapping her shoulder as she turned to face me. "Oh, hi Jake. Where's Albert?" She looked around me, probably trying to spot him. "I was hoping you knew... He didn't show up here?" Dani shook her head, setting down the fish food. "Unfortunately no. What happened?"

"Long story short, we were reshelving books when he went to get more. Savonnia apparently happened to be there, took him away for questioning. I thought he would be at the Questioning Hub or here but he's obviously not." Dani processed what I said for a moment, probably trying to think of an answer. "I really hate to say this, but... Do you think she took him to the Punishment Room? Room 555?" I gulped, my face turning pale. Oh God. I didn't think about that.

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