Clubbing, Of Course

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I spin in my chair, turning to grab some patients' files I had to look over for a while before a sudden knock erupted from my door, and not to my surprise, without me even letting them come in, it was Ricky and Emily. I smiled at the sight.

It was just weird how close Ricky and I had become over the years. I thought he liked me and came back after I got married, but then I found out he was just gay and trying to truly be friends again, which I lastly accepted with difficulties from my husband of course.

Then Emily, I had never been so close with any white chic before, and especially that she was my sister in law. But I considered her a sister instead, after all I had always wanted a sister.

"Again, learn to knock", I stated with a playful roll of my eyes.

"Either way, we'll still come in", Ricky said walking to the corner of the room and pouring himself some water from the water dispenser whilst Emily sat on one of the single sofas opposite from me, the one I usually sat on when I wanted to relax or anything. The way they made themselves at home was not surprising.

"What time will you be done with everything?" Ricky asked, siting opposite Emily on another sofa. I looked away from them and turned my attention back to the papers in hand.

"I'm already done, just doing some extra work".

"Wow, even as a doctor you're still a nerd", Emily said with a chuckle, earning a stern look from me that quickly cut her short.

"No, Emmy is right, Ash, you're so young but all you do is spend majority of your day in this office, I don't know how you don't even feel claustrophobic", he said as he waved his hand like a fan in front of him, totally exaggerating everything.

My office was not small. At all. It was probably one of the largest ones in the building, enough to fit maybe even twenty four people inside plus the glass walls I had at the end made the place look even bigger and brighter.

"I spend most of my time here for the right reasons. Y'know I only have myself to take care of Stephanie", I pointed out, caressing my index finger on something I was trying to read. In that moment, I felt the papers fly out of my hand by some obvious disrespectful idiot, and which other idiot would it be than Ricky?

"Rick!" I exclaimed completely annoyed.

"Girl do you know how disrespectful it is talking to someone and they're giving their attention to some white pieces of sheet instead?"

"Very important pieces of sheet", I repeated with a smirk at how those words sounded together at the end. He cued with a roll of his eyes, putting them aside before adding.

"Emmy here and I came for something really important", he pointed out as Emily nodded her head behind him.

"Which is?" I looked at her.

"I honestly don't know too, he just came and grabbed me from my kitchen saying we needed to come here for something important".

"You two look decades older than me. I mean look at you, and don't tell me it's cause y'all gave birth. My mother still looks sixteen even after having six sons", he said with pride about his mother.

"It's called plastic surgery", Emmy slurred the last words out, as if he had never heard of them before. But of course, typical Ricky ignored her words. But they were true, Mrs. Brown did have a huge addiction to lip fillers and other forms of plastic surgery to make herself look younger, but what shocked me was even that she still looked beautiful and truly younger. Usually after so many surgeries, people would look like a shrek mess.

"And do you know what she does to keep herself looking young?" He smirked, standing like a superhero with his hands on his waist and eyes closed.

Emily was about to speak before he interrupted her himself. "Say plastic surgery again and I swear you will want it later", he frowned, causing her to shut up.

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