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Ashley's POV🇬🇧;

The vehicle halted once I arrived my destination. I asked the guards and driver to wait for me outside, knowing that no one would probably think of killing me at such a small secluded area.

Briskly walking towards the kindergarten school, my thoughts were just on what the hell Stephanie probably did for me to get called two hours before her usual pick up time.

I made my way through the small halls and towards her classroom door, right where I found her teacher seated at the door and directing a little boy on how to draw inside the circles of the elephant rather than the outside. She noticed my presence and finally finished their small discussion before standing to her feet and facing me with a warm smile.

"Doctor Ashley, how are you?" She shook my hand as she led me away from the classroom right after I saw my daughter across the room, fixated on whatever she was painting with a scowl on her face.

"I'm alright Miss. White. You wanted to talk to me?" We found ourselves in a dawdle pace across the halls.

She folded her arms together and exhaled deeply, bad news finding it's way towards me. "It's about your daughter, Stephanie".

Of course it was about her, who else would it be about? "Yes? Is anything the matter?"

"She got into a fight this morning. Well more like started and ended it", she muttered. My mouth went agape, wondering if she was really talking about my daughter. Stephanie in a fight? That seemed impossible. My daughter was one of the friendliest people I knew.

"What happened?"

"Well, one of the kids was telling her and a few other children about how her and her parents went to a carnival together the previous day and did some things. I don't know what got into Stephanie but she grabbed a book and hit her across the head, she fell to the ground, hurting herself badly and she wouldn't stop crying until we called her parents. And now they're home waiting for tomorrow morning to hear what actually happened".

I stared at the teacher before facing my feet thoughtfully. "She got mad over a carnival?"

"I'm sure it's not just a carnival", she pressed her lips together. "Ma'am, sometimes children's behaviors are caused by what's happening back home. Is anyone sick? Did anyone pass? Are there fights?"

I felt a gulp down my throat, finding it hard to explain myself. "Her father and I are separating".

"Separating? Did you tell your daughter about it?"

"Not directly. I mean she's a kid and she can't possibly under—"

"Ma'am, with all due respect, as much as the sentence 'she's too young to understand' is used, it is not entirely true. Stephanie is very young and attention from her family will be one thing she'll need for her development. It's not in my jurisdiction to say this but you and your husband will have to try your best to make things work, at least for your daughter. If not, this behavior may have been the first time but we can't guarantee it will be the last, if this repeats itself, she would have to be expelled", she explained slowly.

I opened my mouth to speak but realized that I had nothing to add. She really hit a nerve in me, a nerve that hated being proven wrong because deep down, I knew she was right.

"I understand", I gave a frail smile as we walked back towards the classroom. Miss White called Stephanie, stating that I was here and that she would leave early. Before evacuating the building, she stated that I could have a talk with her and try seeing things from each other's view.

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