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I walked around the room slowly, my arms safely tied behind my back and eyes looking at the wreckage of your typical teenagers room. It had a beer and sweat odor in the atmosphere, utterly intoxicating.

I could still hear the sound of the shower from across the hallway out. I was in David's room, waiting for him to finish freshening up.

We went out today and when I needed David to do a quick errand for me he got soaked in the process from the rain outside. I decided that it would be okay if we passed through his home for him to change. His mother, as usual, was sited down in the living room staring at nothing in front of her.

She was a blind widow who couldn't do anything more. She had lost her eldest son from drowning and was left with David. What a blessing.

I caressed the wood shelves on the wall, and just as I thought, they had dust. I looked at my fingers with revulsion, remembering how I enjoyed seeing things neat and spotless.

Ignoring the dust finally, I looked over at the books, wondering what types of books someone like David read. Of course apart from the Stephen Kings collection he had, he also had more romance than I would advice.

In attempt to grab a book and read the title, I knocked over an object next to it. Cursing under my breath, I bent over to pick the weird wooden box.

I starred at it for a while, wondering why it was wrapped in a blue bow. Almost like a gift. I had to fight the urge of opening it, but then I gave in and unwrapped it, hating myself for being so inquisitive in someone's house.

After opening the box, there was a jar inside, could tell it was a pickle jar. But instead of finding your normal regular pickles inside, there were two white balls. That I found interesting. They were half the size of my hand. Maybe the size of a golf ball.

I felt the excitement I had earlier vanish, realizing that it was nothing. Putting the jar back into the box, my heart dropped to my stomach and believed I received my first heart attack after grasping that the small golf balls were actually eyes.

The box slipped from my hands with a loud thud on the floor. Looking around the room, wondering if anyone or anything had seen what I just witnessed.

I stared at the brown box in front of me, laying on its side with the jar still inside, not broken one bit from the impact. Those blue eyes staring at me lifelessly.

I knew what eyes looked like. And I knew what candy eyes looked like. Those were real. I could see how the life was sucked out of them like a vacuum. The fear in them. The way they asked 'why me?' was haunting.

After realizing that they were eyes, I could now see the small empty blood vessels in them. The eyes were as white as snow, not a sign of life in them. Not that you would expect that, they were swimming in a jar instead of being connected to where they were supposed to be.

They were in this room. Why? What were they doing in David's room?

The room felt to be sinking in, not that I was even claustrophobic the least. I was beginning to understand everything now. Those eyes belonged to someone, I didn't know who, but I knew for a fact that David was the last thing they saw.

I took a seat on the bedside, which was just next to the haunting box. I stared at it speechlessly, knowing that maybe I would soon start having nightmares of eyes swimming in blood instead.

"God, why do I always have to be that guy?" I muttered to myself, burying my head in my hands.

The sound of the bathroom door out across the hall opened and closed before I heard the sounds of slippers hitting the floor, getting louder and louder.

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