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Dominic's POV🇯🇲;

The sun felt warm, my feet were enjoying the cool water, my heart felt at peace, which seemed like an alien emotion to me, considering how much I dwelled in misery.

"Daddy, look! I'm getting it right!" Stephanie shouted happily as I had my hand only an inch from her in case she lost balance or anything.

She lay on her back, learning to swim just as I guided her.

"Mommy look!" She exclaimed. Her mother was standing next to her, by her head, just opposite me. Ashley had a proud smile. "That's wonderful honey!"

We remained in that position for a while, laughing at everything and nothing like your typical normal family. Like a real family. I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Mommy, daddy you won't leave each other again, right?" Stephanie suddenly asked with worry.

"Of course not honey! Your father and I love each other and we most certainly love you", Ashley informed. "Look, do you want some ice cream?" She pointed at an ice cream truck just ahead the shore.

I carried Stephanie in my arms, running after Ashley who ran for the ice cream truck. But then, suddenly, everything turned white.

Slowly coming to view, my eyes seemed to burn as though the sun itself was what I was looking at. I rubbed my hands over my eyes, trying to get the view better, which helped.

I found myself staring up at a wooden ceiling, taking myself a moment to process until realizing that I was in the guest room inside my house.

Remembering last night, I bolted upwards and looked to my side. It was empty.

With confusion, I looked around the bright room wondering if I was dreaming. I was still trying to process the morning. Especially the dream I just had.

It wasn't a nightmare.

It felt so... surreal. Weird. Almost like I was lied to with a bitter wish. I had not enjoyed a good night sleep in years. Looking at the clock ahead, it was 9am.

Wow. I usually slept for three hours or less. But sleeping for more than seven, I felt totally refreshed. I got out of the sheets, realizing immediately that I was naked before picking up the clothes from the floor and wearing them immediately.

I dawdled my way down to the second floor, looking for Ashley, if she was still there. But I hoped she was.

And of course, she wasn't there, in the bathroom either. Neither the kitchen. So maybe work. After feeling a tap on my shoulder, I nearly jumped to the roof. But upon realizing it was only stupid David, I rolled my eyes with frustration.

"Jesus Christ, learn the knock", I heard myself say, which confused him as much as it confused him. But I pretended to not care. "Have you seen Ashley?"

"No sir. Actually, I found the front door unlocked this morning. I think she left for work or something", he stated, which made sense. Yeah, she had work. Maybe that's why she left early without saying good bye. She probably did not want to disturb me.

It wasn't possible to make a one night stand with your husband, was it?

"Sir, you seemed to have had a good night. You're glowing", David smiled at me.

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