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I sat back down the waiting chairs and squeezed my knees so hard I was sure I would press into the skin with my nails. I stood back up my chair and instead bit my nails off anxiously. One hour was feeling like one year.

My heart was racing, trying to control myself in a panic attack was like asking a dog to meow. I would so often break down and sit on the floor and sob, then scold myself for it and stand up to try and be strong and stay positive before sitting back on the chair and trying to remember how many floors that building had.

Five..? Would anyone survive five and falling on something as hard as a car roof top? No... wait, yes, Dominic would survive.

Really, how many things had that man survived? Why would... why would he die now? Why would he die on me now? At this time of all times. Christ, he was even turning thirty in a month and he wanted to leave just like that?

No, no he would not.

I took a sit back down the chair and looked around the room, before, time was moving slow. Now it's irritatingly fast. Everyone was walking extremely fast past me that my eyes could not keep up and I just wanted to roll down to the ground into a ball and cry.

A hand found its way over to my shoulder, startling me way more than I thought. I lifted my head up and straight away saw the one person I felt so free being vulnerable around. The only soul. My mother.

I stood to my feet and wrapped my arms around her, not needing to say anything or explain what happened because either way, her comfort would come my way. She rubbed her hand against my back, hushing me quietly and pulling away from the hug to wipe my tears away before pulling and reaching out a random drinking bottle I didn't remember seeing her with earlier. It was a moment until I realized that my brothers were both behind her.

"Mom. Dominic", I grabbed the bottle from her but did not drink the water, only put it away. I did not know how to explain everything.

"It's alright baby, I'm here", she pulled me into a hug one more time. I lay my head over her shoulder and cried the last energy I had in me.

It was already maybe past 10pm, I felt bad having them to come all the way as well. I heard the emergency door open, causing me to break free from my mother and face the doctor for words. Good words.

He had on a frail smile, telling us good evening first as though it was the right moment for that. "The patient is now in a stable condition, we were able to control the bleeding from the head, we would have to examine him for brain injuries and also later operate on him for any internal bleedings", the doctor explained.

His first eight words had me feeling better, but he ruined it once he continued speaking. After all he said, how was he in a stable condition?

"Okay, so we just have to hope none of the above is happening. But doctor, considering the accident, is there a high chance he might survive this?" Kevin inquired.

"Yes, I have to admit he suffered several external injuries, as well as spinal. If he survives this, we doubt he would be able to walk again because his spinal cord was broken, which is also why we would need to check for other internal injuries or bleeding".

"I don't care if he walks again or not, just do your job right okay? You have to do your best to help my husband live, please", I pleaded. The doctor nodded his head.

"We'll be doing our best, but before we start the surgery, we would need you to sign a few papers first".

"I can do it, I'm also family", Luke spoke, making the doctor nod before walking with him out and into a hallway. I took a deep sigh of exasperation and sat back down the chair, Margaret's voice calling my name coming right immediate.

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