Let it Out

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I looked around the dark room impatiently, my wrists burning from the rough push I received on my way to the police station.

The interrogation room was quiet and the only source of light coming from above me, right next to the small metal table. Next to that table were two stools and I just happened to be seated on one of those. I was not the one interrogating-not that it was my job anyways-but the one being interrogated.

On my left side, right on the wall was a mirror. I had watched enough Hollywood movies to know that they could see through from the other end. Yes, Hollywood had exposed their secrets.

I heard the door open, immediately turning my attention to it. And just as I predicted, it was always the characters antagonist who walked through that door; Xavier.

Fate loved it when we crossed paths. It was such a beautiful chaotic thing.

"I still don't know what I'm doing here", I said once he sat opposite me. He was accompanied by no one. He just solely came in.

"Oh don't you? Sorry about that, my friends were supposed to tell you before putting you in those", he mocked an apologetic smile. I was not buying it. "You my friend are being arraigned for first degree murder", he rested his elbows on the table and placed his hands on his fists in a nonchalant manner.

"I'm sorry what?"

Two hours earlier....

I lay the chess board and pieces properly aligned on Stephanie's side and mine, ready for a battle for the thrones

"Oh Daddy you're so gonna regret this", she said attempting to crack her fingers but not even a sound escaping.

"You don't say? We'll see, we'll see", I said, with just as much confidence, even though I knew that my daughter had a way of creating her own rules, so I would lose to her own game. It was either her way or the high way which was crying and a cold shoulder for an hour.

I didn't know who I was playing against, or what. At this point, I had lost my daughter already and was staring at an army ready to attack. She was playing white and I black. That was already enough to motivate me.

"You two get so stern when it's just a game", Ricky said from across the room as he walked in with three glasses of orange juice, one for Molly and the other David. They both sat on our sides, watching with anticipation.

"It's not just a game, lives will be lost, queens will be slaughtered, pawns will become kings. Do you know what they're both up against?" David looked up at Ricky as he received his juice with an appreciative grin. He seemed to understand the assignment well.

"Mhm, I'd rather not speak", Ricky gave an exasperated sigh before changing through the channels on my television for something interesting.


We all stared at Stephanie with a perplexed expression. She had moved her pawn way forward than she was supposed to. It was practically at the back with my king, chilling like it did not just break a rule. Looking back up at my daughter, I now realized how chess was a complex game for someone her age. All she knew was the word checkmate, but when to use it? Well...

"I've won daddy. Look", she pointed ahead. I blinked multiple times, shame dawning on me that I had failed to make my ancestors proud. Yes, this whole game was a metaphor and meant deeper.

"Mr. Lucas seems like he's going to break down", Molly said, her words actually making my heart swell up more.

"I... I need a glass of water", I stated standing to my feet and walking out quickly.

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