Uninvited Guests

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I moved closer to Kevin, inching my head towards his but only receiving a slap for getting too close. "Dude, what is it?!"

"You know I can't be left alone with your family unless you're there", I whispered.

"You're exaggerating", he spoke walking towards the front door and heading out, of course I followed behind. I left Stephanie in the living room with the rest of the family, playing with James, her cousin.

Dinner was already done, all we were waiting for was Ashley, so the fun had not yet began for me and I was already not liking it there.

Kevin reached into his front pocket and took out a box of cigarettes, taking one out and getting a lighter from the other pocket. He reached the box closer to me but I resisted. "Trying to quit".

He shrugged his shoulders and sat down the front door, I made my way next to him. He looked up at the dark sky, pressing the cigarette between his lips. "So there's this girl", he started, the statement completely catching me off guard. He was talking about a woman? This was the first time.

"What about her?" I asked with interest, lifting my legs towards my chest.

"Everything man. She's beautiful, smart, funny, sassy, everything you would want in a woman", he faced me, his eyes glittering with a look I had never witnessed before. He was actually meaning what he was saying. It seemed like he needed to get it off his chest and so he did it to the person closest. Me.

"Really? Who is she if I may ask", I raised a brow with curiosity.

"My boss", his voice dropped. I made an O shape with my lips. His boss? Well, that was new. Kevin had had this job since.... Well, he always had this job. Thinking that he admired someone at work seemed odd for someone like him.

Kevin was in his early-thirties but looked like he was in his mid-twenties, so he was at least less than five years older than me. He never spoke about a girl or ever introduced his family to any, he was one of those one night stand people. He constantly had various women at his house whenever he had the time to relax, in which they all left by morning.

"Has she spoken to you? Like maybe shown interest?"

"Yeah. In fact we kissed once", he released a breath of white smoke from his lips. Even as he said those words, he didn't seem happy enough.

"Then what? Go for it", wasn't that the obvious choice?

"I can't. She's married", he breathed again. I closed my mouth and looked ahead as well, realizing why he was in such a mood.

"Shit". I could not help him in that. She was married. That was a rough place. If he approached me five years ago about this, I would have told him to just go for it or maybe do something as cliché as getting away. Maybe even simply ask her to choose between the two and divorce her husband.

However, this year was different. I thought about her husband, what did he have to say about it? Did he love her? Was he good to her? Did she love him? Sometimes women were a mystery and couldn't choose between two men. They wanted to be with someone who gave them happiness, but they were supposed to be with someone who gave them joy. There was a difference.

Happiness was temporary, joy was not.

Hell, it wasn't just women who did it. Men too. And sometimes, it was not always people we could not choose.

It was food. All that waiting for Ashley was making me hungry.

"I don't know what advice to give you there bro", I spoke honestly.

Kevin shrugged his shoulders. "I know, I know. I just wanted to get it off my chest", he stood to his feet facing ahead. I followed his gaze and saw a black Tesla parking outside the house garage. I knew that car from anywhere, in fact, I was getting tired of seeing it.

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