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I slowly opened up my eyes from the dark, looking up at the white ceiling. In fact, the whole room was white and bright. Anyone would think they were dead but I didn't think you were supposed to feel like you were run over by a truck after you died too.

I was still alive. But the pain was going to kill me.

I could not move my body, I was casted from my limbs and bandaged on my torso. Small brown bandages were on my face from the bruises. I couldn't feel my muscles, only the pain they received.

I slowly turned my head, looking to my left but then seeing a figure which made me take a sharp breath. I relaxed upon realizing it was just Dominic.

I had not seen him in a while. Most of all, we had not been together for so long. He was looking at me, an expression too complex for me to understand. He seemed relieved yet still bothered. His eyes looked straight at me, soft and yet hard. I did not know how he felt.

"How are you feeling?" He spoke, his voice too undecided, stern and soft.

"Like I was hit by a train", I said with a hoarse, wondering if it was not visible. I moved my fingers, trying to reach for his hand on the side of the bed. He looked at my sad attempt to hold his hand and just moved his towards mine instead, both his hands around mine.

"This was my fault", he said after a while, looking at the machine next to me with guilt. I tightened my fingers around his for his attention. He faced me as I nodded to disagree. He always blamed himself, God, I always blamed him. And now, he took it that everything was his fault.

"David deceived us all", I corked a brow, he looked at me and chuckled a little, turning to our hands that held onto each other.

"Ashley, I—"

"Mommy!" Dominic was cut short by a sharp scream from across the room. We turned our eyes and saw Stephanie running towards me from the door. She had a bright smile and wore the brightest floral dress, her hair in an afro with small butterfly pins on them. She looked like a total angle. The pain vanished 20% just by seeing my daughter.

"How are you feeling? Daddy told me you fell down the stairs", she said worriedly. I looked up at Dominic who gave me a wide expression, asking me to play along.

"Yeah. I did. I'm sorry", I said to her. She placed her hands over Dominic and I, which seemed to make me flutter.

"Next time, be more careful. Just promise me you won't do it again? Everyone was crying", she said before moving forward, whispering like it was a secret. "Daddy even punched and broke the hospital window".

I quickly faced her father, he shrugged nonchalantly. "I paid for it".

"Your dad was just angry. He punches anything when he's angry", I rolled my eyes playfully, causing Stephanie to laugh.

"Well I should get going now, I've been here longer than I should have, the doctor said that only two people per time so I'll call someone else to come too", Dominic released his hand from us, giving me a sudden feeling of emptiness. He stood to his feet, asking if I needed anything. I nodded my head.

"But where's Xavier?"

He blinked at me multiple times, staying quiet for a while until he spoke. "Where else? Doing his job".

Xavier's POV🇪🇸;

I dressed my hands in white gloves, opening a book from the shelf and turning the pages rapidly for anything. The place was as useless as it could be for anything.

I placed the book back onto its shelf and turned, examining the clouded bedroom. Leo came from the closet across the bedroom, nodding his head for not finding anything useful. I walked towards the bed and took a sit down, wondering why a kid with such a bright future would turn it all down for a girl.

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