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I took a bite of my chicken, realizing that it was the best fried chicken I had ever tasted. I forgot how much of a great cook Mrs. Hail was. I was doing a great job at enjoying my food, also not paying much attention to anyone.

Everyone else didn't seem to do so. They all took small bites of their food in an awkward manner, facing both Xavier and I. Mostly I. I brushed off their looks, even tried making small talk.

"Luke, how's your work going?" I asked looking up at him before adding rice into my mouth. He looked taken aback by the question, not expecting me to talk, especially to him.

Luke faced his wife who made him gestures to speak or say something. He was hesitant. "Er, all good. Just work, you know", he laughed awkwardly.

I nodded my head, to agree that work was just work. "Yeah. Also, I've been planning on something with work too. I haven't told anyone else this yet but I'm planning on building hotels in London", I smiled. They all raised their brows in surprise, except for Ashley and Xavier who extracted themselves from any conversation at the table. I had not heard Xavier's voice since he had arrived.

"That sounds great. Hotels really make great income in London", Ashley's father spoke. I smiled to agree. The table got quiet again, everyone staring back to their food and the sounds of forks scrapping their plates becoming a nuisance to my ears. I tried to make them speak rather than make such a terrible sound. Really, was I the only one bothered by it?

I was about to speak before Mr. Hail beat me to it. "So Xavier, what do you do for a living?"

Xavier finally looked up at everyone, like he was remembering he was around us just now. He looked at Ashley who nodded her head and gestured that her dad asked a question. He didn't seem to have heard it, only the part his name was called. "Sorry sir?"

"Job. Do you have any?" Mr. Hail moved his head forward and spoke in a slow manner, making sure every letter and word was heard.

"Dad", Ashley murmured for why he was speaking that way.

"It's alright. Sorry, I have bad hearing", Xavier apologized before placing his fork on his plate. "Uhm yeah, I do work. I work for the FBI".

"Really? That's so cool", Emily spoke with surprise. Yeah, yeah, he was a Federal agent, so what?

"Dad, he's the one I spoke about", Ashley whispered, not that she wanted it to be one. Her father made an O shape with his mouth, like he discovered an end to global warming.

"You spoke about me?" Xavier chuckled facing Ashley next to him.

"Only great things, she makes you sound like you're a wonderful person. Which I'm sure you are", her mother spoke with a warm smile.

I could feel Kevin burying his gaze on me, and when I looked at him for what the matter was, he just moved his lips for me to calm down. Oh, I was calm, Mary Had a Little Lamb was helping alright.

Why was he acting like the hero? If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have found Ashley that day alive.

I looked over behind my shoulder, seeing Stephanie and James eating in the living room as they watched The Loony Tunes. I was thinking the duo had a better evening than even I was.

"So what relationship do you have with my sister?" Kevin asked the one question I was begging someone sensible at the table to ask. This was something I was anticipating and wondering to hear as well.

I grinned internally and even put my utensils down to hear what he had to say in this tight situation. Those two were clearly not friends. I dared him to say anything romantic and I would turn this table upside down.

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