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Hewo >:3

I'm back on requests!

This one was requested on Wattpad, by the lovely

We have God au!

To be honest... I do have 2 God aus already... One with a complicated af family tree and a more simple one with Ace dicking around.

So now we will have 3 aus, because I say so :'3

Anyway! Plot: Riddle didn't believe in supranatural, much less in higher entities that need to be worshipped. But when he comes face to face with a more aggressive group of worshippers, this boy only prays he would be able to turn in his college assignments in time.

Trigger warning for: drinking and drugs...

Now onto the... Whatever fuckery is this...

Title: Godly roommate

Riddle didn't believe in supranatural.

Alright, maybe he would be believing a tiny bit if his mother didn't make it her job to crush any of those thoughts, drilling into her son's head that everything has a logical explanation. Riddle couldn't blame her for that specific thing. Other people were not believing in supranatural too. Besides, Riddle already had a long list of blames towards his mother. Add that and the redhead would need a new list in order to fit.

But it was because of his denial in believing that the college lecture was so annoying.

Riddle, guided by his mother, was put to study medicine at a prestigious college. He was allowed to study any minor he wanted as this college was prestigious for any department it's graduates learned into. So here he was, with a major in medicine and a minor in law.

But what Riddle didn't forsee, was the mythology, history and religion courses. This college was in a city, in which the majority of it's population believed in gods. It was expected, but still for Riddle it was as hard as possible to comprehend such hefty topics that have no logical reason behind them. While he did understand the appeal of those subjects for future references and understanding of other people's concerns, Riddle wasn't particularly fond of them.

"Today's topic will be the god of rain..." The teacher announced. Riddle could only groan. Lately, each mythology course was revolving around a god from this population's supposed religion. Riddle figured it was more of the aincent Greek-Roman belief in multiple deities, yet still it was hard to remember every diety and it's legends.

"The God of rain is a very hard to please entity. Not all offers please him. Some enrage him and more often than not, people said that if you give to him the same thing more times in a row, he will grow furious." the teacher explained. "In many legends, this God was depicted as always looking like a brute, carrying his sword. The legends said that wherever he would cut with the sword through the sky, rain will appear. Some legends say that sometimes this God would gain the attention of the God of thunder, therefore those awful storms. And in a few stories long ago, this God showed to humans in a form of a gigantic humanoid being made out of storm... The era of le-" the teacher explained. Riddle mostly tuned his consciousness out for the rest of the lesson, going on auto mode and noting everything the said teacher was lecturing about.

Riddle knew the said teacher. He had another confession, yet still the said person always was drawn into storytelling and myths. A very kind teacher if the redhead was to judge. Not once did they even nag anyone for saying they weren't interested. They knew Riddle's lack of interest for the said topics and that didn't make a change.

Probably because most students are not really interested in kids like stories?

"Riddle-Shii..." "Oh... Hello, Shroud..." the redhead saluted the taller boy with a beanie. Idia Shroud was Riddle's mathematics and mythology classmate. Despite being one year younger, Riddle did enter the college more early, resulting in the 2 being classmates. The taller's gaze landed onto the redhead's bag.

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