4. First day of school

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It was the first light of dawn. Sanem had been awake for a while, caught up in that agitation that makes you stand with your eyes wide open waiting for time to pass.

She was lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, checking her phone every five minutes. Her legs were quivering, they didn't want to stand still.

She checked the watch for the umpteenth time and huffed. She looked at Can. How he could sleep so blissfully she couldn't quite understand. But there he was, a big bear cub, sleeping blissfully.

Not even with my fuss did I wake him up, she thought. Thoughts began to swirl through her head. 'Will I have bought everything? Will anything be missing? OK, let's go over it mentally," she said to herself. "Backpacks, pencil cases, pencils, pens, food coupons, notebooks. The clothes were ready. Each of them had chosen what to wear.

"The snack!" he exclaimed inwardly. "Ah! Sanem! Ah!" she said under her breath, slamming a hand on her forehead.

"Oh God, what shall I make them for snack now?" She checked the watch for the umpteenth time. "Oof!" she huffed softly when saw that it was too early. "I could make them each a nice sandwich. Yes, but with what? You don't want to give them the usual sandwich they always eat at snack time, Sanem, do you? Come on, be inventive!" she said to herself. 'No. I want something different, something original,' she thought. 'No, I have to look up some ideas on the internet,' she mulled to herself in a panic.

"Sandwiches for the first day of school." she typed into the search engine.

Scrolling she found one that caught her attention. "Ah, too cute!" she commented as she looked at the image.

She clicked and was directed to a cooking blog page with the title: "Owl Sandwich: the owl sandwich for children's snacks".

"Ah! Found it!" she exclaimed all happy.

Then she looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. "No use looking at me like that, I'm off!" said Sanem to the alarm clock, flinging off the sheet in the blink of an eye, catapulting herself out of bed.

She hurried to the bathroom and once she was ready and dressed, she tiptoed to the children's room to check if they were still asleep. Once she was sure, she slowly pulled open the bedroom door and ran to the kitchen. She would calmly prepare a nice breakfast for her sweethearts. And at the same time a playful snack for the school.

First, she put a pot of water on the stove to make poached eggs. She prepared the tea. Then she placed a frying pan on the still unlit cooker. Then rushed to the fridge, bracing herself in a slide, holding on to the door handle. She opened it, and like a hurricane, she lost herself among the various interior shelves, searching for everything she needed. She pulled out cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh salad to slice, and eggs. She placed everything on the island top. She would have loved to turn on the music, because normally in those circumstances when it was just her in the kitchen, she would have done so, but as it was still early in the day and she did not want to wake the children. Then something occurred to her.

"Headphones!" she exclaimed. "You are very clever Sanem!" she added laughing to herself. Very clever!" she repeated, complimenting herself, as she hurriedly reached the living room cupboard where she kept them, with her usual sliding brakes. She opened the drawer and took out the Bluetooth earphones. She checked that they were charged and slipped them in. Sh played her playlist of specially created music for cooking. And in rhythm she hurried back into the kitchen, slipping on his apron, then grabbed a knife and cutting board. He began to slice vegetables. In the hot water she had put on the now boiling fire, he created a vortex and began to throw in the eggs. Other eggs she cracked into a bowl ready to be beaten. Can, did not like poached eggs, so she would make him a nice omelette.