14. Officially Mrs Cehver

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 "What?!" exclaimed Emre behind them.

"Ah, she said he's going on a trip." said Cey Cey following her lips.

Deren heard no noise and opened her eyes.

Bulut was stunned.

He tried to articulate a few meaningful words.

"You..." he began.

"You... You are..." he stammered.

"I mean, I know it's early... that it might have been better to happen at another time, but..." she immediately interrupted him, growing more and more agitated.

Cey Cey, his eyes narrowed to two slits, concentrated in his lip-reading, said as he looked at them: "I know it's gloomy..."

Then he thought about it: "Gloomy? It's actually quite dark." he commented, looking at the sky.

"Shhh..." Bulut said hugging her.

"Really? Really, you're pregnant?" he asked her excitedly.

"Yes!" she replied ready for tears.

He squeezed her in a hug.

"Easy! Easy! Ufff, don't be savage!" she said, hitting him on the back so that he would pull away.

Cey Cey continued: "Easy, easy don't be 'a fromage'." (cheese in french)

Then he wondered: "Can Bulut also make cheese?"

Bulut flinched and looked at her.

"I can't believe... that's it, I mean... I.... I'm going to be a father!" exclaimed Bulut in surprise.

And Cey Cey: "I will become a priest." he said. Then he thought about it and exclaimed, "Ah!"

No one paid any attention to him. They were used to it.

"There... I can't tell if you are happy or not, Bulut. Say something!" said Deren to her.

"If I am happy? Here... right now I'm shocked, excited, on edge, nervous, but..." replied Bulut trying to formulate a meaningful sentence.

"But?" asked Deren knowing he was coming.

"But I'm absolutely delighted, my little grump!" he exclaimed, taking her in his arms.

Deren dangled her gardening boots over his arms.

"You look good in these boots." he told her reminiscently.

"Just like old times." Deren replied.

Bulut kissed her, and there started loud cheers, shouts and exultation from everyone present, who had retreated to the sidelines to let him experience that moment in peace.

Everyone cheered... except Cey Cey.

Ayhan appeared at his side. "Darling, aren't you happy for Mrs Deren?" she asked.

"Ayhan are you kidding? I mean, have you all lost your minds, maybe?" he ranted out of the blue.

"Why?" she asked strangely.

"What do you mean why? What's there to applaud, huh? Mrs Deren said she's going on a trip, that it's gloomy now. Then she told him not to make fromage anymore... and that's why Bulut said he's going to be a priest! What's there to cheer about, eh?" he said nervously, convinced of his talent.

Sanem burst out laughing, hiding his face on Can's chest, who hugged her to himself, hiding his own laughter in his wife's hair.

Slowly everyone else laughed too.